Comments on: Elite television news rescued by COVID Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:37:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:37:07 +0000 Thanks for sharing this, Rick!

By: JungianINTP Sun, 28 Jun 2020 10:07:31 +0000 Insightful!

Thanks for the details.


By: Lyn P Sun, 28 Jun 2020 03:26:47 +0000 Seems like your hyper tone is almost tongue-in-cheek. Hope so actually, or you are the one “conspiritized.” There is absolutely no sars-cov-2 virus, it’s a hoax. Viruses exist everywhere and IN us by the trillions and they do not bring disease. Covid is made up and has been spun as the cause of death by everyone who can get away with it. TOXINS and other internal illnesses are the culprits. SOOO many places you can start your research, how about learning about the several hard attempts to spread Spanish Flu directly from person to person and complete FAILURE!!

By: M Sat, 27 Jun 2020 19:00:07 +0000 Very funny and to the point. But you left out a star anchor and his news house, Tucker Carlson of Fox News. He certainly doesn’t lack logic, in fact his skill at manufacturing consent is brilliant, just because his discourse seems so logical. But as you describe the anchor’s role, he is a pawn in someone’s game and sadly, in spite of his convincing grimacing, he can never deliver a logical conclusion. He remains a sophist, and like all the rest, he is counting the dead while waiting for the next vaccine.

By: bleak Sat, 27 Jun 2020 02:19:13 +0000 I agree with you, Jungian. As someone who was too young for Vietnam by only a few years, I got to watch the news of that time.

Not too long ago, I was in a cigar store where the locals chew the fat regarding whatever. One guy was extolling the greatness of Cronkite as if he were a saint. I couldn’t help myself and interjected how he was a liar and an admitted communist. As an example (they were staring at me like I was a ghost), I told them about Cronkite’s admission and said the usual “do the research” which was, of course, futile.

Nixon’s secret bombing campaign of Cambodia which began in 1967 with “Operation Breakfast” and continued through the early 70s with whatever was on the “Menu” destroyed Cambodia with the most tonnage of bombings since WWII. It was buried in the news. It wasn’t news.

Nor was “Operation Phoenix.”

If someone reported something like “Nixon, Kissinger, McNamara have concocted a run on Cambodia that makes the blitzkrieg seem like fireworks. They’re doing it not to win a war but as a test of operations for future bombings and gauging media and public mind control (Sideshow by William Shawcross),” which segued into “and the CIA are running a torture program against the Vietnamese,” it would have been devastating for them. And no one did report it. It was “mission accomplished” thanks to people like Cronkite.

I also think those were fake tears/sobbing on November 22, 1963.

By: SanityClaus Sat, 27 Jun 2020 02:15:30 +0000 Cognitive dissonance is experienced by people who can recognize contradiction.
News is not facts. Facts are not defined as something we have never seen before.
People who worship drinking the blood and eating the tortured flesh of the holy human sacrifice have no capacity for rational thought and will never have such capacity for rational thought. The newest version of their worship/submission is cowering to the holy Covid19 terror invisible enemy you desperately need our protection so assume the muzzle of submission(muslim). Christian religion is group fear ritual. Now they bow to Islam and kill for Islam. Islam is the state religion of the pentagon and national guard who serve Islam by establishing Islamic states in Iraq, Afghnistan, Yemen and Syris.

By: Piksil Fri, 26 Jun 2020 23:25:59 +0000 And so is AIDS, Swine flu (H1N1), SARS, Bird Flu! Ebola, and others I’ve missed.

Luckily you’ll be able to get avaccine soon. Warp Speed ready, warp speed effective…..

There is a (I believe) bio-chemist who states that ‘disease is 95% toxins, 5% genetics.

This new DNA vaccine might even those ratios a little bit.

By: Larry C Fri, 26 Jun 2020 19:32:33 +0000 “Just victims of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high”

A perfect description to describe the effects on those who faithfully consume Mainstream News.

By: NaturalWoman Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:12:03 +0000 Please take the time to watch the following video with an open mind. We’ve been lied to about so much–your very life depends on understanding this. Don’t wait, it will be censored.

By: glenn field Fri, 26 Jun 2020 16:28:52 +0000 Yes many people are ill but the causes of this massive illness you know is around us is not limited to one virus one cause.
There is an underlying issue that has been building for decades and now it is reaching it’s boiling point.
That underlying issue is all the man-made toxic chemicals, pollution, radiation, and magnetic frequencies we are exposed to. Yes in small amounts it is harmless but now that is far from the case. All of it has weaken our overall health. We are more and more vulnerable to all types of diseases and infections as a result.
It is not just people getting heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or dropping dead within a year. No everyone exposed is affected even if they feel fine. Slowly they will succumb to illness over time.
I promise you this COVID-19 crisis will reach it’s end and many people will still be gravely ill. All that matter to those in power is that their policies that benefit them. Of course the media will convince everyone that we are all healthy again. Then another health crisis will happen and the whole cycle will continue because the underlying issues hasn’t been dealt with.
