Comments on: Television wartime messaging: for the love of unity Sat, 11 Jul 2020 15:37:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ame Wed, 27 May 2020 02:55:42 +0000 As long as authentic, brave and creative journalists, like yourself, repeatedly out the demons, more of us can rise above the fake fear and find courage to determine our own actions. Is there time? I
am not sure. Jon, thank you for helping us not feel alone and isolated during what is the worst event I can imagine.

By: Julie MacDonald Fri, 22 May 2020 20:52:36 +0000 Thank you for this! What an amazing description of so much of what I have been feeling but could not articulate. The robot love is sickening.

By: lamberth Fri, 22 May 2020 03:38:51 +0000 Thanks Jon, this is one of your best pieces yet, that goes to the heart of this “pandemic”.
And this heart is not some deadly virus.
No, the heart is the propaganda that started the whole thing and that keeps it alive.

Kill the Propaganda.
Kill the Fear.
What virus?

By: zakalu Fri, 22 May 2020 03:21:24 +0000 yes Larry C, ‘fake’ consent has been around a long time indeed, how about divine right of kings BS–long time indeed–

Engineered consent, implied consent, tacit consent is all FRAUDULENT! INFORMED Consent is the ONLY valid form of consenting, reached through a valid true and correct meeting of the minds WITH CLEAN HANDS at arms length, where ALL intentions, terms, conditions etc are made TRANSPARENT, negotiations of which are only held after a valid offer was tendered by a transparent party! This is CRUCIAL! Why do men and women meet performances to terms and conditions to party/ies (ie; gov’t) of which are HIDDEN and UNKNOWN? There is NO CONSENSUAL AGREEMENT! There is NO COMPELLED PERFORMANCE!!

DO NOT OBEY! Tell them NO!!! Notify Cease and desist or be instantly compelled to ALL demands of this private estate for unknown party/ies (gov’t) transgressions without privity!!!

Does TRUTH MATTER? To comply to terms I have never truthfully negotiated, let alone agreed to, is to be without Clean Hands, regardless of coercion or intimidation. It is to be COMPROMISED in mind, body AND spirit!

Does Truth matter in this world? Does truth matter to YOU?

Do Not be their Glossa symbolic LEGAL PERSON, LEGAL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE LAST ie; JOHN DOE SMITH); this is NOT YOUR NAME!! It is THEIR NAME!!! Their fraudulently created without consent of the true and correct namesake ‘fiction’ joinder to RAPE YOU!!! DO NOT show gov’t issued identification! DO NOT BE the ARTIFICIAL PERSON in their usurping SYSTEM scheme!

Please people, act accordingly; what have you agreed to and what have you NOT?

By: Lyn P Fri, 22 May 2020 02:18:41 +0000 These next phase psy-ops are certainly options, more frightening perhaps are the suggested real next events of mass power outage, internet outage, EMF surge, etc.

By: zakalu Fri, 22 May 2020 01:40:34 +0000 yes Kevin nice post. We’re bred to think what we are taught is proven fact, unquestionably true, making us imagine we are certainly ‘in the know’, when all along this taught ‘knowledge’ is detrimental deception. Imprisoned in artificial, usurped.

By: zakalu Fri, 22 May 2020 01:24:11 +0000 “What a deal don’t you think?….
And the people didn’t even blink
When everything was taken away.”

By: Laura Thu, 21 May 2020 20:53:34 +0000 It’s the supreme court in Oregon that’s the problem; from a Daily Mail article:

“Oregon’s Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew Shirtcliff ruled that the social distancing directives Oregon’s governor Kate Brown had issued were not valid, in a case brought by ten churches against the ‘unconstitutional’ emergency directives.

Judge Shirtcliff ruled that the democratic law maker, Brown, had failed to have the emergency measures approved by the state’s legislature within 28 days deeming them void.

However after an appeal from Brown to ‘safeguard Oregonians’ the supreme court halted the ruling and reinstated the orders imposed by the governor later the same day.”

Seems unethical political hacks make up the “supreme court” up there. You can expect that sort of thing from most of the democrat dictatorship states.

By: Larry C Thu, 21 May 2020 20:03:00 +0000 “…so no more need to wash your groceries…”

I use the *spin* setting on the ‘ol Maytag. ????

By: Erika Thu, 21 May 2020 18:21:32 +0000 Good for you turning their jingoistic tendencies back on them!
I think i will use thart if i can…turn the tables on these twits and return the favor of namecalling.

Pretty sure i am not alone in noticing that things that pretend to be “science” are thinly veiled authoritarian political agendas.

Like “Climate Change”
IF you disagree you are a “climate denier”, “Science denier”
and the most telling word that is always a red flag for me CONSENSUS (tpeople using this phrase simply don’t understand how science works)

Then of course there is “anti-vaxxer” and “Vaccine Skeptic” and the fact touted that a “consensus of MD’s agree that vaccines are safe”
(MDs are NOT scientists, and their income depends in part on vaccines)

I am sure there are a host of other phrases that are used to shut down dissent, drown out thinking with shouted namecalling..

Apparently authorities have degenerated to the tactics of the schoolyard bully where they simply call names or beat the sh*t out of you and take your stuff..
