Comments on: COVID vaccine: what else could they put in the shot? Wed, 05 Aug 2020 12:51:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tompa Tom Fri, 29 May 2020 08:42:10 +0000 No –it wont be mandatory –but you cannot go on a plane, already many states require parents to show vaccine schedule before they can go to middle school and same for high school too! they will colleges, DMV and other government services etc. etc….. so you cannot function unless you have a vaccine! The only way out–you got to join a militia or live like Amish –living off the land!

By: Tompa Tom Fri, 29 May 2020 08:35:14 +0000 the process has already been started by the evil gates! many early teen girls in India and some African nations were sterilized without their knowledge when a new HPV vaccine was used on them!
You can bet that the new Covid for Africa, Asia and South America and most likely in inner cities and deep south & WV etc…will have sterilization built in to it!

By: Arby Thu, 28 May 2020 23:16:41 +0000 We all live under a gangster Corporatocracy that is led, or dominated by, the US. Chris Hedges says it all the time: Corporations are fronts for governments. The Trilateralists made it so. That was their plan in the late 70s (“The Crisis of Democracy”) and they have succeeded in spades, as Jon knows because he reminded people of that fact not long ago.

Just as the contest between the Repubs and the Dems is fake, so to is the contest between the US and China. (James Corbett sheds some light on that subject with this documentary:

I’ve for a long time felt that while those (real people) who support democracy would like the idea of nation States (we pick someone from among us who knows our wants and needs and can speak for us etc), elites also like nation States because they can maintain, for our benefit, the illusion that we have the democracy I just described. It serves them well. Peter Phillips’s recent book, “Giants,” cuts through all of that crap however. I highly recommend it. He looks at the financial giants whose investment decisions determine government policies, everywhere. And, crucially, as Phillips makes clear, They do not care where they invest. Vaccines is in a list of areas that areas that the transnational capitalist class is looking to for a big payout from investement (from it’s collective fund of some $41 trillion).

By: Arby Thu, 28 May 2020 23:06:21 +0000 I don’t agree with Jon’s use of the term ‘technocracy’.

By: Deuce Wed, 27 May 2020 21:14:51 +0000 Forget what they’re putting in the shot and back up to what they’re putting the shot in. People. Only to find that 20% of them didn’t tolerate it well. How can the same people that call themselves professionals, take a Hippocratic Oath, and know the numbers from existing vaccines EVER JUSTIFY THIS? Unlike places like China and other authoritarian countries, we don’t even test medicines on our prison populations. Because to the average person, even testing a vaccine on murderers and rapists is uncomfortable and of questionable ethics. Yet somehow the people who have the training and the oath are more than willing. They’re even willing to test it on children, as Oxford Vaccine Group is gearing up to do now, adding children ages 5-12 to their phase II study on their COViD vaccine candidate. WHAT WE HAVE THE INTEGRITY NOT TO DO TO MURDERERS AND RAPISTS, THEY WILL WILLINGLY DO TO CHILDREN. And not call it cruel and unusual punishment, but science and healthcare. In other news red is blue, up is down and left is right. WTF.

Now let’s play their game a moment. We’ve all heard the ugly slurs like ‘anti-vaxxer’ and ‘vaccine denier’, but does either of these ‘crimes’ even remotely approach SIGNING OVER YOUR CHILD FOR MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS? Who are these poor children? Who are their disgraceful parents, and WTF on gods green earth could ever possess any of them to surrender their kid to be a guinea pig for testing an experimental vaccine? How is this not child abuse? How is this not child endangerment? How are these parents fit to be in the custody of children at all? Why are we not on an eternal witch hunt for these people. How is this medically ethical in any way? How is this ‘first do no harm’? Tesla and Mercedes are well known for building very safe cars. Unlike the current COViD vaccine candidates, they pass all imposed tests with flying colors. Tesla has exceeded every result on every test by unprecedented margins. Now quick, how many of you are going to sign your kid up to be the crash test dummy in their next round of tests? EXACTLY NONE OF YOU. Because no matter how safe a Tesla may be, using a child as a crash test dummy is beyond maniacal. Elon Musk wouldn’t allow it. The guy running the test wouldn’t allow it. The police wouldn’t allow it. Yet apparently there are adults who don’t see a problem testing a vaccine on their child THAT CANNOT EVEN PASS A SINGLE TEST. And the experts tout it, the certifying bodies promote it, the journalists report it, and the authorities are rubbing their palms over the idea of bringing YOU into the next round of testing.

