Comments on: Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:41:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: KM Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:41:22 +0000 Yes
rGO Fe3O4 – graphene magnetite

Tunable High-Performance Microwave Absorption and Shielding by Three Constituent Phases Between rGO and Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanochains

By: Ray Mon, 31 May 2021 02:25:43 +0000 Does this make his quote untrue???

By: B Tue, 25 May 2021 14:53:42 +0000 How can there be viruses in nature when they cannot survive outside of a host? They are not alive? Our body endogenously produces them once toxicity reaches a certain level in our cells. Terrain theory.

By: riccardo Thu, 04 Mar 2021 07:27:04 +0000 Good job Jon,
Gatti & Montanari think that those nano-particles are not put inside the vaccine intentionally… but when they had the chance to analyze a veterinary vaccine they found no nano-particles at all… it looks like “planned negligence…”

By: Kay Fabe Fri, 04 Sep 2020 22:57:03 +0000 The stupider you are the more likely you are to think everyone is dumber than you.

My dog thinks I am insane looking at noisy big and small boxes and hitting them with my fingers all day and lifting pieces of metal up and down for no apparent reason. What a nut. My only moments of sanity are opening the big box with food to eat and walking him although he still cant believe I pick up his crap. What a nut, huh?

Don’t know what he would think if he saw me wear a mask. If I tried to mask him he would bite my hand off. Maybe is is smarter than most people. He knows he needs Air to breath.

By: Kay Fabe Fri, 04 Sep 2020 22:47:25 +0000 They are injected directly into tissue. Water and food pass through your digestive system first and are filtered by your intestines and kidneys filter the blood. The immune system of the intestinal mucosa is the first line of defense, vaccine injections bypass this defense.

By: truthseeker Sun, 19 Jul 2020 12:08:45 +0000 Pneumonia-type lung/breathing conditions are directly linked to the research you posted. Clifford told us more than 10 years ago what the exact outcome of having this specific type of synthetic nano in the air all over the world will be for people and their respiratory systems! ‘One is more likely to get COVID’ by having these respiratory symptoms, because COVID is a psyop fluke, except being a nano bot transmitter (i wish everyone does a bit of research to arrive at this point rather easily), and wait for it – flu season is coming – why do you think they are prepping us for ‘COVID’s GONNA RETURN HARD during the winter season’ – because its not ‘COVID’ that is going to return, it is the flu, the carrier for the real deal! If you look at the chemtrail nano impact on your respiratory system and compare it to ‘COVID’ impact, you’ll get a perfect match of the symptoms. It’s because the heavy metals from the sprayed chemtrails are inhaled by the lungs, you get a reaction resulting in expulsion of the toxic contents via mucus, which you then instinctively swallow. In your digestive system it reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce crystals during a type of electrolysis. These crystals then grow to predetermined size, and start growing appendages – there are your synthetic intelligent nano bots. If you want to know more, you should read Crosse’s paper on Abiogenesis of Acari and watch Diana Ashley’s video i posted earlier.

But does anyone really care? Those who made this are soothing the process to avoid major panic and smoothly transitioning you into a One World Totalitarian system so you accept it without much resistance. But some shake up is coming. Whether we like it or not. I in fact welcome it! I wish it helps humanity to wake up, see things for what they are, and choose accordingly. Because at the moment nobody seems to know, or even wants to know – people avoid the truth. They want their Dream back.

Well im here to tell you everything’s about to change – and you better not try to ostrich your way out of this one! You hear me? It wont work! Get off your ass already, humbly, lovingly, together – and get to work! We got some asses to kick!

By: truthseeker Sun, 19 Jul 2020 11:39:30 +0000 Humanity is so slow to catch up. I was about to tell all also that these nano particulates were chem-sprayed into the air and infected everything in the world since more than 20 years ago (in US it was since 60-s past century). In Europe covertly since at least 2004 and officially since 2007’s Open Skies Agreement. You can’t have a ‘clean’ anything now. There is a noob-friendly recap here (but the rabbit hole goes much deeper). People like Bill Cooper and many many others tried to warn us and world should have acted at least 20 years ago. I strongly believe that we are past the point of no return, COVID PSYOP was blatantly obvious to happen and what is going to happen at the end of this year and next year will blow your mind! I hope so! Since the whole of mankind failed to (again) come together to fight the adversary (as such battle happens always at the end of an Age – New Age (psyop) – New (Age) World Order – get it?), another time of great suffering will have to wash over the Earth. Suffering, somehow, tends to wake people up, but it is not required in a consciouss aware society – which ‘we the people’ are not. It seems to be always around <5% people that are awake, and the rest being controlled/manipulated by a small group of 'Illumined men' of The Mysteries, that causes the masses to destroy that 5% and in turn, themselves.

Let me leave with a quote by Bill Cooper from 20 yrs ago:
"Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine."

By: Vexman Wed, 24 Jun 2020 11:16:10 +0000 It’s even worse, read all about Gandhi here:
Was the Fakir a Faker?

By: Hannah Nyberg Sun, 07 Jun 2020 20:43:49 +0000 Yikes!!
I’ve been photographing the skies since 2010, spreading the news about this blog and others re: chemtrails, GMOs, the psyops/staged tragedies, and trying to keep up with the information. It’s 2 or 3 full-time jobs all by itself. I appreciate all the commenters on this blog so much!! Thank you from 2 hundred years ago!!

I have learned that it is wise to exercise judgment on where and with whom to share this info.

Another thing I am becoming aware of: sometimes it’s not the words, but the sound of the individual words, and the order of the words in the “catch-phrase” that comprises the whole “sound phrase” (for lack of more descriptive terms), that contains the message behind the message. I relate it to a carrier wave that the FM radio uses. The machine Commander Rife created used similar technology, I think in the same manner.
Anyway, I am beginning to draw lines between the use of “Om”, an the use of words (in English, anyway) that sound a certain way, being strung together for a certain “sound phrase”.
It seems that the desired result is the same: to “tune” the mind into a frequency range where it is more easily influenced, from without, instead of from within.

These heavy metal nanobots in the human brain will probably cause more problems than even the perpetrators of this heinous crime could foresee.

I know that prayer, meditation, call it what you will, works, and Mr. Rappoport’s imagination exercises increase the effectiveness of those prayers/imaginings.

Thank you again to all commenters on this blog!

