Comments on: Who pushes the Idea of an epidemic; what are their crimes? Sun, 24 May 2020 22:08:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piksil Sun, 24 May 2020 22:08:56 +0000 Laura:
At least China is admitting that there can be adverse reactions to a vaccine! (They must get the “Made in China” vaccines, cuz here in ‘Murica all we get are “Safe and Effective”, and no liability to pharma. Only a closed vaccine court to pay a few buck to parents that have to work even harder than the gov’t and pharma did to cover up the crime.)

I do agree that mandating vaccines should be punishable by death.

By: Piksil Sun, 24 May 2020 21:55:47 +0000 Lewis:
And that’s a big reason I don’t ‘do’ ‘social media’!
Great response, btw!

I guess I’m that one health care worker that rejects that ‘this virus is real’. Sorry, not buying it.
I have been reading “The Poisoned Needle” since yesterday. (On Fascinating! And to think this was published in 1957! I’m roughly half way through the book. I think this should be on the best sellers list, today. It’s also led me to think of doing a commercial for it, plagiarizing the gardasil commercial:
Me: “Mom, dad, did you know there was a book published in 1957 that told of the dangers of vaccines? Did you know that in that book there are quotes from lots of doctors and scientists that told they had witnessed that ‘perfectly healthy’ people who were vaccinated soon fell ill, and that the vaccines didn’t protect them from diseases? Did you know that book also showed that, in the author’s research of the prior 70 years, that the rates of cancer, TB, and other life-threatening diseases sky-rocketed? Did you know that I wasn’t privy to that information in nursing school, or before that at pharmacy school? Did you know Jenner was a liar and a fraud, like Pasteur? Did you know? Did you?”

11 years ago, I bought the whole swine flu pandemic story. But, I knew that something wasn’t right. It took a lot of digging, and a lot of time, to get a lot of those questions that I had, answered. Still, a few questions remain.

I doubt if I’ll find the answers on Facebook. I’m not in this together, at least with the rest of them. People die every day. Even healthy people. Even in hospitals. Not FROM viruses (unless the virus is driving a bus that runs them over).

By: Laura Sun, 24 May 2020 21:52:03 +0000 Hah, I had the old sullen-teen angst thing too…Aerosmith’s Train Kept A-Rollin was my favorite for blasting the neighbors and beyond. Another was Led Zeppelin’s When the Levee Breaks. I can’t say that I’ve tired of them yet. ????

By: Lyn P Sun, 24 May 2020 16:19:31 +0000 Thank you for your bravery in telling this story of medical malpractice. Yes we all need super-skepticism because medical damage can usually not be undone. I wonder if someone in the chiropractic community would be an ally for you.

By: Lynne Sun, 24 May 2020 07:27:05 +0000 Yes, they’re definitely not everyone’s cup of tea but I can credit Metallica with getting me through my ‘angry teenage-angst’ years! ????

By: Lyn P Sun, 24 May 2020 03:06:52 +0000 I had heard of something like this, thanks for the detail….this is the most clear picture of the kick-off of spinning a “viral” pandemic to the world. Prior to that one investigates (or already knows) about the WHO/UN/Gates-backed international med cartel activities.

By: Lyn P Sun, 24 May 2020 02:54:37 +0000 Thank you. Yes, I ceased emailing with medical friends weeks ago who clearly only see the bubble of their encased clinical view. I’ve watched a few highly clinical videos and felt quickly frustrated as they speak from a Med Matrix view which does not even allow wondering if any particular virus is proven and THEN proven to cause disease. It’s a fraud. Those of us not in this Med Matrix are considering the serious factors of toxic environments, electromagnetic stuff, and poisonous vax history as highly implicated in the disease processes they want to attribute to the scary viiiiirus.

By: Laura Sat, 23 May 2020 20:06:49 +0000 Lynn: Oops, I don’t like Metallica so know none of their lyrics except something about Never Never Land or “sandman” or whatever. They come on the radio and my finger jabs the changer button!???? But I have to admit those lyrics are interesting. Thanks for the correction.

By: Firestarter Sat, 23 May 2020 16:20:45 +0000 One of the organisations pushing this “pandemic” is the Rockefeller Foundation…
The Rockefeller Foundation has made an Action Plan so the perfect surveillance/police state can be created.

The first part of the plan will guarantee that the number of COVID-19 cases will increase exponentially, by using unreliable test kits – by simply expanding the amount of COVID-19 tests (with a false-positive rate of 80%).
The resulting panic (maybe the skyrocketing cases will be labelled the “second wave”), will be used to enforce even more brutal measures, as everybody could be a COVID-19 “criminal”…

Most importantly, it will result in big brother knowing even more about us than he does already. For which they will recruit at least 100,000 people (that have no choice as they are unemployed)!

By: Lynne Sat, 23 May 2020 09:40:16 +0000 I think you’ll find James Hetfield of Metallica is the talent here ????
