Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The trick behind Occult systems Sat, 27 Jun 2020 18:52:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara Sat, 27 Jun 2020 18:52:34 +0000 You wrote astutely so I copied and posted to Facebook linking your name and this page

Sara Bridge Reinhardt

By: KAS Fri, 26 Jun 2020 14:00:00 +0000 If something is hidden it must be searched out. In finding truth you reveal that “pearl of great price“

By: Peter Tue, 23 Jun 2020 13:56:20 +0000 Great insights. I’d add: Bashar teached me that there is no need to create any reality, since it already exist! All we are doing all the time is “tuning in” into particular version of reality. THats why occultists are free to do whatever they want, even negate the existence of universal laws or think that they are more powerful than whole creation.
Of course, they will learn a lesson sometime, as everything has consequences.

Occultists primarly fear death of physical body as they dont believe in spirit. Hence their goal is to merge with AI, machines, cloud computing, etc. Google has a company devoted to immortality. Some of the satanists ingest adrenochrome to live 20 years longer. Its all fear of death. They want to control all material things and all people. Fear of losing material things. Jesus was the opposite: he was not affraid of death as he believed in spirit.

But the truth is … humans are a perfect blend of matter and soul. We are not 100% matter and not 100% soul. We have both. We are free to choose what world we prefer to experience – we can go in either direction.

Some say soul is a frequency of light. Photons have no mass. But they can interact with matter. E=mc2, which means when you merge mass with light you generate energy, life energy.

Occult means hidden. Occultist think they know something which is deeply hidden, while in reality it is not, since everything is out there. People tend to believe : if something is hidden, it must be precious. Well, sun is not hidden !
Earth is not hidden!

By: Sean Sun, 21 Jun 2020 22:40:27 +0000 Im a traveling new construction plumber. A month ago i arrive at a new project. I meet a couple fellow workers wearing masks and went to shake their hands. And they retracted and said hey! I said, oh I apologize, you must be frightened that your mask wont keep you safe.

As the days go by I give them my take on this fraudemic, little by little. One day they asked me why I dont wear a mask. I replied, I do, when I work in insulation or around paint fumes or if Im saw cutting a concrete floor. But I dont wear them during fake pandemics. It surprised them. And the next day these 2 quit wearing them and havent since, at least at work. 2 down, a billion to go.

By: Sean Sun, 21 Jun 2020 21:41:23 +0000 I got some training once on something I wanted to learn. We were allow to share most of the information, no problem. They let us know the information we could not share as the training proceeded. They would stop and emphasis, “This is another section that is not allowed to be shared.”

After becoming aware of Jons great work, I realized that those secret parts to the training had one thing in common, it was the use of your own Imagination. Though I would have never made that connection without Jons Matrix Collections. And they most certainly did not imply that it was imagination. Imagination is what made it happen. And what makes it happen. All the more reason to validate the truth of the matter, somehow imagination, improvising does magic. The training made it look like it was coming from somewhere else, whether or not that was intentional or not. They made it definitely look like it had everything to do with their brand. It doesn’t at all. I think think they used some kind of mind control technique, and thats is a great lesson. It comes from me.

Thanks Jon

By: JungianINTP Sun, 21 Jun 2020 13:50:36 +0000 Rick:

The inclination toward HERD behavior is powerful!—to partially explain it.

Excellent analysis!


By: JungianINTP Sun, 21 Jun 2020 13:47:10 +0000 Rick:

Find, “The Sumerians,” by C. Leonard Woolley. // Sitchin’s books, as well.


By: JungianINTP Sun, 21 Jun 2020 13:38:01 +0000 No links.

No website.

All subjects mentioned above—
I have in article, magazine, or
book form.



By: Kia Kaha Sun, 21 Jun 2020 02:48:07 +0000 That’s a personal story most can relate to. A simple break in routine helps us take notice of things we’ve overlooked. People take vacations to come back home revitalized with fresh ideas.

Perhaps your notice is the beginning of the birth of an idea, a lifestyle change. Making lemonade out of lemons. Rather than having a job that takes up most of our time and energy, with so little left over for our personal life, what would it be like if we flipped that around?

The only thing that ties us to doing things backwards is the fictitious system. Otherwise we’d be more self-sufficient, less dependency, more empowered by doing things for ourselves and then giving to others from our overflow. If the whole of humanity did this way, we’d be living in a total surplus, not staring at the woes of a deep depression. There wouldn’t be want of anything anywhere. We’d already be it, do it, have it. Create a natural rebalancing of goods and services that is not wrapped up in the political game of egos in a pissing match.

There really is no such thing as joblessness and poverty except in the fiction. Look at all that lie and Earth has to offer us. We are each multi-talented and different in ways for a good reason! We complement and help each other, not compete. We can’t do it all, but we can do much. We are each responsible for taking care of our own lives first so we can then give from a strong, confident state of contentment rather than a weakened one of lack, a trick of the mind. They’d like us to believe that what they have to offer is all there is, but as creative spiritual beings, we know there is always something more, something better.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 21 Jun 2020 01:54:51 +0000 Hey Rick, again– Sumerians were apparently developers of the base 10 number system, and many other things. How could this be? Again, references… links… anybody your fave out there… like Zach Sitchen?
