Comments on: The pandemic pattern—how the illusion is built Fri, 13 Nov 2020 09:53:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yes Fri, 13 Nov 2020 09:53:43 +0000 can’t wait for your more to come, makes perfect sense, cmon people WAKE UP!!!!

By: Jess Fri, 13 Nov 2020 09:49:24 +0000 totally agree!

By: OWL58 Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:18:21 +0000 food for thought guys, No one seems to be addressing the issue of CORPORATE CONTROL. I mean really calling it for what it is. People are aware of PHARMA, CDC, WHO and others but what is the REAL connection? CDC, WHO & all the rest, are corporations with duns #’s contracted to do business etc. they have NO jurisdiction of authority to establish and create a RULE OF LAW. IT IS NOW TIME FOR THE PEOPLE TO STAND UP FOR TRUTH & ADDRESS THE ISSUES AT THE STATE & LOCAL OFFICIALS. If we don’t, they when no matter how much we express our concerns. THE REAL TEST IS FOR THE PEOPLE TO TAKE BACK THIS LAND….. at every level. “we the people”
focus on the facts that can’t be disputed…
1-US Patent No. US 7,220,852 B1 (check out who the Assignee is)
but understand that “The United States of America” too is a Delaware corporation…. operating under the control of the CROWN under a TRUST…… (treaty) Now the QUEEN is no longer running the show…. as of the start of this mess. yes LOL, there is another agenda going on…….
Look up King John III. preparing to take his place even now. the entire world is about to become SOVEREIGN again. “FREEDOM”


There are serious wars going on behind the seen. Preparing for a great change for the better.

SO, what/where is the GOVERNMENT’s position?

TRUMP (Our President) HAS CLEARLY STATED SEVERAL TIMES, The USA is no longer following the advise of CDC & WHO (Bill Gates & the rest)

He gave the decision for opening back up to the state. The people run the state. Those governors not following along should be impeached by the people. LOL but TRUE.

…..what started out peaceful, now transformed to an obvious takeover to push an agenda is another attempt to make TRUMP look bad, crash the economy etc. “Black Lives Matter” is funded by George SOROS & the Antifa (RIOTERS) are the military arm of this craziness. Its organized and designed to feed the emotions and a few weaklings lost souls looking for something to follow. in some cities the actual officials are on the payroll…. That’s why TRUMP directed the attention to the Governors and Mayors to stop the rioting or he was going to send in the military. Yes, the selected cities that have rioting, some officials are part of the problem.
TRUMP was clear to address the issue of our 1st & 2nd amendment rights. He is in support of this. I think the attention should be directed at the city halls and government buildings because that is where the REAL problem is…….
the police follow the Mayor, who is under the Governor. They control corporations. YES, even the police force is a corporation operating under the Mayor. WHO IS GETTING PAID?????
Corruption is among the highest officials and that’s why the deep state is in panic mode……
title 18 USC 242
protect your constitutional rights


By: beliya Wed, 10 Jun 2020 00:55:11 +0000 “Cause : weak immune system” and “strengthening immune system” is the solution.

That is also the reason why the proper use of vitamin C is a tested and verified safe, cheap and effective treatment, and prophylactic, against covid-19 — see orthomolecular d ot o r g (click on ‘Library’ and then ‘News Releases’ and read the editions from about February of 2020 on forward)

A lot of this is based on Nobel laureate Linus Pauling’s pioneering work. HOWEVER….. everyone should keep the following in mind, especially now with the corona scamdemic going on: there are many bogus voices around who strive to distract the public from (1) the value of vitamin C therapy and (2) the fact that Pauling’s VALID work with vitamin C supplementation has been “falsified” by data distortions and lies, and he as a person (a double Nobel laureate) has been slandered as some deluded idiot by the criminal medical establishment and its countless quackwatch shills, lackeys, ignoramuses, and trolls for decades and it continues today — search for the scholarly report “2 Big Lies: No Vitamin Benefits & Supplements Are Very Dangerous” by Rolf Hefti (a published author of the Orthomolecular Medicine News organization). The same corrupt criminal people (and their uninformed followers) are behind the organized suppression, lies, and half-truths spread about the value of vitamin C therapy against covid-19 — see orthomolecular d ot o r g

But you can’t discredit the facts with lies. That only exposes and discredits the liars (see citations above).

The fact that we are dealing with a VERY CRIMINAL OFFICIAL POWER STRUCTURE (the Deep State, governments, WHO, official corporate medicine, CDC/Fauci, the mainstream media, paid off scientists, Bill Gates, etc) that constantly hoodwinks the unsuspecting public with MANY BIG LIES can easily be recognized by anyone with two working brain cells when reading this one sentence by a former US government official, Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., in his article ‘The Cost of Big Pharma’s Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Paid in Lives and in Billions of Dollars’:

“A corrupt establishment and media that can sell us 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Iranian nukes, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, a Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russiagate and a large number of other lies can also sell us on locking up a successful treatment in the closet while we await a vaccine.”

or from another article of his:

