Comments on: COVID-19: a movie on the screen of life Tue, 09 Jun 2020 16:18:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Madness Tue, 09 Jun 2020 16:18:21 +0000 Hi Rick,
hope you look back to read.
You can be right – I mean in such a mad world anything is possible – but I doubt, please forgive me. Only because it is not just Steele who talked about it in that little documentary of Sasha Stone I linked earlier but Claire Edwards, too. She is an ex UN worker and she is behind the international campaign to stop 5G. And she also talked about satellites as a great worry, too many object in the space.
My conclusion so far that why not? Maybe not directly but to work together with the rest of G. If we use satellites for weather forecast, cell phones, navigation – why not?
As little as I understood – as the 5G part is very complex – it will work together with street lamps, they put it in manholes. But I shall check the link you wrote, thank you.
And I am totally freaked out because of it. It was a co-incidence it turned out but I am certainly EMS hypersensitive. I am positive because whenever I was away on place where there was hardly any or very little I miraculously recovered, when I came back all of the symptoms started again.
I saw freshly implemented lights to places where there is absolutely no need it, while the council doesn’t bother to fix the roads, they put new traffic boards where they are not needed, they are interestingly low, close to the earth and have light on the top, all. They’ve just did something with manholes in my area, so badly they are above the ground with 10 cms or so. And as I told, meantime they don’t bother to fix the road, it is in a terrible condition. I found news, last Dec, our little town was planned to be one of the first. Whenever I go closer to the new antennas I have vertigo, long hours, very bad, can’t do a thing. Before the EMS shading I started to have it at home, quite often in the last couple of months, this year. And what happened with my kittens. I think this problem is very real and very dangerous to everyone, maybe a bit slower but we all will be affected, children especially, small pets especially.
5G must be stopped but I am full with fear that for us it can be too late. And can’t move, we have no one or no where to go.

By: Greg C. Tue, 09 Jun 2020 04:31:08 +0000 Read to the end of the following sentence, Jim.

By: za ka lu Mon, 08 Jun 2020 20:42:00 +0000 agree james, very likely entirety of recorded as told ‘history’ is ‘plato’s cave’ shadow puppet show.

By: Greg C. Mon, 08 Jun 2020 04:30:21 +0000 Eluard, you could be right. I don’t know anything about the dark side of Musk, if there is one. My comments were limited strictly to his innovations.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 08 Jun 2020 03:07:55 +0000 PAID LACKIES
Slim, the people we see on nightly “news” propaganda are paid lackies of the powers that be including Rockefeller and Soros. Notice that the “press” never “interviews” (has a conversation with) them. My fave thing to watch for are the WATER BOTTLES that are supplied… as are the bags and pails of bricks. And there are no porta johnnies so we know that the MSM are simply mediating a PEFORMANCE. Hundreds or thousands of protesters need to EAT, SLEEP and perform BODY FUNCTIONS. Where do we see evidence of follow up on that? Nowhere. Therefore, it’s ALLLLL fraud. All of it. It’s LEGALIZED LYING. Trump is only partly correct about FAKE MEDIA because it’s ULTRA fake media. NOTHING can be verified. There are no timestamps, locations, cross-examinations. It’s the “new Broadway”.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Mon, 08 Jun 2020 03:02:01 +0000 NO SATELLITES
Madness… don’t fret. Satellites are a hoax. See

All 5G and other microwaves and radio waves are directed by triangulation on a flat earth using antennas of various heights and strengths. There is no outer space for satellites. The SpaceX flying objects we’ve been seeing are high altitude aircraft. I saw them myself about a month ago over Phoenix. Combinations of radar triangulation and aircraft perpetrate the 5G coverage. I forgot the name of the company that advertises on Sunday morning tv talk shows about their aircraft coverage. PLUS most of our connections are through undersea cable. No “outer space” required. Total hoax. Hard to believe I know. Can’t deal with it in Jon’s blog.

By: Piksil Mon, 08 Jun 2020 02:29:32 +0000 Thanks Madness!

