Comments on: Let’s fact-check Reuters: they say DNA vaccines don’t change your genetic makeup—true or false? Fri, 11 Sep 2020 10:23:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Fri, 11 Sep 2020 10:23:51 +0000 Regarding the shielding nowadays – I’ve used the new EMF-Turtal paint as it shields the whole 5G range. As it is already super popular it might be hard to find who has it available at the moment, but I got mine from here recently:

Ground it with the self adhesive copper tape all along the wall, it is dead easy, improves the shielding and eliminate electric fields.

By: Gene Bellerian1 Fri, 26 Jun 2020 15:02:03 +0000 Look up Electroporation. Thats what its called when they use a little electric zap to force cellular ion channels open to accept the dosage of whatevers in the vaccine.

Also be aware of this:

By: h5mind Fri, 26 Jun 2020 11:28:42 +0000 100% agree. Anyone who has studied microbiology for ten minutes will know the entire vaccine fraud is a multi-billion dollar scam to milk money from fearful masses while damaging health. Science so far has identified .0000000000000000000001% (I may be missing a few zero’s) of the DNA material of viruses on this planet, and yet, in the span of a few months have identified ONE of the 1,400 viruses which interact with humans. Miraculously we will have a vaccine for this one before year’s end. And the other 1,399? Viruses kill bacteria. Without them, we’d all be dead in a day or two. Viruses are not the enemy- ignorance is.

By: Victor Alan Pate Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:23:34 +0000 It’s important to recognize that David Baltimore is also a for-profit piece of trash that very well may change his position (or fumble thru modifying his NYT statement). He, Fauci and Robert Gallo were leading the AIDS/HIV mythology during that “plandemic”

By: Kati Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:13:41 +0000 It is hard because it has several reason, often they dont want to lose their status; you can get fired in lots jobs if you dont vaccine, and if you deny vaccine in public lots more can happen to you, so sure alot just go along.

And then a good part goes along just for convinience.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:06:52 +0000 [Sodium fluoride military]
[Sodium fluoride detox]
Debbie, true– I forgot about that since it has not taken me down completely (yet). I used the search phrases above on BING to review the problem and there’s still lots there. They started putting it in water in the 1940’s so the boomer gen would have been affected and then gens after that would be doubly affected with more universal coverage. The resistance to it has been on my radar for years but it really hasn’t knocked it down at all– and still no msm coverage. Detox, however, seems to be a big topic and might work on F.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:44:05 +0000 FORCED DNA HACKING vs. VOLUNTARY
I’m with you on that one Mark but my sci fi reading and movie watching over the years pointed to tightly knit operations with volunteers like astronauts are to space– for DNA alteration. Jerry Lewis in the Nutty Professor drank his experimental DNA altering potion himself. None of these fictional accounts had a massive banking/corporation cabal force it on all of humanity. There WAS one book I read called IQ 80 I think, but I’ll have to check, where all humanity was dumbed down. The point is– why are the latest DNA vaccine companies not putting “ads” out for “volunteers” which WOULD be interesting?

By: Debbie Thu, 25 Jun 2020 07:31:08 +0000 A Rick in Phoenix AZ – Because of fluoride being in our water system for 5 to 6 decades or a few generations now; the educational system, increasingly with time, minimizing and eliminating critical thinking in students; the increasing biasedness of professors, instructors, and teachers into supporting socialism; the hypnotic effects of the electronic devices in addition to constant globalist propaganda from the media, I’m surprised that the “new gen” can mentally function at all and are not total zombies by now.

By: Doreen Thu, 25 Jun 2020 02:07:37 +0000 Thank you for sharing the link.

By: Karen Ronan Thu, 25 Jun 2020 01:06:39 +0000 They had me at , “If all goes well…”
