Comments on: The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed Mon, 18 May 2020 13:27:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pisces Mon, 18 May 2020 13:27:49 +0000 “Print your PDF to read like a book. Affordable on-demand printing made simple!

1. Select a PDF from your computer to upload. Start now. …

2. Select your print options, black & white or color, or even just the 1st page in color. Then choose from our wide variety of binding options.

3. Pay with a credit card or PayPal.”

You can also listen to mp3 files on a device with airplane mode enabled to disable wireless signal transmissions you’re not using.

I hope this helps! 🙂

By: Lewis Papier Mon, 18 May 2020 04:28:46 +0000 Thank you so much. Friend me on Facebook! Lewis Papier

By: CynthEmm Mon, 18 May 2020 02:37:10 +0000 Your song and video are A+, I watched it last week,good job!

I have 2 of Jon’s collections, totally blown away. I feel like a young child who has much to learn…

By: Bob Mon, 18 May 2020 02:29:23 +0000 Shades of the ‘single bullet’ theory.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Mon, 18 May 2020 02:15:27 +0000 I totally agree!! It is well worth the money and the time. I, too, am still reading and rereading the information. It’s a superb investment.

Thanks for Your comments.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 18 May 2020 01:35:32 +0000 Jon keeps selling and I looked at Matrix Revealed ad page for the first time on your recommend…

Enticing… lower priced entry at $125. Would be nice to be able to buy a paperback for $10 at a bookstore… Still don’t know why Jon just doesn’t publish “normal books”. I hate reading pdf files. I read in bed away from as much electronics as I can, except for an am radio to listen to Noori’s coast to coast, and listen to jazz or classical station to get to sleep.


By: Lewis Papier Sun, 17 May 2020 18:03:22 +0000 I bought Jon’s collection and am going through it now. He puts a special emphasis on creativity. I am trying to be creative. I’ve written a song and had it made into a music video. Here are the links and the lyrics. I hope you’ll share it if you like it.

Youtube video:


The Virus is My God

1. The scientists rode in one day
on their faces only frowns
“you all better stay inside
The virus has come to town”
The sheriff and his posse
I listen to what they say
You gotta trust the experts
Or else you’re gonna pay

2.The scientists they had a book
there was a lot to learn
they called it a new Bible
a book about some germs
It was full of hi-falutin language
But it spread throughout the land
We studied our new Bible
In words we couldn’t understand

Chorus(1): The virus is my God
That’s what I gotta believe
I bow to his injustice
And pray for my reprieve

3. I ventured out on one dreary day
and went to the general store
bought my paper for a dime
(it) said thousands will die, maybe more
Maybe now, one million
that’s what the governor said
Just listen to the governor
Or else we’ll all be dead

Bridge (1) Murphy was the town drunk
One day he fell asleep in bed
30 years an alcoholic, he sure bled
30 years he had cirrhosis
A diagnosis to ignore
They blamed it all on the virus
And that’s the reason he’s no more!

4.There was no evidence
of corpses lying in the street
But I came down with a fever
Now I felt the heat
Old Doc Brown paid me a house call
Said the reaper could be near
“your chances are 50-50”
Now I’m paralyzed with fear

5. I used to have a real good job
Working in the town saloon
But with all that social distancing
Now I sing a different tune
Our women folk keep cryin
they’ve been left bereft
when all the dust has settled
there will be no jobs left!

Chorus(1): The virus is my God
That’s what I gotta believe
I bow to his injustice
And pray for my reprieve

6. The minister went silent
His flock had disappeared
we pray upon the altar
of our God’s invisible fear
Old Doc Brown’s my apostle
he certainly knows best
I’ll live my life upon the results
of his sacred virus test

Bridge(2): Injun Joe was an outcast
Used to be a medicine man
Tried to peddle potions
He claimed were so grand
Brought him to the hanging judge
Said, “well hang you on that tree for sure”
Old Doc Brown and the scientists
Only they can find the cure

7.I paid a visit to Madame Lily
Her bordello had no crowd
I was lonely and just had to go
I confess I wasn’t very proud
But Lily said keep your distance
“can’t you hear the tolling bell?”
If you get any closer than six feet
You’ll surely go to hell.

Chorus(2): The virus is my God
Thankful that I still can pray
Listen to the Lord’s instructions
Fall down and obey


Chorus(2): The virus is my God
Thankful that I still can pray
Listen to the Lord’s instructions
Fall down and obey

8. Once the town was happy
the children they did smile
we had our locomotives
pulling crowded trains for miles
But Old Doc Brown and the scientists
Said we’re headed for an early grave
The Virus is now my God
Made me into a slave!

By: Pisces Sun, 17 May 2020 17:54:25 +0000 I did not regret buying “The Matrix Revealed”. Even though I’m not finished reading all of it, I can say that it contains a lot of insider information, that you won’t get anywhere. I have to slow down reading the pages, because there’s a lot of information to digest, and even though I don’t get to the Logic Course yet, I can say that the price is reasonable, or even too low, if you think about the amount of information you’ll get when you buy it. If you like to get insider info and you’re considering purchasing “The Matrix Revealed”, you won’t regret it! And it’s much more than just insider information.

By: Calamity Jane Sun, 17 May 2020 17:42:22 +0000 The top level propagandists/mind controllers are occultists .Same as in the Nazi movement that convinced the people Jews ( not just a handful of Zionist banksters)had to be imprisoned and killed.
I think the propaganda works only because we don’t know ourselves and so have become believers. We fell so far and became so distanced from our real Self we can’t see the truth .But the good news is the light is inside you. Light it and you can also light others. Its a time for inner revolutions, love and courage in a time of insanity propaganda.Know thyself.
Only the ego mind is conditioned with past and is limited the universal mind is not.Freedom lies there.

By: Kjell Holmsten Sun, 17 May 2020 14:30:12 +0000 an educational reveal of the virus and bacteria lie of Tom Cowan!