Over a year old too, and references to economic and societal collapse. It looks like we are already marked by nanoparticles. You’re right, we won’t NEED a vaccine. (But there’s still a crap-ton of money to be made by developing, manufacturing, and distributing a vaccine. Not to mention ‘caring’ for the side effects.)

I’m so glad we’ve had this planedemic to derail that 5 gee talk…..wait, these riots will derail that 5 gee talk…..wait…..

These ‘people’ in government, and especially in the agencies that are supposed to protect us, need to go. It would be nice if they would just disappear of their own accord, but I doubt they have consciences.
But they need to go. All of them.

Nice video, thank you for the link.

By: Hannah Nyberg Mon, 08 Jun 2020 01:12:53 +0000 My job: deliver fresh & frozen meat from the midwest. There never was a meat shortage; the Smithfields, Tysons have a good 6 months of deep frozen(-20F). I asked about it on Easter Sunday, when the Smithfield in Sioux Falls got shut down. All was well,so long as you didn’t watch the TV.
Also, a driver may travel through 5 states in any given week; my company never “commanded” us to wear the face diaper(slave muzzle). Before there was Tony Fauci, I, and I suspect most of my generation, knew that wearing the paper mask did absolutely nothing good, for the wearer or anyone in his immediate vicinity. Evidently “Dr.” Fauci couldn’t make up his own mind regarding the muzzle. Again, all is well.
Bottom line: refuse to comply with stupidity, and it helps to use all those manners Mama taught to pull it off. 🙂
Learn who and where your local butcher is; he will probably know where the raw milk is, and just look around to see where the farmers’ markets are.
Gardening is a pleasant and rewarding pastime. 🙂

By: Madness Sun, 07 Jun 2020 07:17:04 +0000 To people from UK, please help to make a precedent if you agree with it, and sorry, I don’t use social media to spread the world. To stop 5G.

Who is this man:

Another opinion about 5G, satellites, AI and the danger of radiation from someone who worked for the UN:

The more I read the more I am sure that we seriously underestimate this aspect of the process, what is happening with us now and why. Everything is about it. It’s a weapon and we are already targeted. Don’t believe me but please check. And Dear Jon, could you check it, too if you have the time? Just because after seeing these our conversations, problems with fake pandemics, riots, lockdown … as if ants discussing news in the shade of the foot of an elephant which is closer and closer with every day! They sped up, 60 new satellites in every two weeks and who knows how many more stuff of 5G invisibly in street lights, manholes and so. No joke, two sources, professionals, same info.

And my apologies…

By: Madness Sun, 07 Jun 2020 05:13:37 +0000 As Maria wrote, we have the same Earth. There is just one. Who the hell authorized him to put so many garbage to the space? Now they sent up 60 / every two weeks. And they started with 66, just telling…
No safety tests, nothing. Last year the weather forecast complained that their satellites don’t work properly any longer. What about airplanes and their safe flights?
He is pushing the AI legend, the new god, fitting their technocrat nightmare. They even tell that BENEVOLENT AI. And as many people are so stpid (sorry) it’s easy to train the seeple to this direction. No such thing that benevolent artificial intelligence, because ARTIFICIAL and that tells everything. Especially nit with this evil people. They teach their AIs, no such thing that creative AI because you have to be a living thing to be creative. A raven can be creative using the cars on the road to broke the shell of a nut, a rat can be creative. An AI never.
I am sick of this technocrat BS. I love animals, I grew up on Attenborough’s series, I can a kinf of talk with animals (I know it sounds nut, and I don’t know how I do it, they somehow understand me if I am honest and speak with respect, maybe my brain or ‘radiation’, if I feel happy, very rare, animals I never met before will come to me).
Anyway, my favorite marine animals are dying because their stpd radars, bees lost their way, birds dropping dead – I am fed up! To me Musk is just like Gates, mad, irresponsible megalomaniac messing with every living things because he can do it. I am not religious, like not belong to any human’ interpreted religion. But if I ever would believe in the satan Gates, Musk, Rockefeller would be it. These people are evil and mad. Risking us all.
