Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: a hypnotherapist’s cosmic glue Tue, 26 May 2020 15:54:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dada Tue, 26 May 2020 15:54:09 +0000 The second one might lead to exhaustion specially if one’s being seriously affected by current events to the point of being driven into poverty, in a context that I’ve been questioning from a very young age, and even more since the economic crisis of 2009 which affected my life forever. I was taught to accept things and be manipulated “as a part of life” on my southern European culture, but for some reason I started questioning and researching. Being nearly quite poor and vulnerable I had sometimes to take the third option and for a while stop and rest from overthinking and over researching because it was taking a tool on me, such as now, but now is as if the whole thing upgraded into an inferno, this put me living unemployed, deployed from going into nature and rest, facing homelessness if it wasn’t for a friend’s, so I can’t skip or rest, for mental health needs, for a while, so even if I wanted to I cannot do it, I want to know and research, but the pressure of doing so while deployed of basic needs will bring up fight mode and fury, and not be possible to handle in an almost beggar situation. I need periods of break due to Burnout and indignation but without basic needs caused by this “pandemic” it will be impossible to rest of it.

By: Sean Garrisson Mon, 25 May 2020 13:37:20 +0000 I hated school from the very first day and was termed a terrorist, disobedient, hyper active, very disruptive . Teachers and principles told me and my parents all to often, that I have a bad attitude and a chip on my shoulder. Was I such a mystery? No. I want to thank them for noticing. Congratulate them for doing their duty so precise. Yes for taking another freedom loving child explorer fascinated with pushing the limits all around me, being a weirdo with unlimited capabilities, to this. Nice side-rail job. Very important work. Outstanding and impressive. Thank you.

By: Rachel Sun, 24 May 2020 21:22:17 +0000 I have started restructuring my reality over the last year, and I want to share a part that I believe relevant (as an example if you dig a little).

I didn’t believe in chemtrails, thinking that at some point, not everything people are paranoid about can be true. I started reading about them, still dismissing it despite the rest of my world falling to pieces with all this Covid nonsense. Then my asthma began getting very bad. No obvious reason, so I thought, “maybe it’s just allergies.” But then an event happened. I had left early for work, so I was just strolling outside. I paused to admire the perfect, sunny day without a cloud in the sky while I heard what was three fighter planes in formation. As I watched, right in the middle of my view, in unison, all three planes started to drop their chemicals. No trails before, no clouds passing by… Just three jets clearly dropping something over the downtown part of the city (my husband, in denial when I showed him the pictures, asked if perhaps there was a fire they were putting out-although he realized how silly that sounded after the fact). There was no denying that something was being dropped, and sure enough, my asthma that had finally calmed down started back up over the course of the day.

I mention this because it is a perfect example of the hypnosis being broken by logic and truth. I am regaining my freedom in part because the drastic, “last straw” events tptb are taking are breaking the spell they have cast over all these years. It is almost as if they have become too drunk from all the power they have seized over the years, and instead of being slow and patient, they went too far and can no longer hide the absurdity of their desires.

I am including the link to the days and times these jets will be back. I know it’s a clue (as Jon would say), and perhaps someone on here can use it or figure something else out.

By: Greg C. Sun, 24 May 2020 20:14:04 +0000 The obsession to have a theory of everything that glues all the pieces together can drive a person in one of two directions, depending on inclination. They can just accept the common narrative as the universal explanation, in which case they remain blissfully ignorant of being manipulated. Or, they can realize that the common narrative is untrue, and go on a search for the one explanation of how this could be. This person can easily end up being a perpetual researcher and consumer of information, a subscriber to many interwoven theories.

There is a third option: to just accept the fact that nothing is ever what it seems to be, we don’t have all the answers, and live happily knowing that the final answers don’t matter – what matters is that our choices are not narrative-driven. One must realize that there exists something within us that does not need a narrative, that is totally self-energizing and sustaining.

By: Pierre Sun, 24 May 2020 15:42:05 +0000 Hi again Jon ,
Zombie Apocalypse !

I came , I saw and I didn’t believe my eyes .

Pierre from Bordeaux

By: AI Sun, 24 May 2020 15:27:59 +0000 Technocracy is an Artificial Revolution

By: Main Stream Sun, 24 May 2020 15:09:49 +0000 Main being of two words, M+Ain,
the great fountain parts in four directions,
where masses Immerse in its Stream,
Engineered Knowledge,
that would make Mesmer proud,
though noting, this Hypnotic,
nothing’s natural about it.

Mayn is a truth,
a potent wine,
once Immersed,
becomes Divine.

Mage and the Mead
