Comments on: Lockdowns, tracing, testing, vaccinating, and Liberty Thu, 25 Jun 2020 04:49:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: SanityClaus Thu, 25 Jun 2020 04:49:35 +0000 Thomas Paine was a British agent brought to Philadelphia in 1775 by Benjamin Franklin. He was no American colonist. Paine brought silver from the British Crown and misrepresented it as funding from the king of France. The funds were not spent on weapons and supplies for the revolt but were instead used to set up a fake bank lending fake money at interest called the Bank of North America in which the Continental Congress had a 53% share.
The American “revolution” was a profit making scam to abolish the treaties with the indians and to purchase land from desperate people fleeing war.
After the American Revolution, Paine, the international celebrity author, returned to England just like Benedict Arnold and received another assignment from the British Crown to be a professional French revolutionary. He was provided with a seat in the French Parlaiment purchased with British Crown funds and could not speak french. The French people soon arrested him as a British agent and imprisoned him. When Paine appealed through the American ambassador for protection, it was George Washington himself who declared the Thomas Paine was an Englishman and not an American citizen.

By: Kathy Tue, 23 Jun 2020 02:25:17 +0000 And I second that! Jt King

By: Stephen Hardy Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:44:45 +0000 There is so much discussion about the covid-19 vaccine and what could be in it, but is it possible that it’s a bit of a red herring? I’m in the UK, where (absent of coercion at least) no vaccines are currently mandated, and I was thinking about how the covid scam could be used to ensure ALL vaccines are mandatory in the future.

If the covid vaccine could be seen to be “successful” – ie no deaths and no side effects in any of the population it’s given to – this could set the precedent for mandating this particular vaccine for EVERYONE, and of course, if the government can mandate ONE vaccine, it can eventually mandate them ALL.

This is my theory: all the activists and scientists and even doctors – at least those not in the pay of Bill Gates – are quite rightly predicting dire consequences of rushing to market a largely untested new type of potentially DNA-altering vaccine. A string of serious side-effects, outbreaks of auto-immune diseases and who knows what else, is the last thing big pharma would want right now as it would set the forced vaccination agenda back by months if not years. SO, why not literally just manufacture millions of doses of a placebo, some sort of saline solution that big pharma knows will not harm anyone, and make it available for those who want it, without forcing it on anyone. In this way, the whole vaccination campaign can be declared a great success, and thus set the precedent for mandating ALL covid and other vaccines in the future.

This method also has another benefit for big pharma: it wrong foots all the people predicting harmful effects from this vaccine and allows big pharma to revel in its “success”. They can say: “See, we told you our vaccine would be safe and effective. We’re not in the business of hurting people and in times of an international emergency and pandemic, you shouldn’t listen to all those people peddling conspiracy theories”.

Big pharma can then quietly lobby all governments to mandate the covid vaccine for EVERYONE in future years, when “new strains of the disease will undoubtedly break out”. That’s the foot in the door, so to speak. Once big pharma has been assured the vaccine will now be mandatory, they can really go to town and produce a “proper” vaccine with all the added “goodies” like nano-chips, kill-chips, sterility agents, and of course tracking and surveillance chips.

I know this sounds a bit of a crazy theory, but I think it makes some sense. The current “race” to produce a vaccine for covid-19 is a bit of a smokescreen. Don’t produce one just yet, just give those that want it a harmless placebo. Who’d know? And in terms of the alleged virus itself, it was a damp squib to start with, and by the time this vaccine/placebo is rolled out, the virus will have practically disappeared anyway through NATURAL herd immunity. There’s no need to vaccinate everyone, even if it WAS safe to do so.

By: Davido Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:09:43 +0000 Thank you Jon. This post presented a historical perspective on the value of liberty.

By: jjtech Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:43:47 +0000 same here – it’s pretty clear for me now. I can lose my job, my “rights” can be taken away, they can ban me from public transportation and public institutions, but I will not budge. How many people like this? I noticed a lot of folk who are “in the know” about the scam, still comply out of fear. It kind of destroys the mantra about “it’s all about getting the message out” – it’s not. It’s about not acquiessing to the satanic force that rules us. There is a huge difference between the knowledge and acting on this knowledge.

By: jjtech Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:40:22 +0000 It’s all good – but these vaccines must be randomly chosen and suprvised by some independent commission. I’d say a citizen A gets a mandatory shot and then gives it to Bill Gates’ children. You will see how quick this scum of the earth runs. Let’s do the woldwide lottery and chose the test randomly and than inoculate this satan’s spawn.

By: jjtech Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:35:05 +0000 “it will end soon and they will face justice”. Sounds like it will end on its’ own and somehow they’ll face justice – I’m asking how? Who will be the judge? Are they going to be charged and senteced in the US courts (that belong to them?). I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but there first must be someone who will do the charging. Who’s it going to be?

By: za ka lu Thu, 18 Jun 2020 16:00:50 +0000 trojan horse. we are lied to about everything

By: za ka lu Thu, 18 Jun 2020 15:58:32 +0000 bingo hayden, all a cover story for many reasons, non of the less for exploitation

By: peterbro Thu, 18 Jun 2020 11:24:54 +0000 There is a historical premise that the War of Independence was to circumvent the treaties that the British had with those Indian nations who had fought with them against the French.
Those treaties acknowledged the lands of the Indians and prohibited the encroachment by settlers onto the Indians lands.
King George III was honouring the treaties and the settlers coveted the Indian territories.
What transpired as a consequence of the Colonialists defeating the British and the annulment of those treaties supports that premise.
Given that a significant number of the signers had slaves, which amounts to 100% taxation of the slaves production, the catch cry of ‘no taxation without representation’ rings rather hollow.
