Comments on: COVID: David Crowe’s brilliant new paper takes apart antibody testing Sat, 03 Oct 2020 01:38:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marilynne L Mellander Sat, 03 Oct 2020 01:38:58 +0000 Please publish David’s entire paper…it is not available at his website any more and more important than ever now that the PTB are pushing a new “antibody” test for COVID

By: Bill Hilly Thu, 21 May 2020 23:28:13 +0000 Are we allowed to leave the country if we do not want a mandatory vaccine or to be tested?
Where would you emmigrate to?
I realize that cannot be answered by any of you.
You must realize that statements like my shotgun or knife are stupid when something is mandatory and the government is mandating it with the cops or military enforcing compliance. Sort of like attempts to drive drunk on a regular basis you will fail and comply eventually. Propaganda works and anti vaxxers are losing.
My belief is we are slaves or free especially when it is our body.
I found out that we are slaves when I was pulled over and I refused the tests for dwi and they got a court order to take my blood right there by the police not even a nuetral third party like a nurse. All this from just smelling marijauna odor.
I assume you are all going to comply and get vaccinated if mandated. If not how will you avoid it?

By: Amanda Thu, 21 May 2020 04:38:46 +0000 @Theo- thanks for that link–very interesting!!

By: Djade Wed, 20 May 2020 05:28:32 +0000 Can you be more specific about Autoimmune Disease being linked to certain vaccines and provide links? I’m getting lost in the abundance of studies and my own time and health limitations. I know the studies and links are there, but I lost my bookmarks to them and for some reason cannot find them again…(can anyone spell “censorship” grrr)
I’d appreciate your help very very much!

By: mikael Mon, 18 May 2020 09:03:22 +0000 I again must apologise for the lenght, but this eh…. rant is the summary of whats known as radiation polution (not nucklear, since that is not what I want to cover with this coment) and I hope this comes thru, this, is the accumulation of what we know.
Since the attacks are all over the board, aka the MSM, I had to use the sledgehammer approach, eventually, and I hope you all have this in the back of your mind when it comes to how much imune systemic issues we humans have to day, and then combined with vaccines, etc, and polution, and my rant this time is about electromagnetic polution and the effect of it, good and bad, and when all this, incl the imune compromising issues beside electromagnetic polution, it should be scary, because this reality is saturated with dangerous problems.

So, let me again take you down the rabbit hole, damp and dark, and you never know what you will encounter, and this time, since the NWO bitches are howling everywhere and attacks anyone whom dont bow to the people from the free range asylum we call uh…. science and even worse, the swindlers we call medical science, and if that dont make it, I have something even more uh…. conspiratory, the truth about what we call radiation, aka electromagnetic radiation, an word mostly associated with nuks but that is just one spectrum, but this is about the part a bit lower in the frequency range, when it comes to the narrative/s about frequencys aka Hz.
So I will give you an quick summary, you have non-ionazing Hz from 0 to 300 GHz, then we have ionizing radiation from 1 GHz to 1000 THz where 1-300 is labeled microwaves and the 300 GHz- to 1000THz is IR-C and our Sun is one of the sources and do have in mind that this radiation produces Vitamin D and so on to skin cancer.
I could link to this but its in the net and the above parameters are official, anyway.
Then we have what is conserning me, and that is what I define as electromagnietic polution of biological etc systems witch of course everybody denies but few bothers to educate them selfs about and all this was and is knows for decades and nothing is new, the difference is that this is never debated, like polution from our chemical indused reality where we have everything from GMOs to Pestecides and then we have the body it self witch have and is under attack from an massive range of toxic sources incl Vaccines, etc to other medisines witch they call this science of quackery this days and even refused to acknowledge anything, even when the health care system is killing more than all the wars combines we never ever debate that either.
In the links I will give you, 3 infact, one is from the 70s, mostly conducted by the military and some reseachers, but apart from that, keept in the dark and that is about reported biological phenomena and clinical manifistations attributed to microwaves and radio frequency radiation.

This will make your jaws drop.
Thanks to one person over at the shithole RT, I have forgotten this reseaches and conserns for years, but now it comes back, thanks again for finding this one.

