In the book Winston worked for the Ministry of Truth revising historical documents so they … were closer to the newest version of the party line. He had some idea of what he was doing and the book portrays his search for the truth, to get to the bottom of the sense he had that things were just not quite right.
He finds the truth only to have it evaporate not simply in the face of pain, but almost a kind of magic in which it is switched for something … else… Not at all unlike the famous ‘cups and balls’ trick; a trick still popular today, having lost none of its fascination, but with an illustrious history going back, well a millennium or two.
I am reminded also of Communion, that fascinating document by Whitley Strieber, that is not simply based on the truth but is the truth. Now I bring this up not that I disbelieve Whitley but to point out that what everyone is talking about here – though to many it may be simple – in reality its not simple at all.
Vaccination isn’t what ‘everybody’ thinks it is…? Most of my life I have not questioned it. The terrain theory?? Haven’t even heard of it until recently. The germ theory… just ridiculous? How many people have even heard of the terrain theory? And germs aren’t… enemies?
And all the literature Jon quotes, seeming to show ‘vaccination’ is not what ‘many’ of us – well like me -think, and the further info added in the many comments above… it is just like trying to talk to somebody about the reality of UFO’s or Bigfoot… the Shroud of Turin… or is Whitley just a big fat liar?
What we are talking about is history, the maze that hides some of this truth, and what it is most like is the way language is used in 1984… Winston Smith spends his life concocting lies and the information re vaccination is skillfully used to keep its history from us… to get at the truth here you have to dig, and think, and dig some more till you begin to see … what I learned in school isn’t always the truth. And then to connect all that with what is going on now and getting to the bottom… takes several gifts not all of us have in great quantities…
The biggest thing here, the nugget underneath everything, the one thing that explains it all, is a strange ‘assault’ on the truth and the idea that in many realms of discourse now – these days – these strange days – what we once thought of as ‘objective truth’ is fading from the world.
Without that we will not be able to make heads or tails of what is going on… we are at that crossroads already. The events surrounding us make less and less sense… unless you begin to see this maze for what it is… the Ministry of Truth.
]]>Thank you
AK in VT