Comments on: COVID: breathing ventilators, New York, death rate Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:55:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piksil Mon, 11 May 2020 03:57:35 +0000 Not pointless, but not enough! Not giving any validity at all to a study based on a fiction, but:

1) Now people will start wearing goggles, or diving masks, or maybe even wrap their entire heads in plastic wrap. Just depends on how far the media wants to exploit this. (They won’t be able to use the plastic wrap used on meat products because of, you know, the food shortage.)
2) People will look at one another even less. Near total de-humanization and isolation. (20/20 the new target spacing for ‘social distancing’!!! “Well, I can see farther than I can sneeze”.)
3). More eye testing, the only way to get this under control! Studies ordered and ‘peer-reviewed’ to determine if people wearing corrective lenses may have antibodies….
4). Lions Club (US) sees drop in donations of used eyewear due to covid concerns; receives federal bailout.
5). Trump caves to demand by NY gov Cuomo for 1million pairs of goggles, 9 million cases of Saran Wrap. Fox News cries political agenda, CNN counter-claims Trump didn’t act fast enough. Joe Biden, held under lock and chain by DNC in his basement, I mean, under self-quarantine, says “I like Mondale this year”.
6). BMGF pledges $50 million to develop RNA antiretroviral eye drops, Trump fast tracks. Calls it “Operation Blinding Speed”.

What’s going to be next, kids with ear tubes 100X more likely to get/spread covid, must wear earmuffs?

This is beyond silly

By: zakalu Mon, 11 May 2020 03:06:42 +0000 agree, all data is created and purported to meet any objective and visa-versa. Similar to Orwell’s ministry of truth–

really been this way all our lives in my estimation, about literally everything, getting ramped up to new blatancies.

By: Piksil Mon, 11 May 2020 02:55:11 +0000 Just wondering, how many people that make their own masks are using material that is ‘flame retardant’ (PBDEs), and/or has been laundered then dried with ‘dryer sheets’? Potential for inhalation of toxic chemicals, possibly enhanced by warming of body temperature breath?
At best, it can’t be good. Not sure about worst-case scenario however. I’ve read that PBDEs off gas nasty toxins when ignited, but only about them being endocrine disrupters via skin contact.
Drier sheets, with their fragrances and who know what else in them……again, can’t be good.
More pollution that is not needed.

By: lamberth Mon, 11 May 2020 00:53:50 +0000 Can anyone comment if a ventilator can cause “scarring” of the lungs?
Where this scar would be visible on an X-ray?
This is what some keep saying as to the validity of this COVID-19 virus, that it physically damages the lungs.

Any feedback is appreciated.

By: lamberth Mon, 11 May 2020 00:43:54 +0000 Viktoria,
Don’t focus on Gates, he’s just a sock-puppet.
He just does what he’s told by his handlers, or perhaps AI program.
If the latter, then he’s already micro-chipped and “plugged into The Matrix”. Execute AI Function: Mouth-Piece.
Same goes for the others of his ilk.

If there’s anyone on the planet locked up in a tiny box, chained up like a circus monkey, performing on demand, it is him at the moment.
And tomorrow it’s one of the other monkeys brought into the circus arena, such as Musk, Bezos, Suckerberg (name misspelled intentionally), etc.

By: lamberth Mon, 11 May 2020 00:03:20 +0000 Murt,
The initial statistics were bogus to start with.
They just make them up as they go.

The whole thing is a multi-faceted PsyOp.

By: lamberth Sun, 10 May 2020 23:24:53 +0000 zakalu,
Well said.
The Mind Control program has been running for decades.

By: Madness Sun, 10 May 2020 16:57:26 +0000 I know, they are expensive but what we tried look working. I didn’t invest EMF meter but rather protecting things, we literally feel the change despite that the cover of the house is not yet full.

You can add to the symptoms:
– stroke, heart attack, proven as leading death cause in cancer patients treated with radiation there are several studies about it.
– news from the US, young people got stroke, they labelled as Covid
– UK: blood vessel inflammations, Kawasaki disease like symptoms (Kawasaki doesn’t have a pathogen so far), inflammation of the heart, stroke and many Covid negative (not as if tests would be reliable).

And many more.

The whole Covid hysteria is a cover for that but they killed many birds with that stone.

By: Firestarter Sun, 10 May 2020 16:40:25 +0000 I have searched in vain for some good information on the magical COVID-19 antibody test kits.
I predict they will approve the gene-altering COVID-19 DNA-vaccines after claiming that the test subjects have antibodies in their blood after being injected with vaccines (big pharma has played this trick before). So this is an important topic.

It also looks that they are getting ready to blame COVID-19 for deaths in Yemen, where more than a 1000 children die every week from starvation and lack of clean drinking water.

Here’s also my summary of a good story on some of the links from the scientific, medical advisors of Queen Elizabeth’s government to big pharma and Bill Gates:

By: Madness Sun, 10 May 2020 14:17:45 +0000 I know the feeling. Just 2-3 months away of being homeless.
I got a report. A young cat, only one year old with stroke, went limp, now blind. I know, it’s “just” one case but I am so afraid that there will be more. And so helpless. For weeks now living on forums commenting all the time with the hope that at least some wake up. But they have army to say the exact opposite + moderation.
