Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Yes, I keep writing about imagination Fri, 10 Jul 2020 15:47:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: NaturalWoman Fri, 10 Jul 2020 15:47:38 +0000 Thanks for your comments, A Little Help. I am sorry that a few have reacted negatively towards you. Please continue sharing your wise nuggets.

By: USA invades Israel Mon, 11 May 2020 01:02:15 +0000 I try to do my own thinking whenever is possible and unless something reveals itself to the contrary, I think Mikovitz is genuine.

She advocates for nutrition, interferon, hydroxychloroquine as management of diseases expressed under the category of Covid19 in all the interviews I’ve heard. I have never heard her mention support of mandatory vaccines, especially any promoted by Bill Gates.

Mikovitz is giving her book away for free. I don’t see where she is making money from doing interviews and intentionally availing herself to drawing fire when she probably doesn’t have to.

I have a copy and have started reading it.

The mainstream press is dumping on her, usually a tell tale she is running counter to the established narrative.

Any time the mainstream labels someone a racist, anti-semite or conspiracy theorist I am strongly motivated to hear what that person has to say.

By: Anabel Mon, 04 May 2020 19:54:40 +0000 All clichés Moshe.
To get what results?

Note the shadow govt(UN), national govt ( corporations) elitists and their shills don’t perspire a lot .

By: BDBinc Mon, 04 May 2020 19:48:52 +0000 But what is success Moshe?

By: BDBinc Mon, 04 May 2020 19:44:15 +0000 Yes Jon we are co creators and we are not taught this and have had it educated out of us.
The ” COVID19″ is pure fantasy its imagined, its unreal except that so many have made it in the mind their reality thus helping create this suffering.
The UN( WHO & national govts) told stories about imagined ” COVID19″ a “new deadly disease” that does not even exist except in imagination.
I have to say real vision, knowing and understanding is more desirable to me than exercising one function of the mind “imagination”.

By: A Little Help Mon, 04 May 2020 18:43:35 +0000 Sure there’s a substitute. That’s what science has shown us. Thought is energy, and the energy collapses into matter, not the other way around. Max Plank, German physicist: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

By: Piksil Mon, 04 May 2020 17:11:14 +0000 Rick:

Agree! I watched a video of hers, where she described how Fauci did her wrong. She still believes/sells germ theory.
Big money in fake virology, especially biological warfare.
She could be the next ‘Fauci’, if Fauci retires/dies/is forced out, and Birx is just a Fauci clone, only taller.
‘Controlled opposition’ is probably right.

By: CynthEmm Mon, 04 May 2020 13:41:51 +0000 I changed my by-line for certain reasons…
I’m Cynthia M Silveri and I’m an artist and landscape architect living in Chelsea Michigan.

By: CynthEmm Mon, 04 May 2020 13:38:06 +0000 Agreed. I want to think she matters in this “battle”, but her “science” is right in there with mainstream foundational thinking. She might very well be “allowed opposition “.

By: mikael Mon, 04 May 2020 12:02:34 +0000 Since we debate the matrix and some even drags God into this, along with human consciousness, I feel I need to say something.

First, God, something must be crystal clear, its all ours, and how we conduct our life, either you own it your self, or you are an slave, in many ways, from materialism to sexual deviation, it dont matter, your mind is not yours anymore its been compromised. God gave humans free will, the gift, and with that gift, came responcebility, to everything, how you handle that, is again all yours, and to blame God for bad things, well, is more like pissing in the wind than anything else and have no use, other than to remove the resoncebility to others, while we/you ignore the real issue, raging from politics to family, again, its never the less ours. This God blaming is equally ilutional as to blame the devil, dont work on me at all, because as far I am conserned, you are not anywhere near to understand what I mean with taking resoncebility and the even more pressing, consequences, from what you do, to do nothing, witch also have consequences, everything we do have consequences, never forget that. God is life, and life is God, I try to treat everything as far I can acodingly to the teachings of all the religions I know off, incl the Bible, not the Old test. but the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Then how to do what.
Again, consequences, for not been clear enough, fight for justice, for truth, for equall rights, for life in general, the older I get the more horrific it becomes the way we treat animals, and I must underline even Muhammed was fiersly for animal right, Jesus to, and I get more and more uneasy just by eating meat, etc, because I know they are treated by most like shit, aka the way we handle cows, etc to even chikens, I simply cant understand that we as humans do alow an systemic horror continue at this industrial scale, and this, reverberates also into treating other humans when you ignore wars upon wars, poverty witch by large is imposed not natural, to this latest Scamdemic, people simply just wave away problems, ignores the consequences, and hides in an shel where they are not real humans anymore, just an idiot savant whom isnt able to digest knowledge anymore because that is the first step to wisdom, and in all religions, wisdom is the goal, not an tool, but an way of life and also makes the path to realise what consequencess we have, and what responcebility we must take, do you undestand, if you dont, you dont go to hell, forget that, but will never be anything than an flash of light, sucked into the force we came from and be resycled again, incl you can even become an Dog among others. If you manage to accumulate wisdom, the time will come when you see it your self, and can act acordingly, because this reality is limited, whats outside is much larger and far more unknowable than most of you can imagine.

