Comments on: How I put together Power Outside The Matrix Mon, 18 May 2020 19:41:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Plamen Mon, 18 May 2020 19:41:39 +0000 I’d be interested to read more on the sun being a mirror. Can you give us more info, pls? Thanks

By: maria Mon, 18 May 2020 08:33:01 +0000 Hello Rick, Thanks for your response.

Yes, I suppose there is the legal route – if enough people are interested. But then there’s the fact that law has to be bought.

There is the ‘Nuremberg Code’ which followed World War 2:

Concerning ‘Do as thou would be done by’ – true it can be turned around in many ways.
Maybe the basic understanding is most effective in its purely physical aspect:
Don’t deliberately hurt or damage anyone’s corporal body. That means No right to inflict pain.

Treating people as they wish to be treated leads to psychology and then we’re into guessing how they feel and trying to figure out what’s going on in their so complicated individual heads at a given moment. Kind of impossible. (Apart from that, we’ve got folk here who want to be treated as if they were born to rule).

I wonder if we can get to a different place in our heads? Somewhere more creative?
Don’t know for sure how or where.

But for example with ‘social distancing’:
I wonder if our lords and masters may have made one heap big mistake there?
With some lively human creativity, which many people are more than capable of, it could make it into a rule they live to regret!

If ordinary people had ever made such a demand, for a safety-based, personal territory for each individual on trains and buses and public places – we would never have been given it in a month of Sundays. Squashed together like sardines to save expenses is the established reality.
Today the masterclass has had to actually cede a lawfully allocated territory to each moving individual, everywhere in the world! It is truly amazing.

I do understand that the social distancing is a preliminary for being able to isolate individuals for more accurate identification for surveillance technology so that we can be better measured and monitored. On the other hand if we put our brains to it – maybe it could be turned right round into a strong artistic manifestation of self esteem and dignity in a way never offered to us before.

We don’t necessarily have to feel untouchable in the sense of being infected prisoners.
A bottle can be half full or half empty. It’s just a matter of opinion in the end.

If we acted creatively together, ‘social distancing’ could be changed into a very positive assertion of each individual’s dignity, their inviolate intimate private, touch-me-not biological sphere.

Just an idea I picked up from someone who said that protest demonstrations were much more impressive when people stood by themselves, confidently, not fearful and hiding but openly visible – enjoying attention. And the state’s officer’s are obliged to – keep a respectful distance.

By: Eluard Sun, 17 May 2020 23:12:14 +0000 If you’ve ever read any David Icke he talks about Orion being where the Matrix simulation system is beamed out from. It goes, Orion–Saturn–Moon–Earth. That’s where “These deranged global masters” get their marching orders from, according to him.

I agree though, that they are on their way out. Hurrah.

By: Pisces Sun, 17 May 2020 18:36:46 +0000 I agree. I’ll add this in addition to what you wrote about the ‘matrix’, the programming of how we should live our lives starts even before we entered the school. Since we were just infants, we observed our parents or the people we’re looking up to, working for money (which is the basis of the ‘matrix’) and their actions are passed on to us as we’re growing up, so we think it’s normal and see it as how life should be lived without question anything. Only very few people can see through the illusion, the ‘matrix’ and it’s not easy to see how we’re being controlled by the system, because we, as humanity in general, have gotten so deep into it that we think we have have to live in the “accepted normality” and do like everyone else around us, because that’s what we’ve been taught to do since we born.

By: Lewis Papier Sun, 17 May 2020 17:59:15 +0000 Thank you so much. Friend me on Facebook: Lewis Papier

By: Lewis Papier Sun, 17 May 2020 17:58:59 +0000 Thank you so much. Friend me on Facebook: Lewis Papier

By: JungianINTP Sun, 17 May 2020 15:19:47 +0000 B R I L L I A N T !


By: JungianINTP Sun, 17 May 2020 14:25:08 +0000 – Smell that Smell –

Fauci Lied
People Died

Masks Don’t Protect
He First Proclaimed
Masks Do Protect
He Later Exclaimed

Confused or Conspired?
Ignorant or Inspired?

Narcissism’s Drive?
Globalism Contrived?

Whatever the Case
Perfume can Tell
Spray in Place
Smell that Smell!

Six Feet Apart Fails
Windy Room Prevails

Smell that Leftism!

Smell that Marxism!

Smell that Globalism!

Smell that Pseudo-Science!

Smell that Smell!

Smell that Coming Poop,
Pee, Sexual Fluids and
Rotting Flesh of Bolshevism

Smell that Smell
If or When
Winds Win!



By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 17 May 2020 14:22:57 +0000 Maria: Don’t do anything to anybody which you would not like done to you.
And it is here where ways part.

Rick: The Golden Rule and a Few Variations for your consideration…

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Leave the “unto” language aside… and update the words…
Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Don’t do to others that which would would NOT have done unto you.
Do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you. [MahabHarata]

New & More Carefully Thought Out
Treat others as they WISH to be treated. [They might not want to be treated as YOU would like to be treated– so don’t treat others as YOU would like to be treated but rather treat others as THEY want to be treated]

Do not do to others what they don’t want done to them. [Don’t refrain from doing to others what would cause YOU pain, but refrain from doing to others what would cause THEM pain.]

MARIA: ‘Vaccination’ for the common good’ is a Trojan Horse and is an outrageous affront to human sovereignty.

RICK P.: Yes– now this is where we’re going to have to DEFUSE the political/social “bomb” about to explode. We’ll have to defuse the situation with an exertion of thought and legal knowledge. I’d rather be teaching piano but they couldn’t leave me alone with my little business. I even had IN STORE PIANO RECITALS set up for every 3 months for the rest of the year. They want to take over the world but they couldn’t leave little people like me alone? That’s pretty ruthless and sick. You would think that a group that wants to run a coup would be big-minded and take out the big players and replace them… and leave little people alone. But nope. They had to take us all out. Bad bad bad. That’s no way to take over the world.

Anyhoo enough about me.


Vaccination cannot be for the common good because a government should protect citizens rights, not citizens themselves. And we cannot be seen as carriers of corona virus until it’s PROVEN– which is by the tests they have, impossible.

You’re Innocent until Proven Guilty

Government is Only There to Protect the RIGHTS of its Citizens, not Citizens Themselves

By: Melissa Sun, 17 May 2020 13:25:20 +0000 This is extremely interesting and has really got me thinking this morning. Thanks for sharing
