Comments on: White America, Black America, the set-up, and the con Sun, 14 Mar 2021 23:44:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Flynn Sun, 14 Mar 2021 23:44:01 +0000 JungianINTP…

“There are two kinds of racists: truth-tellers and truth-deniers. EVERYONE is racist, except lying hypocrites hiding what SIGHTEDNESS reveals”

I have to tell you something you may not know. Everyone is not a racist. That is an academic ideology born from individuals who likely realized that THEY are racist and then tried to redeem themselves by claiming “everyone is a racist” and “your a liar if you deny it”. Plus that whole wanting us all to hate each other thing.

JungianINTP, you (YOU) might just be a racist (you also might be brainwashed). Deal with your own issues and stop projecting.

Signed: Also not a racist 🙂

By: Flynn Sun, 14 Mar 2021 23:00:29 +0000 @Moshe Sopher,
You clearly believe in evolution. Have you ever tried to find out if you believe evolution because it is logical, or if you believe evolution because you have been spoon fed the ideology since before you watched your first episode of Sesame Street?
Modern science has been (re)defined to cover only the natural world; nothing spiritual can be included in modern science as that is not sci-ency.
Therefore, if you have a science of origins, you MUST assume, from the start, that there is a GOD-LESS origin; it is not optional (Ask yourself, how can you be objective if you begin an investigation by excluding a particular facet directly connected with your analysis). In “science”, they say, you cannot allow for God, at all, regardless of any evidence you may see to the contrary.
So, for our origin to be considered “scientific”, from the very outset of origin investigation, it MUST be origin by evolution. Why? Because there is no way to get a natural scientific (aka: god-less) origin except by evolution. This is why we get the circular reasoning of ‘evolution happened because we are here, so evolution HAD to have happened, because…’ You need to remember, “God” isn’t sci-ency, so no god-origins are allowed, no matter what. So, the claim ‘all of the evidence points to evolution’ is a pointless statement because, when there is NO OTHER possible explanation, all of the evidence HAS TO, SOMEHOW fit your idea; and sooner or later, it is assumed, you will find out how. This is the science you hold when you believe in evolution.
This is pretty basic reasoning. Watch closely; Evolution is our origin and happened NOT because of data, but because: #1 there is NO GOD and there never was a god who created the universe. #2 we are here, and there is no God, therefore evolution is the only way we can be here WITHOUT GOD #3 No matter what, origin must have happened without a Creator-God or it isn’t science and science is the only way to find truth (another circular reasoning game).
Evolution is actually very weak on “evidence” and it is completely deceitful about what evidence it claims to have. That is aside from the fact that science refuses to allow for the possibility that the Scriptures are what they claim to be, the eye witness account of history from our Creator.
The evidence is so weak, that modern secular atheists have repeatedly acknowledged they have NO IDEA how ANYTHING from the “Big Bang” to the first self-replicating cells came together in the first place.
The theory of evolution is, in fact, a poor hypothesis masquerading as “science”.
You said; “I fail to understand apartheid”.
Well, if Dawkins if right and we are evolved things with no point or purpose of future, WHY NOT apartheid? Why not anything? The morals of God have no business being applied to life, if all the time one has is the here and now and we have no higher authority than ourselves (man having no right to a claim on another man’s life without consent). Each evolved being would then have a RIGHT, by nature, to fight for its own survival and desires and for the survival and desires of its offspring.
What I cannot understand is an atheist who pretends to disagree with the idea that we should all take whatever we want out of life by whatever means necessary…And before you do, it is irrational to argue for extending human existence if it is all accidental and we will die out (2nd law of thermodynamics says we cannot escape it) in a blip anyway! This is all very inconsistent.
May I just redirect you back to the Tanakh?
Richard Dawkins does not deserve to be your god.

By: Flynn Sun, 14 Mar 2021 21:00:44 +0000 @ JungianINTP
Let me start by saying that, lately, white people ARE judged solely on their skin color. Followed at an ever widening distance by their political, social, and religious beliefs.
Anyway, Pit bulls and poodles were not made in the image of God. Dogs are not human.
Temperament is something that can be molded, for example, with humility and submission to our Creator.
Unfortunately, temperament can also be manipulated to encourage violent or extreme behaviors, such as is caused by music, movies, and other media. (see article)
Intelligence is subjective. Being able to read well (comprehension, grammar, etc) or calculate mathematical equations would be useless in many shear survival situations. In most survival situations, the academic would be the idiot.
Likewise, having intimate knowledge of animal anatomy and the ability to gut and safely cook an animal (after starting and keeping a fire going) is pretty useless in academia.
ALL humans have intelligence suited to their calling. ALL humans came from 2 humans (and then 3 man/woman couples after global inundation); short of assuming that there have been genetic mutations amid dispersed families, causing diminished capability for particular knowledge, we are all, short of actual brain damaged individuals, exactly suited for our lives with equal intelligence for varying subject matter.

