Comments on: Professor Neil Ferguson, and the idiot presidents and prime ministers who believe his computer predictions Tue, 23 Jun 2020 17:19:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pierre Tue, 05 May 2020 14:09:39 +0000 Hi Jon ,
“The power to walk away” …
For me , un très bon est né .
It does not require many words to speak the truth .

With my esteem ,
Pierre from Bordeaux

By: tired and hopeless Tue, 05 May 2020 14:06:01 +0000 my state conveniently had a spike right before the they said they were ending lockdown. i bet it’s going to happen every time we get close to a new date

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Tue, 05 May 2020 14:00:36 +0000 REVERSIBLE CATASTROPHY
Certain things can reverse this disaster. Trump via the Treasury which has taken control of the Fed can force the write down of 1000 Trillion in worthless derivatives contracts. He can bring back Glass Steagall Act that separates that speculative banking from commercial/personal banking. He can force up the price of oil to preserve the petro-dollar. He can permit currencies based on things other than oil to exist and slowly get us away from having the ONLY reserve currency in the world. Why not have several reserve currencies? To do that you need to stabilize currency exchange rates by bringing back the Bretton Woods agreement. All of this chaos CAN be stabilized. WE at this level of little people can learn these things.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Tue, 05 May 2020 13:52:45 +0000 OIL
The USD is already backed by an asset: oil. If the price of oil can be brought back up, then USD remains the world’s reserve currency. T or F?

To say that signatories to Bretton Woods which is no longer in effect since 1972 are “illegit corporation’s” is radical anti-nationalist talk. Bretton Woods BW provided for fixed currency exchange rates. Deactiving BW let currencies float leaving the door wide open for speculators to destroy currencies– like Soros does. Solution: Bring back BW.

ONE QUADRILLION = 1,000 TRILLION in “derivatives contracts”.
The current Trump bailouts amounted to several trillion. I’ve seen different numbers reported starting with the 3.5, then including bond market bailouts, 6 and all the way up to 9. I think a lot of it, starting Sept. 2019 when overnight big bank borrowing had to be helped, is going to shore up those “bets” called “derivatives”. An EASIER way to deal with them is to have those who hold them to simply write them off. They’re not “real” in any sense of PHYSICAL ECONOMICS like a high-speed rail line, acreages of farmland, or factories with machine tools. They’re just gambling bets based on math formulas. Trump and the Treasury (which now controls the Fed) can force holders of Derivative Contracts to WRITE THEM DOWN or OFF… so no “currency reset” is required. Bring in Glass-Stegall separation of SPECULATIVE banking to separate it from COMMERCIAL-CONSUMER banking and we can “go back to normal”. Nothing is inevitable about an impending economic crash other than the crash of the derivatives. But WE don’t hold those. THEY do… the holders of those instruments. Let them fail and WE go on with our routines.

There should be a white-collar crime investigation here and charges filed… and arrests made. Lock them up. Don’t lock us down. Jon’s exposee above is great — I have to condense it into a sentence I can explain to others more briefly. I need to find a soundbite that conveys Jon’s article. One liners come in handy.

I just heard last night on AP mostlyfakenews, that the HONEYWELL factory here is a storage area. (?!). I thought they said they were manufacturing jet engines. I was wrong. They now make masks. I would have thought Trump would have seen masks as discredited by now. Maybe it’s more 4D chess in which he’ll grab headlines for the masks but convey other information that’s more real. Phoenix is full of masktards– enough of that already. People are walking and running everywhere with them on… inducing hypoxia I’m sure… There is CASE AGAINST MASKS to be made… that is NOT being made by talk radio hosts who are pushing for openings.

It occurred to me that Mask-tards are pushing their masks into our faces because they see it as a way to reinforce Covid fear, thus extending the lockdowns, thus extending time they can get their $600/wk Federal UI. Most mask-tards are Dems according to surveys.

By: Nestor B. Aguilar Tue, 05 May 2020 09:46:32 +0000 Coronavirus Pandemic is a false flag used in instilling fear and cover-up of the World Corporate Government Bankruptcy and the impending Global Currency Reset. The Governments of the Breton Woods’ member countries are illegitimate corporations. (KH)
Karen Hudes: Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced a transition to asset-backed currencies.

By: walkingdead Tue, 05 May 2020 07:35:39 +0000 Too bad the people laughed at him, he was dead serious.

By: walkingdead Tue, 05 May 2020 07:13:46 +0000 Two wings of the same bird. Two different trails to the same destination. That is what those who vote get. Nobody gets elected to be president that isn’t part of the club. First thing that needs to be done is to stop participating in the corrupt system. But who really wants to do that? That would mean, skip TV, skip Doctors, skip lawyers, skip Voting, skip being educated by the public educational system, skip using their banks, 401k’s, skip buying shit you really don’t need, etc.. Shut down the big corporations controlling you, that means stop funding them. Go to the simple life. Can you get rid of your phone, computer, and all the other shit you buy to support the people that are enslaving you? There lies the problem. Stop funding them.

By: walkingdead Tue, 05 May 2020 06:28:12 +0000 What they are spraying does cause the same symptoms. They have been spraying continuously for 20 years now. It will get worse.

By: Pritam Singh Tue, 05 May 2020 06:25:52 +0000 I just finished watching Max Igan’s “COVID-19 Is Not A Pandemic It Is Democide” – April 23, 2020. I don’t know how long it will be up. Youtube is deleting this kind of content. See:
It is about 47:52 minutes long.
I cannot express the sheer terror and magnitude of the truth that he has expressed. My intuition directed me to read the book “Death by government” by R. J. Rummel. He says 61,911,00 people were murdered in the Soviet Gulag State. See: Max says look into what the Bolsheviks did.

By: Jim S Smith Tue, 05 May 2020 06:25:33 +0000 The good ‘ol Washington Times. G. Gordon Liddy used to always quote solid articles from the WT on his nationally-syndicated broadcasts.
