Comments on: To US Attorney General: hydroxychloroquine clinical trials intentionally murdering people? Sat, 27 Jun 2020 14:11:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Sat, 27 Jun 2020 14:11:12 +0000 Someone has proposed that the heart is not a pump, but rather, the blood is primarily propelled by some kind of electromagnetic force.

If that is correct, no wonder EMW pollution will cause hypoxia.

By: Rian Sat, 27 Jun 2020 01:10:21 +0000 So are they purposely giving lethal doses recommended for study to say “HCQ is dangerous and shouldn’t be used?” Is that the purpose…? Kill off some people just to try and debunk a cheap remedy? Is that what I’m reading?

By: Robert LaFoy Wed, 24 Jun 2020 21:21:50 +0000 Salt is a necessary substance of life, too much will kill you. So it is with all nutrients and such, as we live in a world where balance is the difference between life and death. I thought science was supposed to discover that balance and report it for the common good of the people. (After all, we find them) This alone will tell you how far off the mark “science” has traversed. Try overdosing yourself with iron, vitamins, etc. and see what will happen. Relationship, in balance, is the name of the game.

By: Pft Wed, 24 Jun 2020 19:51:40 +0000 Being in a nursing home or ALF (over 2 million) resulted in a 10 times higher death rate 2.5%) due to COVID than elderly living at home. Reasons?

1. They weren’t sent to hospital when sick (for any reason even heart attack) as they were presumed to have COVID. Many probably died of other reasons and those given the responsibility to determine cause of death (in many cases medical examiners who never saw the patient) were incentivized to write down COVID.

2. Mandatory flu shots. Most with the super adjuvanted (squalene based) Fluad approved only for elderly because it stimulates the immune system too much in younger people with healthier immune system. Many elderly at home if they get a flu shot get the watered down free flu shot at CVS. Deaths from COVID in these people occur due to cytokine storm.

As a reward these nursing homes (some of them charge 10,000 a month), and ALF ARE BEING GIVEN BILLIONS . 2500 a bed even if only 5% of patients actually had COVID. 100 beds, 5 Covid patients (assume they died) , 250,000

Lets face it, 20% of a nursing homes patients over 80 die every year anyways

But they needed to get the death counts up, and saving a bit on social security, medicare and medicaid probably seemed to be a benefit.

By: Truth-Hurts Wed, 24 Jun 2020 16:48:42 +0000 you wonder –why people around the world hate USA & UK –it is because the corruption of US governments and its agents!!
there were Indian Research org. tested many Covid patients with HCQ and found it safe and effective…….big pharma companies with the help of CDC, WHO and US and UK scientists have intimidated those scientists that they will be ex-communicated —Result –that report never reached beyond the shores of India!
US and UK the most corrupt countries in the world –totally controlled by NWO,bankers and gates foundation etc.etc…….the blood thirst of these billionaires and the bankers –people like Trump are watching and doing nothing –what a waste of our votes. Trump is just another FRAUD — part of the global elite!

By: Madness Wed, 24 Jun 2020 10:00:15 +0000 Exactly.:) In these days it looks to me that the electro part is a bit more important.

By: michael burns Tue, 23 Jun 2020 23:31:12 +0000

By: Larry C Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:05:08 +0000 From what I’ve gathered, we are ELECTRO-chemical beings.

By: Larry C Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:00:51 +0000 I don’t understand much about fractals, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that yes, we are at WAR…and our enemy is not the Russians, the Chinese, nor is it the Boogieman-Du-Jour as trumpeted in the Official Narrative on the nightly news…

By: Kia Kaha Tue, 23 Jun 2020 19:32:56 +0000 All good and sound advice. Ty. We are also made of water and these devises alter the frequency of water. In my little town, they put EMF rockets atop the public water tower with other huge cell towers nearby. Absolutely criminal and dangerous. I want a corded princess phone! Do they still install residential corded phone lines?
