Comments on: Moderna and the COVID vaccine: what kind of lunacy? Wed, 14 Oct 2020 20:24:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: cynthia kelly Wed, 14 Oct 2020 20:24:10 +0000 The baby boomers wages started flatening out in the seventies. By the time the eighties were rolling around it was no better. Get real

By: lamberth Mon, 25 May 2020 21:57:11 +0000
Moderna has never put a single product into the marketplace.

Last year, it lost $514 million.

It took in $60 million.

But it’s somehow worth billions.

Now, where have I seen that before?
And it’s not just limited to medical companies either.
Fasebook? Tesla? Google? Join the queue.
It means these “companies” were created from the same source, with the same money, controlled by the same entity.

Just for starters, In-Q-Tel anyone?

By: Billy Hill Mon, 25 May 2020 12:04:34 +0000 How will you avoid being vaccinated if it is mandatory and enforced by cops or the military?
It won’t be normal or in any way time consuming.
It is the obvious plan from the start to vaccinate all of us. Probably door to door health workers with police or military escorts. The supreme court gave police the right to draw blood without a warrant just to catch dwi drivers so do not think they will not okay the vaccine being administered without your permission. I do not delude myself into thinking that a lawyer will save us from the vaccine. The end game is to vaccinate all humans so it will be a fast process once it begins. Seriously what will you do if mandated vaccine? Are we even allowed to leave the country? Alaska doesn’t allow visitors in until a 14 day quarantine is over.

It makes more sense if this is being orchestrated by aliens to change human genetics to a tastier or some joke.
Not saying I think aliens are doing this but it is easier to believe that than any other rason for such a bad idea.

By: Madness Mon, 25 May 2020 09:53:54 +0000 According to the writings on – mass vaccination caused it and mercury.

I found the Hong Kong flu more interesting – we need as much stories as possible where they lied about a virus and thanks to Jon there are a lot with evidences already. To kill the virus legend as as soon as people finally realize that what hurt them are not viruses but this or that kind of poisoning covered with a legend of a new virus this ‘pandemic’ will be over. But as long as they are driven with fear the world has no chance to go back to normal.

Hong Kong flu – the only thing I found so far is that at that time they sent up 54 – if I recall the number well – army related satellites and a pandemic followed. If anyone has any info please write it, thank you.

By: MaidinAmerica Mon, 25 May 2020 07:05:18 +0000 Here’s one for you: Bain Capital-an intelligence front possibly controlling our eugenics “friends”. “Who Controls the Gates Family?” You may never want to go to Starbucks again-hopefully you weren’t anyway. Also a commenter from a previous post mentioned how sick they were from a pneumonia shot after supposably being behind and just about died in the hospital, needing a ventilator. We know how much those are also passed out like candy, along with the yearly flu shots, with the elderly getting a double whammy. Also written off as the great HOAX plague.

By: TS Sun, 24 May 2020 03:49:21 +0000 1918 “Flu”???

By: Plamen Sat, 23 May 2020 21:54:38 +0000 “He is one of the worlds top scientists with over 1000 patents.”

So they say. He’s just another (((front))).

By: Free 723 Sat, 23 May 2020 21:20:25 +0000 Yes, it is doing massive harm. The lie about “saving lives” is perfect “Newspeak” (180 degree reversal of truth) given that tens of thousands of lives have been lost _due_ to the “lockdowns” and many hundreds of millions (billions by now?) of lives are being intentionally destroyed by the planned financial implosion (of anyone smaller than a big or global corporation or a very wealthy person) that is taking place everywhere. (graph showing UK “lockdown” did nothing good)

By: Rachel Sat, 23 May 2020 20:24:30 +0000 @Jen, I was reading today that a lot of this is based on trying to vaccinate religion out of people. There is pretty good evidence here:

It follows along with Rick’s 4D chess game and Trump announcing that churches must be allowed to open this weekend or he will overrule the govenors.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sat, 23 May 2020 18:24:29 +0000 MODERNA VAX COMPANY UPDATE–
>>>Execs are now selling in the “DISTRIBUTION PHASE”
As I thought, the insiders are getting out. Here are excerpt from a CNN report:

New York (CNN Business)Moderna’s stock price skyrocketed as much as 30% on Monday after the biotech company announced promising early results for its coronavirus vaccine. As ordinary investors piled in, two insiders were quietly heading for the exits…[Rick: This is called DISTRUBUTION PHASE where they SELL TO SUCKERS]. The securities transactions were done through automated insider trading plans, known as 10b5-1 plans, that lay out future stock trades at set prices or on set dates. [Rick– This is called PUMP AND DUMP] ….The next day, Tal Zaks, Moderna’s chief medical officer, spent $1.5 million to exercise options. He immediately sold the shares for $9.77 million, triggering a profit of $8.2 million….Charles Whitehead, professor at Cornell Law School, said the stock sales did not appear to raise any legal red flags.,,, [Rick– Sure, nothing to see here. ] …. Charles Elson, a corporate governance expert at the University of Delaware, said the Moderna stock sales underscore why he has always believed executives should not sell stock while they are at the company.”Even if it can be done legally, the optics are terrible because it shows you have a better place to put your money,” said Elson. “It shows a lack of confidence in your company going forward.”[Rick: yeah sure, but who cares? Take the money and run!]

Larry: “Exactly as you have described here, the scam is to promise a massive return to backers who get in ‘at the ground floor’.
By the time five to ten years is up, and no useful result is to be seen, the scammers (‘entrepreneurs’) having paid themselves a nice salary for a few years, have already sold their stake and moved on”. source
Rick: Given Larry’s overview, I got curious as to how far back the “ACCUMULATION PHASE” of Moderna went because my link above only shows the past 3 months and the runup. Larry has that 5 to 10 year theory which is similar to Ted Warren’s theory– Ted Warren having come up with an interesting stock-watching technique that waited for the pump-dump at the end of a long accumulation phase. Here is Modern’s historical chart showing the LAUNCH RUNUP/sell-off and the latest PUMP AND DUMP SCHEME exactly 10 years later!
