Comments on: The “hot zone” theory of new frightening diseases Sat, 30 May 2020 06:05:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Sat, 30 May 2020 06:05:14 +0000 Pod people point and glare and shriek like banshees when they spot a real person…equal to anyone mask free or otherwise disobeying the “new normal” rules of today:
Compare that with this: and this:

By: Larry C Sat, 30 May 2020 00:43:30 +0000 Note to the CDC and the World Health Organization: How am I supposed to watch your Pandemic on the nightly news WITH NO DAMNED POPCORN?!?!?

By: Laura Fri, 29 May 2020 23:53:08 +0000 Love your way with words, Pierre. “wear their muzzle with a surly spirit”…so true! ????
I think someone’s a tad surly here: …as He shouldn’t be subject to such crass indignities! Oh my, that germ-infested hand; you’re not supposed to touch your mask! He only wears it as a “symbol of good behavior” though, so all is well.

By: Laura Fri, 29 May 2020 20:15:37 +0000 Kevinm: There are many others outside of you who do not get it yet. They can come here and learn some things. Anyhow, feel free to move onward, of course. Jon’s or anyone else writing articles and such should not stand in your way. Why even come here, to a blog full of exposé articles, if there are more effective things you could be doing? Or do you need Jon (or his readers) to take some smarter, more forceful action with you? And what might that action be? Exposing lies and CREDIBLY informing people IS a necessary action. Those that are tired of it, like yourself, probably should move on and let others, newcomers, be awakened…without thinking they have to be 9/11 truthers or anything else, to resist the covid sham.

By: Madness Fri, 29 May 2020 15:58:27 +0000 Sorry Erika, I forgot, to the cancer and other diseases part.
Than what is the explanation that cancer was relatively unknown back then? I have a family who ate normally (omnivores, meat part of the diet) none of them got cancer, the oldest is 91 now and still quite healthy and active.

It’s not the meat, but the quality of it, junk-meat, animals raised on GM and so. Also the so preferred oils. In human history we never consumed so much oil as when we chew a couple of almond it is not like to poor almond oil 3 times a day to some salad. Oils easily can go rancid and can cause cancer, heart disease. In my country elevated level of heart diseases started when people were persuaded to use oil for cooking instead of animal fat. And animal fat has a coding role. You’ll never end up heart disease due to consuming organic animal fat but oils.

There was a book, not sure I remember the title well but I found it in a pdf form and with free reading on a cell phone, maybe Fat Bible?

One of the biggest lie of the present medical mafia is their advice that what to eat and how to eat. You need that cholesterol and if you don’t eat it, your body will overproduce it as being in ‘shock’ because of the lack of it. Aged 50+ my cholesterol problem and bad circulation all went away when I realized it and switched back to animal fat. Raw milk, raw butter, using lard, goose fat or duck fat for cooking, only in 3 months my circulation recovered and never have cold feet or legs (despite that I smoke a lot).

By: Madness Fri, 29 May 2020 15:47:50 +0000 Thank you, it’s very interesting!

By: Madness Fri, 29 May 2020 15:43:43 +0000 Sorry, but it is something I’ve never experienced. As Rick mentioned, if we eat something off, already in the process in recycling via bacteria we end up with bacteria poisoning aka. food poisoning.
The so called virus infections come from poisoning labelled as virus rather than admitting that the food was poisoned with too much fertilizer, pesticides and so on. Have you heard about the Spanish oil aka tomato case? 1000 died but they didn’t admit the truth. Maybe not the best example in the meaning that they blame oil instead of a virus but they cover that the tomato, the real cause was poisonous due that they wanted to harvest 3 times.

That’s they always do, lobby and business before safety. But as viruses as tiny that even the process like how they infect or multiply can’t be seen even under an electron-microscope they are very handy to blame.

Those living animals bold enough to chew my food or drink into it behind my back and I probably not always notice. 🙂 We never got anything from them. In fact they are the best testers. If I am not sure about the quality of the meat I ‘ask’ my cats. If it is junk meat or off they won’t touch – neither we after that. 🙂

By: za ka lu Fri, 29 May 2020 14:34:44 +0000 it is time for ACTION, severe relations with the beast usurping tangible value in every way possible–

this ‘reporting’ in many ways assists the roll out of ‘their’ agenda–‘the method’ of making manifest all that is hidden–

reporting on, or ‘revealing’ this is that or that was this or he did this or…is participating in the plan–a subplot role in the psycho-drama

Michael Hoffman explains it well here;

Only way to win ‘their’ game is not to play.

Why honor what is absolutely dis-honorable? ie; the entire SYSTEM.

By: Plamen Fri, 29 May 2020 13:27:04 +0000 Don’t tell me. You’re a vegan?

By: Dan bob Fri, 29 May 2020 12:04:18 +0000 The most outrageous experiment happened in Israel. Check this video and you will not believe what took place immediately after WW2. Experiments with radiation by medical doctors.