“In “freedom and democracy” America there is only official truth, and it is a lie. […]. […] when I told the truth that Russiagate was a hoax, which it has proved to be, an anonymous website, possibly a CIA or NATO operation called “PropOrNot,” included this website among its fake list of 200 “Russian agents/dupes.” The Washington Post, a believed long-time CIA asset, hyped the PropOrNot revelation as if it were the truth. With “Russiagate” in full hype, the purpose was to scare readers away from those of us who were exposing the hoax. […]. The way those with agendas control the explanations is by shouting down those who provide objective accounts. Social media is part of the censorship. Explanations out of step with official ones are labeled “abusive,” and in “violation of community standards.” In other words, truth is unacceptble. […]. Everyone who uses social media is by their use supporting censorship. Facebook imposes fascist censorship in order to protect official explanations. The presstitutes and universities do the same. In America truth has lost its value. […]. Even a public health threat like coronavirus is politicized. […]. If you are Big Pharma, NIH, CDC, or the research professionals dependent on grants from these sources, you want a vaccine, not a cure. This means a long wait, assuming an effective and safe vaccine is possible. […]. The hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, and intravenous vitamin C treatments, which have proved to be effective, are badmouthed by Big Pharma and its minions. In other words, the profit agenda over-rides health care and the saving of lives. […]. It is all about money. There are no profits for Big Pharma or a chance for patents for Dr. Fauci unless inexpensive HCQ, zinc, and Vitamin C can be sidelined.”

Also, if nothing else, watch this MUST-SEE documentary: is d o t gd/uQH5Lb

But having true knowledge like that is not enough in itself, YOUR BEHAVIOR must reflect the implications of that knowledge…. ESPECIALLY NOW IN THE FACE OF THIS MASSIVE EVIL SCAM. As the American social critic Paul Rosenberg pointed out in his article ‘Nothing Changes As Long As You Obey’:

“I hear the same complaints about politicians that you do. And while I understand them, the fact is that complaining accomplishes almost nothing. And there is a very simple reason why complaining has no real effect: BECAUSE THE COMPLAINERS KEEP RIGHT ON OBEYING. As long as you obey, the things you complain about will keep on happening.”

And Edmund Burke said:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.”

By: Anon Wed, 03 Jun 2020 22:24:36 +0000 The uk government website says it is not a high consequence infectious disease,
It says low death death rate overall.
All deaths in the uk are now recorded as covid 19, you could die from cancer, suicide, murder, drug overdosed, car crash.. etc But your death certificate will say covid 19 now; i suggest that’s what’s going on, blatant lies.

By: Piksil Tue, 02 Jun 2020 12:28:45 +0000 Sorry: forgot about the second part.
I’m not sure of any other resource than the Rosenau link, but there may be something at, other than a couple of articles I’ve read (one being Sally Fallon Morell’s article/blog post Is Covid-19 Contagious”, from Weston A. Price Foundation website.)

By: Piksil Tue, 02 Jun 2020 12:17:59 +0000 IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH:

Go to
(Homepage for “The Vaccination Racket”)
Scroll down to “Polio and polio vaccine racket (A-Z)” grouping
Click on the link in that grouping titled “Contagious (not)”

Btw: both the NY State Health Department and the US Public Health Dept failed to demonstrate transmission of polio from infected persons to non-infected persons. That was done in 1949.

Lots of links on, many to older books, articles, etc, pertaining to vaccines and related issues. A person could get lost there for days, weeks, months.

I apologize for not including a direct link, but am working from an iPad (cannot use desktop ???? until I upgrade my router…..not sure yet what I’m going to do about that!!)

By: IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH Mon, 01 Jun 2020 20:53:07 +0000 Hello Piksil,

Do you have a link for the Polio study?

And what is the flu study you mention, the one during the 1918 pandemic conducted by Rosenau I mentioned in my comment below?


By: M Mon, 01 Jun 2020 20:51:02 +0000 Yes, you are right. I find it amazing that people do not notice and address this main cause of respiratory illnesses. Since the lock down, and stop of travel, most planes hovering in the sky, night and day are on duty chemtrails planes. It’s a horror, and the best way to evaluate the honesty of people pretending to be independent thinkers is to see if they acknowledge this as a main problem (toxicity, pollution, weather modification)

By: Tom Mon, 01 Jun 2020 18:21:10 +0000 HCQ chemicals change how things work on the cellular level,

” Previous experimental studies have also demonstrated that chloroquine has potent anti-SARS-CoV-1 effects in vitro, primarily attributable to a deficit in the glycosylation receptors at the virus cell surface, so that it cannot bind to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expressed in lung, heart, kidney and intestine. Since SARS-CoV-2 utilizes the similar surface receptor ACE2, it is believed that chloroquine can also interfere with ACE2 receptor glycosylation thus prevents SARS-CoV-2 attachment to the target cells [[6], [7], [8], [9]]. Chinese researchers who studied the effect of chloroquine in vitro (using Vero E6 cell line infected by SARS-CoV-2) found chloroquine to be highly effective in reducing viral replication that can be easily achievable with standard dosing due to its favorable penetration in tissues including the lung [6,10].”
So to say it is only against parasites misses what it does in the body.
