Comments on: Technocracy inside your body: not science fiction Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:56:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Borst Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:56:04 +0000 This is really repressive. The state controlling people’s mental/emotional/physical states for its own convenience is a really bad form of tyranny. While use of psych drugs is bad, doing it remotely via namodust or implants is also bad. Most of those with power are not good people. They would often use this power to promote systems that abuse people.

By: Arby Tue, 23 Jun 2020 08:55:32 +0000 Everyone’s using the word “technocracy” to refer to technology or to technology and government combined. I don’t agree with that use. I also find it simply confusing.

By: Piksil Tue, 23 Jun 2020 03:10:00 +0000 Madness:

Thanks for that link! Video is excellent.

Been climbing down another rabbit hole, stepped into it with one of the videos from the 5g(ee) Summit.
I had taken a few notes on some of the speakers. One of the last ones I watched was Jason Bowden-Smith, from Australia, regarding mitochondria.

In that video he mentioned neurosurgeon Dr Jack Kruse. Dr Kruse has, through years of research, come up with some theories on health from a quantum physics perspective. Very compelling.

It seems that some of Dr Witte’s presentation in the video aligns with Dr Kruse: native EMFs are the basis of health/life, non-native EMFs and toxins (pollution, etc) are the basis of dis-ease/death.

By: Lyn P Mon, 22 Jun 2020 02:55:05 +0000 Another point to consider in the scapegoating of “Covid 19” to causing strong illness, hypoxia, and dangerous immune overreactions which can themselves result in death – is the pre-existing state of toxicities in some having received sequential flu shots, high EMF exposure, and/or in severely toxic environments such as Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC. As suggested by the phrase “Plague of Corruption,” Covid is concocted to get the blame for man-made assaults – how convenient for the perpetrators. Viruses will be used to mop up all manner of evils unless a critical mass of humanity sees through the medical spin.

By: Madness Sun, 21 Jun 2020 10:10:20 +0000 Maybe it goes back to being an introverted or extroverted person, introverted people don’t need constant attention, they are happy alone or with 1-2 true friends. With Facebook they probably get the feeling being liked with ‘likes’, a feedback, an illusion of company and care, friendship maybe. But it is just shallow.
Social sites are prefect to control the masses and to manipulate them just like religions (mea culpa, I envy those who can believe and really believe) but I always saw it mainly a tool of manipulation, always ending in wrong hands, always causing wars and misery in the name of this or that God while I am missing badly a ‘caring God’.
“I seek the POSSIBILITY of setting my view “out there”. “”
Educating? To make them THINK? I think I am similar but I mainly focus on one area and involve in others only when I am honestly interested in or when it is a must like in these days is a must. My survival depends on other’s. We can’t survive this madness alone.
These people play God but they will screw us for sure. The more I understand about energy, healing effect or harming effect, but mainly its divine complexity (oh the irony) the sure I am that they will kill us all and the planet, too.
Satellites… as we exchanged some info about it, I didn’t agree with you but didn’t wish to offend either.
I found a good one, have a look at it if you think:

By: Amanda Sun, 21 Jun 2020 03:09:46 +0000 Rick- Thanks so much for your post–very helpful info!!

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 21 Jun 2020 02:08:17 +0000 PAUL NEWMAN SALAD DRESSING
I buy Paul Newman salad dressing even though he died several years ago. I still watch his movies on TCM when they play them. I store LENTILS in my pantry. And I overbought TP. All the survival stuff is way beyond me. If things really do go south, I’m totally screwed.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 21 Jun 2020 02:01:52 +0000 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THINKERS vs. REWARD SEEKERS
The sheeple might be addicted because they like the “feeling” of being “watched”. I publish on social media because I like make it “possible” for others to seek out and find my views and analysis. That OFTEN happens but it often does NOT. It matters not to me. I’m not seeking instant reward from others. I’m publishing. Sheeple might be seeking self-gratificaion from others, whereas I seek the POSSIBILITY of setting my view “out there”. Not sure… just a thought. I’m addicted too, but in a different way.

By: Rachel Sat, 20 Jun 2020 21:19:21 +0000 I have heard Bill Gates owns Monsanto. I have also heard that it is somehow related to canned food-like Bill Gates profits from it. And I heard George Noory discussing how FEMA is buying all the food that is good for 25+ years, perhaps to store in the underground cities they are creating (see for that). But I don’t know what that amounts to or what it means…. Perhaps it will help lead to the answers you are seeking.

By: Rachel Sat, 20 Jun 2020 18:35:41 +0000 Fluidity, I may sound stupid for asking, but what good would it do politicians to have them and what does it explain?
