Comments on: Gene drive technology: what species should we make extinct today? Fri, 26 Jun 2020 19:50:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: NaturalWoman Fri, 26 Jun 2020 19:50:01 +0000 Wow, thanks!

By: Kevinmm Mon, 22 Jun 2020 18:25:26 +0000 They could create a type of result of which they lose control. Frankenstein lost control of his creation.

By: Moshe Sopher Sat, 20 Jun 2020 03:50:52 +0000 WELCOME, BRAVE NEW WORLD:

● Invasive technologies using biotic or abiotic inputs that fix internal body issues or which monitor functions of vital organs are here to stay just as transplants, gene therapy, stem cell methods, transfusions and surgeries are well established invasive medical techniques.

● If these intrabody bots enhance life and wellness, they’re welcome.

● Had we remained stuck on the level of prayers and potions to address health issues with the former a placebo and the latter limited, humans would’ve been ravaged by diseases and short life expectancy and without DNA sequencing we’d know nothing at all about the bio-software sculpting and programming our body parts and guiding body operations.

● I’m more concerned about the fast approaching Globalist scripted World War 3, imminent economic collapse, worldwide famine and the draconian North Korea model of the New World Order post 2030 when the genocide of around 80% of the world’s population would be completed.

● I’ve always known about the plans for the NWO due to my close ties with certain Israeli/Zionist lobbies (temporary wings created by the Globalists to achieve strategic aims) who’d give me advance information about the false flag or psy-op nature of several well publicised international events intended to further mislead and dumb down the sheeple (lay Jews included).

● In fact, we Jews, despite public opinion to the contrary, have it the worst and serve as typical fall guys or scapegoats who are praised, appointed to key lackey positions and ruthlessly crushed for strategic purposes as events including the Holocaust and a flare up of antisemtism indicate.

● The Globalists are not pro-Israel nor pro-Jewish even though a few of the leading Globalists like the Rothschilds and Astors are of Jewish ancestry with the overwhelming Globalist lineages being Gentile (Non-Jewish). I’m putting this down here because most people habitually blame Jews or Israel for all the evils in the world failing to realise that Jews and Israel are convenient scapegoats and at the receiving end and next on the agenda of the Globalists is the total ruination of Globalist psy-op Israel in the coming major regional war in the Middle East with the entire region set to be wiped out. From the horse’s mouth. Wait and watch.

By: Johnny Doh Fri, 19 Jun 2020 16:00:05 +0000 In China in the 50’s the central planners ordered everyone to go out and shoot the birds that were damaging the crops in the new “communal” farms. I think that caused the greatest famine in history? When everyone does the same thing at the same time – the risk is always there that everyone will die.

By: blue horizons Fri, 19 Jun 2020 01:20:29 +0000 Madness, hopefully many watching the series come away with a strong resolve to resist contact tracing which is key to creating an Orwellian Technocracy surveillance society. This type of system can go on to demand ANYTHING or else proles can be cut off from society or placed in a quarantine facility and later a Uighur style ‘re-education camp’.

Have to say I’m a bit disappointed that several of the medical freedom / vaccine choice advocates such as Bigtree are focused like lasers on whether a covid19 vaccine is viable or not and don’t emphasize the importance of resisting contact tracing. (Is there a reason Drs. Hotez and Offit are saying it’s unlikely a safe vaccine will available in the near future?) Bigtree even interviewed a neuroscientist, on today’s program, who likes the idea of contact tracing ‘to protect the vulnerable’. On the Highwire last month, Dr. Zach Bush expressed his opinion that the [dirty] human population spewing fossil fuels and glyphosate is what drove coronavirus to mutate into a deadly pathogen (= a cross between Club of Rome and Godzilla memes). Those sentiments are misleading, imho.

I recommend a recent Solari Report on youtube where Catherine Austin Fitts and Mary Holland discuss various concerns including the situation of the-powers-that-be possibly replacing the police with contact tracers, mental health monitors, and public private partnership social service enforcers (e.g. Dyncorp).

Special Solari Report: Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act – with Mary Holland:

Forced vaccines are a nightmare and I absolutely agree it’s a project related to depopulation and transhumanism. However, controlling humanity comes first with contract tracing, limiting our movements and punishing us for general non compliance.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Fri, 19 Jun 2020 01:10:27 +0000 BATMAN THEME

By: Ivan Zunic Thu, 18 Jun 2020 21:45:57 +0000 Until you don’t master it, it should be forbidden for military and commercial purposes.
You should also ban every blurry PR interest attempts.
You should come back to strict scientific regulation and interest disclosure and regulate interest research.
You should also internationally (globally) try to come up with your “enemies” on condemnation of unethical research and come up with an agreement with your enemy about prohibition of military/intelligence genomic research.
Not for idealistic but prosperity reasons.

I think it’s possible and done with an executive order signature.
The enemy initiative does not hinder but enables your survival in the next 20-30 years. A great investment opportunity for your Commander.

I think in this one the Chinese have better cards.
And you don’t wanna wake up ending up with no way out with with US newborns with frog legs.

Dry out the swamp.

By: der einzige Thu, 18 Jun 2020 20:52:55 +0000 I recorded a song three years ago

such blah blah blah but it’s really all about
step by step
supposedly in the name of progress and crap like that
to introduce human farming
men will be custom-made
bought as products
the new brave world begins
kind of human GMO
soldier, athlete, worker, slave
mascot for fun
the new brave world begins
kind of human GMO

By: Pft Thu, 18 Jun 2020 20:47:21 +0000 Yup, cats out of the bag

May 1, 2020, the company Oxitec received an experimental use permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to release millions of GM mosquitoes (labeled by Oxitec as OX5034) every week over the next two years in Florida and Texas. Females of this mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, transmit dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika viruses. When these lab-bred GM males are released and mate with wild females, their female offspring die. Continual, large-scale releases of these OX5034 GM males should eventually cause the temporary collapse of a wild population. Oxitec received 7 million in funding from the Gates Foundation in 2018

Starting up in Florida this month

By: Low Voltage Thu, 18 Jun 2020 19:25:46 +0000 “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”

“This, too, shall pass.”

Off topic: Doing some research for a blog, I learned that “science” has yet to create an accurate test for herpes. After all these years!
