Comments on: Vaccination: how the West invades the world Fri, 30 Oct 2020 01:10:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: ettavGudsBarn Fri, 30 Oct 2020 01:10:11 +0000 dont fear virus, its a trick by evil powers

By: Phil Thu, 11 Jun 2020 00:23:49 +0000 thank you for the video. Very funny to see those media snippet’s audio tracks synced. It’s a media choir singing the same song. Excellent.

By: Deuce Wed, 10 Jun 2020 16:34:28 +0000 Never stop making them defend their own position.

Li!e it or not Rules for Radicals was always spot on. It works like this:

Racism is a problem in America/elsewhere? I agree. Can you argue that Merck and Glaxo testing vaccines on the people of the Congo was anything but that? Can you argue that Tony Fauci’s failed Dengue Fever vaccine that killed 600 Philippine children was anything but that? Can you argue that experimental AIDS drugs that sterilized 2 million women in subsaharan Africa was anything but that? Can you not accept, given this data, that vaccines are race based bioweapons? Didn’t William Thompson blow the whistle on a 2004 CDC study that showed vaccines causing autism in vaccinated black males at 3.5x higher rates than the natural occurrence rate, but was edited to hide this fact? Racism thy name is modern medicine.

Post something like!e this on your social medias. 10000 times or until they ban you (you should only be happy to never use these sites anyway). People LOVE false equivalence. Just look at the prevailing narratives. When they want to sell a talking point, every MSM outlet publishes the same article on the same day selling the same lie. Why aren’t we doing the same thing with the TRUTH?! This is the winning strategy. There are more of us. They cannot beat us if we play the same game against them. Stop trying to rationalize the nonsense on TV, trust what you know and message the shit out of it. You have the power to do this. I cannot do it alone.

By: Deuce Wed, 10 Jun 2020 16:13:18 +0000 Few of them have children. Spirituality has missed it’s mark with them, probably because most of the spiritual leaders were in the back rooms diddling the altar boys or robbing the collection plates. So all that is left is them alone on a suicide mission to accumulate as much wealth and power as possible void of any moral imperative. May, Merkel, Macron, Burlesconi, etc. would all just be dirt in the bottom of the dustbin of history. But likewise many CEOs, Doctors, Techies, etc. They will leave no legacy and history itself is tenuous and written by the winners. Absent faith or any sort of legacy to leave, and with your history in the hands of those who will write the futures history books, what else is left than to serve your earthly pleasures with impunity. And a total disregard for those you harm along the way. They are black holes pulling everything in their vicinity into the same emptiness that occupies them. All totally worth it for that one photo-op that momentarily makes it appear as though they have souls.

By: Allan Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:42:24 +0000 Alexander, very true and on point.

By: Sonia H. Wed, 10 Jun 2020 06:56:35 +0000 Jon, your writing is magnificent. How do you keep cranking these out, day after day…This article in particular is so easy to understand. Hell, some halfwitted poison pusher might even understand it.

By: Rtp Wed, 10 Jun 2020 00:58:25 +0000 I love the post but I don’t agree with your take.

The people rioting at the moment will never have a coherent thought in their body and have no concern whatsoever for the fact that all of their beliefs are inconsistent. People who see racism everywhere are not the sort of people you should bother spending anytime on (other than calling them fools).

It is the “normies” that you want to concentrate on – those who can actually have the odd coherent thought but typically don’t unless they are helped along the way.

By: Free 723 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 23:31:09 +0000 Indeed “vaccines” are full of junk, the stuff of health horrors from hell:

By: Billy Hill Tue, 09 Jun 2020 23:05:53 +0000 I heard that the group charged with investigating anything that could harm or affect german goverment and people said: Covid was overblown and not anything to worry about.
Saw it on PBS judy something and was not talked about just showed the finding posted after a thorough investigation by the germans (no one better at being thorough). I would choose the germans to investigate over the irish and I am irish.

By: John Tue, 09 Jun 2020 19:43:30 +0000 Jon Great!! Do you have any information on number of people dying out side the Hospital/Care Homes because of COVID-19. Assuming it is very very low and historically during Pandemics people known to have been dying everywhere. Can you comment why deaths outside Hospital are very much rare in this round of the Episode?
