Comments on: COVID-19 vaccination: what the plan looks like Tue, 23 Jun 2020 13:21:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aron Wed, 03 Jun 2020 09:51:15 +0000 It made me laugh, and imagine, and become aware, and become worried(!), and well…art reflects life.

Well done. Thank you for being there when I really needed a dose of sanity to inject into my neocortex.

By: caz holb Mon, 01 Jun 2020 11:32:22 +0000

By: caz holb Mon, 01 Jun 2020 11:31:51 +0000 Good day All

found this really interesting, don’t know how true it is, always confuses me the bible meanings but this actually made some sense to who is controlling this Earth we live on, which I lean towards a closed ECO System and that is why they can modify the weather so easily. Have a watch let me know your thoughts
Awaken Vegan
Love to the world

By: Doug Mon, 01 Jun 2020 07:37:22 +0000 Did you say voting still works?

Are you even partially awake?

By: Tompa Tom Fri, 29 May 2020 07:29:51 +0000 This is the scenario that I also envisioned when Trump said he is going to use the military to enable vaccination???? Then next day, when people who voted for him revolted …he fraudulently said, only those who want it?? The biggest BS from Trump –worse than the wall or even scarping obamacare!
When Trump the fraud said that the usual morons on the right fell for it…I has posted my comments in Infowars –when Alex as usual was licking Trump’s boots: when you have to go to DMV, on an airplane, or a student to attend elementary, middle or high school or even college, public sporting event, Fed, State or local government office…..this will cover 98% of the population and so there is NO Escape! Trump knows this –he is a FRAUD –co-opted by the same powerful NWO & Zi**ist bankers & his only goal is to win reelection –avoiding the vaccine would be close to impossible unless you are one of the billionaires & multi-millionaires, pols or NWO or zi**st bankers–you might get a placebo …no one would know! Trump has sold us all –if the morons on the right cannot get it through their heads –it is then thinning the herd! That is the law of evolution! Sadly, the poor people around the world will have no choice –they will perish! That is the plan all along by the white and zi**st devils – gates and rockefeller for decades! God help us alll!

By: Tom Thu, 28 May 2020 13:29:50 +0000 But those wars did not visit everyone in a physical way the way this is. Afghanistan is far away. House arrest is right here and now. Unemployment is for the foreseeable future.

By: MaidinAmerica Thu, 28 May 2020 06:50:14 +0000 Wo, Jon, You got a hold of their playbook! It’s sure too bad kids just graduate with a Compliance degree w/ no subjects in critical thinking. Did anyone see this excellent report by KrisAnne Hall, constitutional attorney on how to defy tyrant governors? It’s done by peaceful non-compliance which is essential. If we had done it right in the first place a sheriff, legislative body, or even a small group out of a legislative body would have issued a Resolution against the disobedient governor and then stood by it. A city council can do it, or a county can do it. And this would override the unconstitutional governor. It should have been done in the first place but can be done now and doesn’t have to be settled by a court. She starts talking at the 6 minute mark and gets more into this state govt business around 20 minutes.

By: Pierre Wed, 27 May 2020 22:57:41 +0000 Hi Jon,
NATO is putting the finishing touches to a biological attack which will be offered to us at the start of the school year, before the American election, probably in October. This is why the “media” part of NATO (what we call “television”, “radio”, but also for example “global shapers”) is at work and speaks of “second wave”.


By: Piksil Wed, 27 May 2020 20:12:45 +0000 Awesome! Wonder how long before his TV show is cancelled now?

By: Plamen Wed, 27 May 2020 20:05:48 +0000 Well done!