We have completely lost all rational perspective on this entire conversation. Forget nanoparticles. What is ACTUALLY in this vaccine, things they don’t even try to hide, DO NOT WORK AND ARE NOT SAFE. It doesn’t take some anti-vax conspiracy theorist to come to that conclusion. The science says so itself, just as it always has with vaccines. But it does take a purely corrupt, vulgar, and unconscionably misinformed maniac to test it on children. Yet they can hardly contain their excitement about it. Its on the news every night. People are glued to it, waiting for the next big announcement. What the literal F$%* is wrong with us? How did we ever let things get to this point?

By: Sonia H. Wed, 27 May 2020 17:21:03 +0000 Thanks!

By: Eileen Tue, 26 May 2020 20:38:24 +0000 YES!

By: Amanda Tue, 26 May 2020 19:57:54 +0000 Jon-Thanks for all you are doing to get the truth out. You are a voice of sanity during insane times.

@Jen Underwood- I totally agree with you that this is the beginning of transhumanism. It’s truly frightening and I’ve been doing everything I can to spread the word and wake people up, but they are so brainwashed that I’m getting nowhere.

RFK Jr. has been warning about this on his instagram:

Pharma has 80 COVID vaccines in development, but Gates & Fauci pushed Moderna’s “Frankenstein jab”to the front of the line. Scientists & ethicists are sounding alarms. The vaccine uses a new, untested, and very controversial experimental RNA technology that Gates has backed for over a decade. Instead of injecting an antigen & adjuvant as with traditional vaccines, Moderna plugs a small piece of coronavirus genetic code into human cells, altering DNA throughout the human body and reprograming our cells to produce antibodies to fight the virus. MRNA vaccines are a form of genetic engineering called “germ line gene editing”. Moderna’s genetic alterations are passed down to future generations. In January The Geneva Statement the world’s leading ethicists and scientists called for an end to this kind of experimentation.

Moderna has never bought a product to market, proceeded through clinical trials, or had a vaccine approved by FDA. Despite Gates’ investments ,the company, was teetering on bankruptcy with $1.5 billion debt before COVID.

Fauci’s support won the company an astonishing $483 million in federal funds to accelerate development. Dr. Joseph Bolen, Moderna’s former R&D Chief,expressed shock at Fauci’s bet.”I don’t know what their thinking was”, he told CNN, “When I read that, I was pretty amazed”. Moderna and Fauci launched federally-funded human trials on March 3rd in Seattle.Dr Peter Hotez warns of potentially fatal consequences from skipping animal studies. “If there is immune enhancement in animals, that’s a show-stopper”. Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s Ex-Director of Chemistry, told CNN, “I would not let the [vaccine] be injected in my body. I would demand:Where is the toxicity data?” Former NIH Scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits says its criminal to test MRNA vaccines on humans. “MRNA can cause cancers and other dire harms that don’t surface for years.” As precautions,Moderna ordered trial participants to avoid unprotected sex or sperm donations & Fauci directed that all COVID vaccines to be protected by blanket immunity. Gates hopes to sell his experimental gene-altering technology to all 7 billion humans & transform our species into GMOs.

And I’m convinced that all of this is about microchipping us for Agenda ID2020, since the financial system is collapsing and they need to get us on the new global crypto digital system which involves vaccination to they can inject a nanochip to create a “digital identity.” If humanity does not resist this new system, we will be enslaved forever.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020” -Peter Koenig (former World Bank economist) What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.

More from Peter Koenig, ex-World Bank economist, on the real agenda of the virus scare is here:
The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of A “Universal Lockdown” (please read entire article)

By: Mark Tue, 26 May 2020 17:16:01 +0000 Thank you Rick. Not sure I’m any happier but it was a good little movie. I’ll watch a few more from that channel, before I get off this plane/t 🙂

By: Kevinm Tue, 26 May 2020 16:28:42 +0000 Yep. United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia; 3 sisters under 1 Crown.