Drugs, halisoegenics, is just going inward, and even there people get hysterical, the only way is to put the pedal to the metal, etc, the path I know of also goes outward, like the Matrix, that is not only an analogy, but also the truth, names change, entetys change, realitys change, but the fundamental truth is stil in line with the Matrix, what I have learned is to go that way by my self, but the difference between Matrix and this world is that we have to penetrate an realm witch I call the weild, and that weild isnt the other side, that weild is an cross road between our reality and the other side and is as much about handling that realm because in the other side we are energy, and that side requires that you know how to just move, because you are not solid, just energy,( I will deal with that later) and not solid as biological begins, and I am afriad we are attached to this world, regardeless because of been a part of thie earths energetic field, wtich we all have, and the only way to travel the universe is thru our energetic entity, as far I know,( I am not entirly shure, but suspects that is an truth, we may reincarnate in other realitys, I again am not shure, etc, etc) thats whay a lot of wise people never the less wants to come back to this one, for the love of life, to expirience the paradise we call earth, miracles happens every second, and life is what that is, from bugs to us, we all come from the same source, the sole difference is what have be learned, thats why the oldest religions always says something about learning, we are here to learn and gain knowledge witch leads us to wisdome and with wisdom comes the truth, and truth is love, the only force I know of that can create something from nothing and the prof is what stears back at you when you look into an mirror.

Again, when Jesus spoke about turning the other cheek, do know the difference, He never said anything about not been able to defend your self, your loved ones, your neighboor, your country, no religion bans you from doing what you can acordingly to your abilitys to fight for justice and even to kill if you have no other way out from defending your self, or others incl familiy to nation, its our dammed obligation, but if they just slaps you, why the narrative, is more due to not indulg into hate your self, as the saying goes, dont hate your enemy, it coulds your judgement, and then you dont have to destroy your life and consiousness and can life for free, despite the pain, that one is temporary, the hate can last an life time and will eventually destroy you and even the people you love that surounds you, but again, I must underline that there is an difference, but that is about preserving life, not your mentality, that one is stil yours.
Do you understand, if you do, then you have grown and is on the right path.

The next time, JonR I hope to deal more with reality, and what you can do, and I dont care of some call it “new age mumbojumbo” that is just stupdity speaking and is for me just an confirmation of staggering ignorance, etc, and I must underline that its never easy, nothing of wurth comes easy, its an fight, an constant war on your own mind andconsioucness, must be handled like an wilde stalion.

Like the Zen quote goes:
Before enlightement, carry water and chopp wood.
After enlightement, carry water and chopp wood.

Fear is like an wall, once you have passed thru it, everything will change, nothing will be the same, you can regard it as the first gate, and when I say fear, I mean it in every aspect, from handling your self, self eestem to love of others, do you undestand, I have cut it to the core, most elobrate religion to oblivion, and forgets the core witch is all you need, regardeless of what religion you belong to.
I started my path in Sufism and have moved on, but the truth is always the same, not different at all to lest say the teachings of the prophets, incl Gilgamesh, where Zarathustrat was the first one among humans.
Have an nice day and take care.

