Comments on: Why you should consider ordering The Matrix Revealed Tue, 12 May 2020 20:27:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: AK in VT Tue, 12 May 2020 20:27:15 +0000 Moshe

You state that Christianity is “life-negating” in point 2.

Sorry, but Christianity, true, not religious, is life affirming in that it shows us that there is more to life than just the material world. There is thought, vision, hope, truth, the physical/material world and most importantly: LOVE. The creator of the world and universe, God, YHWH (whose name was written and pronounceable by Jews and Israelites before 120 AD (ACE if you prefer) is LOVE: this is found throughout the prophets, including Moses.

Part of LOVE is forgiveness. Materialistic man does not forgive. God forgives without man’s efforts. Man believes he must do something to receive forgiveness, to attain “affirming” life. Man denies this and thus denies himself as a created being looked upon in LOVE by a loving God.

Science is purely materialistic and excludes God because science believes it has the answers. Science also rules with a hard fist. Science is unforgiving. Science is cruel as it is bare bones. Science cannot LOVE. Science is like Inspector Javert in Les Miserables who even when confronted with LOVE cannot bear it even when it sees the truth of it.

Life-affirming is love-affirming. I do not claim Judaism is not life-affirming. I do claim that materialism and science cannot be life-affirming nor love-affirming.

I await any response you give — in kindness.



By: Plamen Mon, 11 May 2020 11:17:38 +0000 You have to re-watch the video, many wear masks and wave national flag and thus pledge allegiance to the same national governments that enslave them

By: Burrado Mon, 11 May 2020 11:09:00 +0000 “An important reason for why a psy-op functions is because people do not expect trickery because they do not do so much trickery themselves. We tend to anticipate kindness and assistance from other people in the event of an accident and it is exactly this that is abused.”

Nail. On. The. Head.

Thank you Maria.

I would just add that it’s going on as we speak in all spheres, and very much so at the moment in the political. My entire family believes Hussein is the greatest President in history. And Hussein uses that trust to lie like there is no tomorrow. It’s despicable. But I’m not meaning to get sidetracked into politics, however germaine it is to this entire societal conundrum. It is just a huge part of the problem though.

But this should be a fruitful field of man’s learning and research, while we know nothing of the sort is going on: How, where, what, when and why men and women utilize this deceptive trick over others. It needs to be studied, as in becoming core to school curriculums – Deception 101: Why Men Deceive.

By: Blewws Mon, 11 May 2020 00:08:45 +0000 How does he feel about tests? It’s at least encouraging that it would seem he understands there should be no need for a mandatory vaccination, but it’s really going to be up to us to stand against that because he could lose re-election (not likely though) or could be taken out of his hands through the release of something more serious.

By: fred Sun, 10 May 2020 15:36:18 +0000 this is a hoot…thanks for posting this.

By: Burrado Sun, 10 May 2020 15:04:47 +0000 I respect your path and experience. We all are trying to figure out what’s going on and what is truth. Well, most of us anyway. The other 1% is continuously figuring out new ways to lie to us.

But about the Bible. With utmost regard for your own innate intelligence and powers, from me and from yourself, you need to get a good copy of the King James version of the Bible that has all – or as much as possible – of the original text which has certain words in italics (signifying the word was added by the King James scholars – not maliciously, but only in their attempt to make the text flow, or possibly sound right, or in some cases even agree with their theological understanding). I don’t think most Christians even know that there are many words in italics in their Bibles. So yes, things have been added to the original text. In most cases it is justified based on the challenge of translating original Hebrew or Greek into English. Unfortunately, I believe there are some instances where the text is added for other reasons. But at least the King James scholars were honest enough to show where they added something by putting it in italics.

There are many people who believe that the King James Bible is “inerrant”, which is strange considering that the scholars themselves tell us in their introduction that they did NOT believe that.

But I’m getting overly long here. So here’s the deal. You have to understand what’s going on. So what is going on? You have to start from the beginning. What is that? You have to believe that God exists. Like a child. OK, He exists. Then you have to believe that a God that satisfies the definition of what a real and true and perfect “God” is, would communicate with us. How? Actually, at one time in ancient history, it was by the stars. But I digress. Well, what method would you choose to communicate. What are you doing now? Would God WRITE his communication? But He is God. He is not a man. There is a figure of speech He likes to use where He takes the appearance or physical limitations and functions of a man, but He is not a man. So again, how does He “write”? Would He not get men and women to write? Does that make sense?

So that is where you need to start. And yes, I’m talking about faith.

By: Madness Sun, 10 May 2020 07:50:09 +0000 Thank you for the first link, a very good summary. It’s focusing to Gates but let’s not forget the rest behind him, the banksters and those who support this evil plan.

By: DarL Sun, 10 May 2020 07:18:20 +0000 “This huge propaganda effort has been a blinding success…..”
Better words never spoken about this whole situation. I have been at a loss as to how people have allowed this to take over and not think like rational humans anymore. thanks for the comment.

By: Moshe Sopher Sun, 10 May 2020 04:21:30 +0000 @ Jim Smith:

* I dont know a single Rabbi of whatever denomination – ultra orthodox, orthodox, conservative, reform or any other – who is inconsiderate or racist.

* All the Rabbis who I know are very warm, welcoming to all and many air atheistic views.

* Rabbis are always urging us to help the misfortunate everywhere and to introspect.

* Babylonian Talmud, Zohar and Kabbalah are not found in any synagogue nor are portions of their teachings part of the Siddur (prayer book, liturgy).

* In any synagogue in any part of the world the only book you’ll find is the Tanakh the first 5 books being the Torah (Sefer Torah, Torah Scroll).

* Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible is there any reference of directing evil towards Gentiles but the teaching is to be kind to foreigners in our midst remembering that the Israelites too were once foreigners living among Egyptians.

* On the other hand, the New Testament is chock with abuses and curses aimed at those who do not accept Jesus and furthermore Jesus the so-called Prince of Peace said he’s come to break up families, give a sword instead of peace, to disobey parents and other such shockers.

* Drawing on Jesus’ long litany of curses of destruction and hellfire heaped on those who did not submit to him, the Christian Church wrecked ancient nations, killed tens of millions of those who did not accept Jesus and forcibly converted millions to Christianity.

* Most Jews are secular rationalists or atheist and even the religious among us don’t go around shoving Judaism down people’s throats nor preach hellfire for Gentiles nor convert people.

* Christianity and Islam have hijacked Judaism and distorted it and subjected Jews to immense misery including genocide and oppression down the ages and the antisemitism continues till now.

* Jews are highly assimilated, guarded and cohesive when surrounded by hostility and in a worldly sense excessively successfull.

Buzz off.

By: Kati Sun, 10 May 2020 03:53:13 +0000 All biometrics data on amazon cloud means you can assume in future your cv vaccine status will be added to it and if you are not vaccinated there might be restrictions if you want to order online at amazon.
Not hard to guess.