If that isnt enough, the second video is about something even more denied and silenced, that science is- and focuses on something called Harmonic resonance, do remeber this one, because this isnt something new either, but operates on an level that most would denie is even possible, to take out cancer with sound waves, where the rick was to find the right combinations, and that is where the narrative about harmonic resonance comes in, they already have this, but why on earth do we not know about that, this system can be utelized for good and bad, intended or unintended from an science witch they denie the consequences of, because of deniles of what radiation can do, to everything living.

First, what is harmonic resonance:
An full documentary, resonance: beings of frequencys

And from this about HR, but not covered by the video, the use of harmonic resonance to destroy cancer.
I cant underline enough that this is the future of medicine and what we are surounded by, we need to be real and also be honest about what on earth are we doing to where on earth are we going.

I hope you do watch and read this, because if you do, you know what this is about, and why we whom do not dance to the piper, are scorned and riddicouled by people whom if you dont know, apears eh…. “credible” witch is way out of the line about radiation and the truth about effects of frequencys, most just dont even know what they them selfs are talking about, but this “educational” round will make you know what we are indeed facing, this, when you watch those videos and then think about the paper link on what type of damages we are exposed to, subtle or not, is why this must be known, and never forget the rule of thumbs, the MSM lies about everything, absolutelly everything, all the time.
Never give in and never give up.
Have an nice day and take care


By: Kolo Mon, 18 May 2020 08:17:26 +0000 Excellent

By: Alessandro Mon, 18 May 2020 04:50:13 +0000 A great meme for Twilight Zone

By: Rtp Mon, 18 May 2020 03:10:28 +0000 That’s just it. Native Americans would most assuredly have had skin conditions.

All epidermis* skin conditions are the same and they are all caused by a trauma of touch.

Either touching something/someone you desperately don’t want to touch or not being able to touch someone you desperately do want to touch (it seems odd but the biological purpose is actually the same for both traumas (a desensitization of the skin in the trauma phase and the opposite in the healing phase (the phase where there is a rash)).

If the trauma is “not wanting to touch” then the location of the rashes will be on the outside parts of the body (eg the knuckles). Nappy rash is another example of this.

If the trauma is “wanting to touch but cannot” then the rashes will be in locations where the person sub-consciously feels the missing touch. So a child missing embracing their father will have rashes inside the elbows and behind the knees. A baby will have a rash on both hands and the mouth.

Focused rashes are the easiest way to see for yourself that disease does and indeed must come from the mind. Obviously a virus cannot possibly cause corresponding parts of your body to have a rash.

Now, epidermis rashes are harmless but they may cause panic (or panicked response). As the colonists *assumed* disease was contagious they assumed the epidermis rashes (smallpox) that they saw amongst some Native Americans must be new for them and brought there by the colonists.

But in truth (and it should be stressed we have absolutely no idea how much epidermis rashes there actually were) the rashes came from the “not wanting to touch” trauma that so many Natives experienced in their First Contact. Many Native Americans would have experienced such rashes before it’s just that it had never been described as “smallpox” before.

*Dermis skin conditions are related to a feeling of having one’s integrity attacked. Interestingly, these rashes know right from left – another proof that disease comes from the mind.

By: yerba buena Mon, 18 May 2020 03:00:13 +0000 Thank you Jon et al for such insightful and inspiring thoughts and
calls to action. Here are a few shavings from my word lathe that
you may enjoy: the only times that I wear a mask are when sweeping
old dust (spring cleaning) and when turning toxic woods such as
cocobolo rosewood or rubber compound dirt board wheels.
some anagrammatical rearrangements of some rough characters:
bill gates–begat ills
donald trump–adult md porn
deborah birx–ribbed hoax
neil ferguson–foul green sin
anthony stephen fauci–fat aches in phony tune

years ago I dubbed onto cassette a speech by aldous huxley
from berkeley 1962 called “ultimate revolution” wherein he said
that people would come to love their servitude…bittersweet hearing his cultured Tavistockian voice serving up such
terrible stuff. a transcript is available online, maybe audio file
as well.

lastly, consciousness does ring a bell, creates matter…
some people get bass awkward to claim that matter creates consciousness…oh, well, turnabout is fair play. so, creating
new realities is the work/play of the yeoman artist, bringing
a metanoia into being. Thank you again good people, you bring
knowledge and wisdom into view for those with eyes to see.

By: BDBinc Mon, 18 May 2020 01:49:24 +0000

The Germ theory which this is based on is wrong.
We have a virome of a quadrillion viruses on and in us including corona virus up our noses ( was found in healthy people).
