Comments on: The British Corona middle man, seen and yet not observed Tue, 23 Jun 2020 17:19:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Sun, 03 May 2020 19:34:07 +0000 Fake meats, etc., are ok as long as they’re labeled non-GMO and you can recognize the ingredients…they’re a nice treat and minor addition to a vegan diet, but we’re not required to eat them. But Bill Gates’ stuff?…no good, mainly on principle. My favorite “fake meat/dairy/egg” is simple organic tofu. The “soy hormone” scare is as bogus as the covid pandemic.

What’s in real meat/eggs/dairy from industrial “farms,” aside from the horrific animal abuse and slaughter, is worse than any fake meat.

And no, “grass fed” animal products for 7+billion people is entirely unsustainable and unrealistic. And innocent, helpless animals still end up in the slaughterhouse meeting deaths you’d not wish on anyone you did not despise.

BTW, a fellow vegan, my friend Sue, is a LONG-time anti-vaxxer who’s done tons of research on the subject, has a booklet (The Vaccination Connection) and has been with the anti-vax cause for decades along with myself and many other VEGANS. Excerpt here:

I don’t buy the chemtrails thing. No use debating that one.

By: Laura Sun, 03 May 2020 06:15:16 +0000 Piksil: Didn’t see your replies before this, no notifications. But yes, you’re right about the friggin vaccine makers and their “heroic virus hunters.” Ethics have never been a concern of there’s and never will be. If they were ethical, they’d be out of business…in fact never would have gone into the biz in the first place. Hey, do you think their head honchos get vaccinated? ????

By: Laura Sun, 03 May 2020 05:56:17 +0000 What a load of BS Madness. I replied to this on Jon’s next article because at the time comments were closed on this one. I hope anyone reading here will go see that exchange, it’s quite revealing. They can search: bowel

By: OntarioCanuck Sun, 03 May 2020 00:10:29 +0000 I’m Canadian and I can attest that 80% of the population are sheep. They love their nanny state, political correctness and identity politics. The majority of Canadians who haven’t drunk the kool-aid are located in the western provinces (Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northern British Columbia. I’m in Ontario and there are some of us here, but not in the cities. I believe it that most of the people will get the vaccine even if it includes the ID2020 chip. By the time they realize what’s really going on, it’ll be too late.

By: OntarioCanuck Sun, 03 May 2020 00:06:12 +0000 Laura, I’ve read on other websites that we don’t know what they put into the fake meat. If it’s anything like they put into vaccines or chemtrails (geoengineering), pretty sure it won’t be good for us.

By: OntarioCanuck Sat, 02 May 2020 23:11:42 +0000 I hear you. Even those that don’t believe everything on MSM still have a hard time believing the sinister plot they’re hatching. I’ve sent them some info and told them to let me know if they want to know more. You can lead a sheep to water but you can’t make them drink.

By: OntarioCanuck Sat, 02 May 2020 23:08:20 +0000 No matter the topic, Bill Gates and his foundation are involved. I think people will start waking up to this as even the comatose sheep should start wondering why his fingers are in every pie!

By: OntarioCanuck Sat, 02 May 2020 23:02:45 +0000 Here in Canada, our government instated a gun ban for 1500 different models after the Nova Scotia rampage. However, there are no witnesses to it as everyone is on lock down so there is no way to know if it truly was perpetrated by one individual or if it was a false flag event staged to pass this legislation through. I never would’ve had those thoughts in the past, but with everything that’s going on in the world, it would not surprise me. The best way to ensure that the population does whatever you tell it to do is to disarm them. I know this is a little off topic but I think it is all related to the globalists agenda.

By: OntarioCanuck Sat, 02 May 2020 22:52:16 +0000 In the description (you have to click More button), the info you need is posted. You’ll probably have to use copy/paste. I watched it today and the info was listed.

By: Spiritof42 Fri, 01 May 2020 14:22:27 +0000 Paul Ehrlich of Population Bomb fame is one of most consistently wrong prognosticators on the left. Yet he is still highly celebrated. Why? Because he says what his supporters want to hear.
The accuracy of his pessimism is irrelevant.

This brings to mind the Marxists. When Karl Marx’s prediction of a collapse of capitalism failed to emerge, the communists took matters into their own hands. That’s what I believe drives today’s politics.