By: Zak H Sun, 28 Jun 2020 23:52:03 +0000 Great comment INTP! It is always extremely refreshing to see that not EVERYONE is a brainless, brainwashed mind controlled “woke” PC NPC. So heartwarming to see that there is SOMEONE who knows some genuine easy-to-find factual history, rather than the usual Orwellian racist White-hating lies that are continuously pumped into the heads of the pathetic dumb Goyim PC and dumb racist Blacks. Brainwashing from the Zionist-Communist tightly owned and controlled MSM. Correct Blacks in Africa enslaved Blacks and sold them to anyone. Please be aware that it was Jews who were the primary owners of the west African slave trading stations. Jews owned 90% of the slave ships. Jews owned all of the slave markets in the major slave ports in the Americas. Every US Census 1790-1860 shows that Jews owned 63% of the slaves; Blacks, Indians and Hispanics owned 2%. White Christian people owned 35%. Jewish bankers financed all of this. In other nations in the Americas, Jews owned a much higher percentage of the slaves, like Brazil.Jewish money and Jewish slave buyers drove the trans-Atlantic slave trade. So it was Black Africans and Jews who inflicted this race problem on almost ALL the nations in the Americas.
White people in America and England shut down the slave ships in 1807. Everyone Black & White person should have a picture of William Wilberforce on their wall. Both White nations spent $millions sending their navies on anti slavery patrols. White abolitionist groups fought to end slavery in the Americas, and after decades of sustained struggles freed all the slaves.
England abolished slavery in the 1200s. Pope Paul I decreed in 1527 that no Christian could own a Christian slave. ONLY White Christian people abolished slavery. NO OTHER race or people EVER had an abolishionist movement. Absolutely NEVER in the Muslim world, in Black Africa or anywhere else in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!
White Christian people are morally superior to all other races. Our ancestors PROVED it. Only White Christian people abolished slavery wherever they could. Like Africa, rescuing the primitive, bloodthirsty, mass enslaving, mass slaughtering, mass raping tribalist Blacks from themselves, AND from the cruel, merciless Arab Muslims. Then rescuing Africans from malaria,
sleeping sickness,
river blindness, etc. Etc etc. Please see in Wikipedia “the Congo Arab Wars” to learn the history of how noble, courageous White MEN ended slavery in Africa. Something Blacks and Arabs did not want to end. 90% of what White man did in Africa was beneficial to the Blacks, and is still true to this day. Then see in Wikipedia “slavery in the Turkish Empire ” to get an idea of the terror, mass murder,slavery and suffering inflicted on White people during the 1,300 year long Muslim Race War inflicted on White Christian Europe, with millions upon millions of White people enslaved by exceptionally cruel Arabs, Turks and Taters. Not to mention the 20 million enslaved Blacks trafficked out of Africa by Arabs. Which still continues this day.

By: Dan Sat, 27 Jun 2020 22:02:24 +0000 This is just such an amazingly well written article that tells the truth so well. I have been sharing it a lot. So tired of the lies, but it is refreshing to fight back with truth.

By: Nancy S Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:27:11 +0000 Well said. Why I stay away from groups. If you see yourself as a soul, part of God, LIGHT, then you are ALL. God is love is compassion is oneness. There are individual souls yes, but all part of the ALL. Mature souls know this. No groups, no skin reliance needed. I am not a body. I am not boxed in. People see themselves as a PhD, a leader of some group, but usually as more than or less than another. In the Light we do not do this. All are, just are, but some souls are more advanced in their spiritual evolution and they only got there because another helped them, so we are in this together. Even if it’s a high leadership position, they are still boxing themselves in and away from the ALL by declaring, “I am this or that.” So don’t. I am the Light, therefore, infinite and all powerful. I am Certainly not a skin color, race or sex, nor title. This is called spiritual maturity. The dark relies on us being spiritually immature and forgetting this tenet/fact. Why it created religions to take us away from the ALL. It goes for the ego, always the ego. If it gets you focused on your ego, it controls you. Therefore, the true way out of the darkness is to overcome one’s own ego and that means SELF RESPONSIBILITY!

By: Dan Sat, 20 Jun 2020 18:30:53 +0000 This makes sense and thanks for your posting. Where can I find more of this? By searching “Verify, then to Trust”, I get that it was political buzz in Reagan era and it’s from an old Russian proverb

By: Dan Sat, 20 Jun 2020 18:26:21 +0000 I don’t mind your analogy too much. Without our better angels, we are very much like dogs. Who would argue? I am wondering if there is any evidence that would carry the analogy so far as to “interbreeding”. I am pretty sure the science in this comedic video is correct. Check out this Video
Check out this video:

By: Sherry Thu, 18 Jun 2020 14:21:26 +0000 Absolutely!

By: Anabel Thu, 18 Jun 2020 05:39:31 +0000 How about that false flag eh? With no weight on the cops knee that is on his co workers neck.Crisis actors always give budget performances.
