Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: Cartels That Run The World Mon, 01 Jun 2020 09:47:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: DarL Mon, 01 Jun 2020 09:47:03 +0000 Nice…Thanks for sending me to that. Listened to several B Joel songs also!
Are you back to teaching piano yet?

By: Rachel Mon, 01 Jun 2020 06:01:16 +0000 BDB, over the last few months, I have been using Wikipedia as a sort of opposite truth. Reading about the “conspiracies” is good to see what IS the truth, so long as you believe the opposite. It is very much like recent discussions on here about doing the opposite of what doctors tell you.

I saw the second website for the first time Saturday. I was shocked. And that was after seeing the leftovers from the destruction of the night before.

By: Rachel Mon, 01 Jun 2020 05:55:20 +0000 I feel it is important to keep something in mind: It does not matter if you believe Satan to be real. It matters that those in power do. They will stop at nothing to bring about their visions.

By: Laura Mon, 01 Jun 2020 05:51:58 +0000 But yes, Rick, I’m “staying the course and staying true to my inner self every night when I go to sleep and travel to the higher dimension, recalling dreams of being there.” Thank you for that.

By: Laura Mon, 01 Jun 2020 05:49:30 +0000 Just when businesses were starting to open back up, even in the People’s Republic of California, after months closed; just when the covid sham was STARTING to die down a bit…here comes this damned mess. Perfect timing to really bring the hammer down on businesses with looting, destroying and burning. There was just the spark of people’s sense of independence and freedoms returning. Was that a tiny light at the end of the tunnel?? But here we are now, more “curfews,” more reasons to fear getting back to life. What is not to absolutely DESPISE about the mainstream media and all the rotten parasites that bankroll them?

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 01 Jun 2020 02:26:20 +0000 DarL: It was an Italian Restaurant that has always been beautifully decorated.

Billy Joel: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant– Shae Stadium… 2011

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 01 Jun 2020 01:43:08 +0000 Laura: let loose with the parasite terminator (i.e. truth, ethics, justice, all that good stuff)? This covid sham might just be the final solution either way.

Rick Potvin of Phoenix AZ – Covid didn’t work- that’s why they’re playing their race war card now with nightly riots which are laughable in a morbid way. It’s all staged. As far as letting loose with truth, we’re already doing that by simply staying our course and staying true to our inner selves every night when we go to sleep and travel to our higher dimension– hopefully recalling dreams of being there.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 01 Jun 2020 01:36:29 +0000 Pft: So while one industry might take a hit (say Oil prices drop) the other industries do well (finance shorting oil futures, fuel intensive industries, etc).

Rick Potvin of Phoenix Az… Yup and we can play that effectively $500 a pop using online free indicators to make significant gains. Oil for example…

I can’t take time to get into it here but you can at least see that the indicators are a little ahead of the actual price move so that’s what I look at. “They” cannot hide their “preparation”. All we little people have to do is watch them prepare and get ready.

By: AK in VT Mon, 01 Jun 2020 01:25:36 +0000 The synagogue of Satan refers to the Jewish religious system of the 1st century back to Moses that stated a law was necessary and man’s doing of the law was necessary to negate sin. In the beginning this was never so. Those who walked by faith never needed nor adhered to a Law. Satan is the deceiver and a lie and he convinced mankind to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil so that mankind would think he had the answers on how to please God.

Remember: still believing that Satan (the Law and separation from God)has any power is being trapped by the system (the Matrix?). And thinking that one needs religion and the church to connect with God has been misled and brought under another Law. Belief in Christ takes one out of the Law whether old or new. This truth is all over scripture and has been hidden from the eyes of those who see yet are blind: once this is realized, then the eyes are opened.

Peace in Christ. Let “satan” have his own.


AK in VT

By: BDBinc Mon, 01 Jun 2020 00:33:57 +0000 Two options.Lies and the relative truth.
1) New world order they say ” its a conspiracy”
2) Its not.
