Comments on: COVID: Going to the root of the poisonous tree Fri, 04 Sep 2020 19:18:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: NC Fri, 15 May 2020 13:15:02 +0000 The viruses are effects rather than causes. The “problems” are the modern lifestyles with dirty inner and outer environments.
This triple board certified physician is brilliant and coming from the heart!

By: jeffrey davis Fri, 15 May 2020 11:53:36 +0000 as far as vacinations go, 1 in 10,000 kids became autistic now 1 in 100 after as many as 72 shots! what’s say to that moshe!!!

By: Sabru Fri, 15 May 2020 06:28:03 +0000 Exactly medical fraud

By: Greg C. Fri, 15 May 2020 03:56:24 +0000 Our minds are designed to ignore 95% or more of our perception and the information we take in. So the best indicator of what any given mind is up to is to figure out what they are ignoring. Those who ignore the fallout from medical technology, which is inexcusably massive, are like the neighbors of Kitty Genovese in 1964, stabbed to death outside her apartment while 38 witnesses did nothing. Why? There is no easy answer, except that they wanted a normal day without being tangled up in someone else’s tragedy. Is that you, Moshe?

By: lamberth Fri, 15 May 2020 03:21:59 +0000 Henriette,
Yes, I posted about this last week, can’t remember which one of Jon’s articles it was.
Here is the link again:

Just another way for them to inflate the numbers.
Kawasaki Syndrome has been around for decades, mainly in the Asian population.

By: BDBinc Fri, 15 May 2020 03:14:31 +0000 Oh and the virologists that study the humane virome ( you have a quadrillion viruses on and in you) have not got a theory that the human virome and its multitude of viruses is the cause of disease .They are not casual.
The nonsense about viruses is as bad as the pseudoscience behind the man made climate change hoax.The mind control that guilted people out so they were ready to be punished and locked up.

By: BDBinc Fri, 15 May 2020 03:09:34 +0000 The germ theory.
The lie that the COVID operation is based on. That we are little stupid bodies that get sick + diseased as though that is normal.
As though we don’t have a mind, and an amazing immune system so complex that those that study it and haven’t found the cause or cure for cancer (or a vaccine for the common cold) just make it up as they go.

We live in a world where theory is taken for truth.
As the psyop is intimately connected to the banking cabal’s big pharma profiteering we must if we want to end ( relative)ignorance expose the vaccine scams also.

But primary to all this is the important task of knowing one self.And thus knowing yourself as a co creator.

By: Lyn P Fri, 15 May 2020 03:07:37 +0000 Faux-chi’s ties to China via NIH funding of Wuhan Lab are beyond disturbing. He is part of the global cabal.

By: Lyn P Fri, 15 May 2020 02:48:02 +0000 Thank you for your heartfelt and insightful comment.

By: Lyn P Fri, 15 May 2020 02:42:30 +0000 The proof that the variable of “vaxxed” is the causative agent here is ________ ?????? Because I can think of a couple dozen others.
