Comments on: Free states: radical decentralization; the war for hearts and minds Mon, 22 Jun 2020 12:01:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Black Elk Mon, 22 Jun 2020 12:01:06 +0000 Interesting take. I’ve had an instinctual feeling of the same. What if we never bombed Japan? What if the Soviets won? Is it all good winning out over evil, or is it theater? Because for every instance of sheer good you can point to in history, there are just as many instances of bad perpetuated by those same people.

By: Black Elk Mon, 22 Jun 2020 11:58:16 +0000 To see CNN so blatantly turn the dials from “stay inside, the virus and just breathing will kill you. Do not socialize, destroy your mental health.” to “GET ANGRY AND GET OUTDOORS. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WHEN YOU PROTEST. WE WILL TOPPLE THE WHITE MIND VIRUS” in a matter of a couple of weeks was the turning point for me. My only question is, which faction wants this virus and who profits when everyone is unemployed? What is the end game if people can’t even work and pay taxes?

By: Madness Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:48:01 +0000 Very likely, as mad as they are and satanic they love the 9th month. Will it start at the 6th or at the 9th?

By: Madness Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:42:58 +0000 But Rachel it is still not an explanation why they are unable to properly isolate one.
Besides they are unable to infect with them, they tried it with the polio and HIV.

On my part I think the exosome explanation is the best. Our cells make those viruses to help us. Dr Kaufmann is right, BJ here (sorry I think that was the initials he used) also right. Youtube: Viral misconceptions.

And one more thing. As long as their virus legend is alive, we can be blackmailed anytime using fear. But when the legend die they never ever can use it to any agendas. Vaccinations are also end forever.

And every proof, every believable, fit to common sense, fit to experience proof shows that the virus legend in that form they told us is a big fat LIE.

The rabies vaccine is one of the deadliest, they made harm millions of animals using it, using us and the fear to be able to do it.
I think it was Patricia Jordan who wrote that distemper (very-very similar to rabies) is man made disease.

So I am sorry, I don’t believe that version either you wrote about Ebola. There is no proof for its existence just like there is no proof for the existence of covid. There is no proof the existence of measles virus – as Dr. Stephan Lanka proved it, and won the case on the German High Court. Lies after lies after lies.

But on my point of view, based on my own experience (still like to believe what I see), when we moved to the UK, there was a kind of legend about that when you spent here 2-3 weeks (not earlier, not later) you’ll be very sick with flu like symptoms, high fever and so.
And it is true, it is happening at least happened to us all. But the reason is not a virus. First I spent here 5 days or so, went back to my country, have a little disturbance in my stomach (the water and old water pipes and fluoride), but that was all. When we moved we all went to very ill exactly after 3 weeks or so.
What’s the difference among other countries and the UK? First the allowed radiation level is 1000x higher than in any European countries, more rich country people have far more radiating stuff. The other is the fluoridated water. But anytime you are poisoned with radiation, fluoride or else, the body’s reaction is illness, flu-like symptoms.
Another ‘local-special’ here we have flu-like symptoms rather often. But never or almost never a full-blown flu just part of it, when you feel that oh, my bones are aching, oh my throat is shore, will it be the flu? But no fever, no respiratory symptoms. But even if a full blown flu it keep coming back, 2-3 times, another thing I never seen before.

I am sorry at this point I am 100% sure that it is nothing to do with viruses, that viruses in that form they told us don’t exists, exosomes what are existent. Everything I saw, experienced support this discovery.

Or look around on the level of small pox and other poxes, look for photos, look for symptoms, you’ll realize that they are all very-very similar. Ask yourself if you have to be the tell the difference (as a doc) would you be able without fault? De-poisoning.

By: BDBinc Thu, 18 Jun 2020 02:59:03 +0000 And the primary slavery is that of the conditioned mind as master.
Without people being in this state of anxious and fearful brain washed they would not be obeying or need a daddy State to tell them what to do think and feel.
Know thyself as important (if not more) as ever.
Ironically the only escape is in, where your being lies .

By: Rachel Wed, 17 Jun 2020 23:41:38 +0000 I read your earlier post, so not all is lost. Your words still echo. As another person said, trolls are starting to fill this site, which might well be true.

By: Rachel Wed, 17 Jun 2020 23:34:52 +0000 Both sides are controlled, so indeed it is hard to escape. I believe that is the point of Jon’s Matrix series-how to escape the walls and reach our individual potential, to be free from the Matrix.

I do agree, though, that I am happier when avoiding many of the constructs of typical daily life. I also wish I could be wealthy to have more time to explore my personal truths, but money often changes people, and I might be happier where I am now.

By: Rachel Wed, 17 Jun 2020 23:07:57 +0000 @Madness, I, too, have read that book, The Hot Zone. And Jon discussed viruses on his last visit on C2C. He mentioned how viruses are too prone to mutations, so even if you find one that is destructive, it will likely mutate quickly and stop working.

And indeed this is also mentioned in The Hot Zone-Ebola, supposedly as deadly as you mentioned, is a terrible virus from an evolutionary standpoint-it kills the people it infects so quickly that it cannot sustain itself and continue to pass on to continue its survival.

Therefore, once again, viruses do not stand up to be what they typically are supposed to be.

By: lamberth Wed, 17 Jun 2020 21:23:51 +0000 Drum roll please!
With a big cymbal crash at the Eureka moment!

