Comments on: The Chinese system comes to America Mon, 24 Aug 2020 05:34:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: S. Fonseca Mon, 24 Aug 2020 05:34:10 +0000 Beautiful! Jesus is the way the truth and the life

By: Tita Nick Mon, 03 Aug 2020 07:21:12 +0000 How would the world get depopulated by 70%?

By: Tim K Wed, 20 May 2020 00:41:02 +0000 The Real(Truth) never dies. And never fails

By: Tim K Wed, 20 May 2020 00:37:55 +0000 God says; “Infinite Love is the only Truth, anything else is illusion, delusion, hallucination, a weird dream of no real consequence or effect(“Never Never Land” Metallica). Wake up Honey,, when you’re ready”

The ego is anti-Christ. It fails. Inevitably.

“Artificial intelligence” is an oxy-moron. NEO with his hand behind his back, effortlessly countering and kicking the agent’s ass.. it was/is all over then. There are no “upgrades” that mean anything.
Thy Will IS Done.

By: Kristin Lee Sat, 16 May 2020 17:01:28 +0000 I should add that the time in which neoliberalism began was right after the tumultuous 60’s decade, when the people dared to enter the political arena to press their demands, which included environmental protections and ending an illegal war. All of this spelled one thing – diminished profits.

The Crisis of Democracy

The Powell Memo, which ignited the Corporate War on the People since the mid-70’s, was in direct retaliation to Ralph Nader, who wanted corporations to act more safety conscious and responsible. The oil industry went berserk when environmental laws and safety regulations were being passed into law.

Excerpt from the Powell memo:

“Perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American business is Ralph Nader, who — thanks largely to the media — has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of Americans. A recent article in Fortune speaks of Nader as follows:

“The passion that rules in him — and he is a passionate man — is aimed at smashing utterly the target of his hatred, which is corporate power. He thinks, and says quite bluntly, that a great many corporate executives belong in prison — for defrauding the consumer with shoddy merchandise, poisoning the food supply with chemical additives, and willfully manufacturing unsafe products that will maim or kill the buyer. He emphasizes that he is not talking just about ‘fly-by-night hucksters’ but the top management of blue chip business.””

Was he wrong? No! The corporate class STILL refuses to act responsibly in the name of “economic freedom”.

By: Kristin Lee Sat, 16 May 2020 16:25:02 +0000 Thank you so much for this article, Jon. It’s that little missing piece of the puzzle of why neoliberalism really began in the 70’s, though this revival of Technocracy, which originated in the 1930’s, never went away even though it was rejected at the time.

Technocracy: the Road to a “Scientific” Dictatorship.
Patrick Wood has been sounding the alarm on this for DECADES.

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

~ Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages, 1970

BETWEEN TWO AGES – Democracy to Technocracy

How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America

The small cabal that seized control of government with the private bankers’ coup during the 1970’s tried to make neoliberalism permanent by saying TINA (there is no alternative) but today MMT has exposed all of the lies and myths upon which it was founded, discrediting it forever.

We stand at a precipice – we can allow Technocracy to go full bloom or we can demand that Wall St stop trying to manage government finance. All they care about is making the nation credit-dependent, then profiting from the revolving private debt. In fact, “good” citizens who pay off their debts are called DEADBEATS because they don’t generate any profits for the Wall St creditor predator class!

Life in a Creditocracy

Public money creation (fiscal policy) was meant to be spent on the Common Good, not just on defense, PPPs and bank bailouts. Bernie’s whole message was this – USE FISCAL POLICY FOR EVERYONE AGAIN but the right was brainwashed into thinking that was “socialism”.

The danger of turning the public sector into a financial monopoly means there will always be a need for more wars, more prisoners, more sick people, more revolving private debt, more disaster capitalism. Inefficiency is profitable!

Fascists love absolutism. They’ve tried to do the same with medical science, saying “the science is established” regarding vaccines, but it isn’t. Science NEVER IS! That’s the whole point of it, to keep questioning and researching everything.

So, even though it may seem daunting, their dystopian dream is fragile as ever.

By: Nancy Fri, 15 May 2020 22:44:14 +0000 This is interesting and well said. I have been on a very similar journey and I, too, came to be saved by by the One, True God of the Bible by trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again for our justification. The rampant luciferianism/satanism in this world and how they love to mock the Lord Jesus Christ and attack the true Word of God, The Holy Bible, was a big red flag, yes. It was only AFTER I was saved, that the timeline God gives us in the King James Bible, is understood and makes perfect sense as to what’s happening in this world, past, present, and future. 2Tim.2:15, according to the revelation of the mystery.

By: Arby Fri, 15 May 2020 13:48:48 +0000 I actually included an excerpt of this blog post in my recent blog post about covid 1984. Interestingly, I had already talked about The Trilateral Commission in my blog post, quoting from Tony Clarke’s “Silent Coup – Confronting The Big Business Takeover Of Canada,” in which he looks at this organization and its plans.

It amazes me though how when subjects like this come up, leftist, progressive (or whatever they want to call themselves) bloggers don’t mention Peter Phillip’s recent (2018) book, “Giants – The Global Power Elite.” I mean, he only names all their names for gosh sake!!

By: Laura Wed, 13 May 2020 20:55:20 +0000 Nature is beautiful but deadly, but it is not because animals are morally bad; they do what they must do to survive and they all do their “jobs” in nature with courage and strength.

People, on the other hand, have empathic knowledge and know right from wrong, are moral creatures, who horribly abuse that special knowledge by making life and death absolute hell for helpless innocents.

Nature’s cruelty is no excuse for people to behave the way they do, and that includes this whole “covid” sham which is nothing but destructive to everyone, including our animals who are at risk of being labeled “covid” spreaders and possibly taken and destroyed (as in China)…all for the “progressives'” greed for power.

By: Laura Wed, 13 May 2020 20:48:31 +0000 Excellent statement, so very true.
