Comments on: Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people Sat, 04 Jul 2020 01:43:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Sat, 04 Jul 2020 01:43:16 +0000 Why so much hate?

By: Deanna Johnston Clark Fri, 03 Jul 2020 22:37:46 +0000 Beautifully written…thanks! I visited an old priest for several years in a nursing home. One thing I learned fast…the more visitors a patient gets, the better the attention After a lifetime as a sweet, unselfish Christian he had only 2 regular visitors. He wasn’t box office.

By: billy Tue, 30 Jun 2020 20:38:24 +0000 This is not an accident or unplanned “false flag”. The psychopaths who run this country had this planned out to a T.

“A 2013 paper by Anthony H. Cordesman of the Washington think tank

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) frankly

presented the increasing longevity of ordinary Americans as an

immense crisis for US imperialism.”The US does not face any foreign

threat as serious as its failure to come to grips with “the rise in

the cost of federal entitlement spending,” Cordesman wrote, “saying

the debt crisis was driven almost exclusively by the rise in

federal spending on major health care programs, Social Security, and

the cost of net interest on the debt.” His best way to solve

problem. get rid of old people.
quote s from article Social counterrevolution and the decline in US

life expectancy – World Socialist Web Site

Cordesman bemoans that as the population grows older, seniors are

sapping vital resources as they seek treatment for dementia, heart

disease, and cancer. By implication, something must be done to rein

this in, especially if the United States is to address Cordesman’s

main priority “maintaining the current exorbitant spending on wars

and the US military.
so your parents /grandparents etc are expendable. And “plandemic”

fits the bill perfectly!

My Q is when will the 90% or more people wake up and
realize they are being killed (GMO, Glyphosate, poisoned water, “Chemtrails, the “Medical” system itself, etc, etc).

By: Sonia H. Mon, 29 Jun 2020 05:40:28 +0000 Thanx for that link, Rick in Phoenix.

By: Rachel Mon, 29 Jun 2020 04:35:02 +0000 Rick, I appreciate your work. That said, I thought you should see this article (keep reading towards the end):

By: Rachel Mon, 29 Jun 2020 04:30:17 +0000 Madness, you summed up so much of the problem. I find myself wondering, when the average person has gone extinct, will those public people we call our leaders then start to fall? Recently I was listening to an old Coast to Coast, and one guest briefly mentioned that those who publicly attend the Bilderberg conference are still puppets groomed by their masters. Will those who sold humanity finally discover what it means to be human?

I have started to wonder how could society be saved? Perhaps this isn’t the first time society has fallen like it has. Perhaps the stories of the floods were actually more accurate. It does seem we have passed a point of no return, where man’s only salvation would basically be a giant reset.

By: Rachel Mon, 29 Jun 2020 04:11:01 +0000 I hadn’t given much thought to why they picked a bat, but I bet you’re right. Just like the “Corona” virus. After all the failed pandemics, this would come out on top. Tptb seem to have a habit of using symbolism.

By: Rachel Mon, 29 Jun 2020 03:46:18 +0000 Not always nefarious to create a virus out of thin air? In what instance would it be beneficial or good to create a virus or the existence of one?

And even if I agreed there might be some positive reason, as Jon has shown (and does a fantastic job of it in the video posted by Pierre) that the entire point of this “virus” was an elaborate scam to do everything from taking away freedom and money to outright murder with no consequences. So please, help me understand what I am missing.

By: yerba buena Mon, 29 Jun 2020 02:30:57 +0000 I just watched Jons’ new video and Pierre you
are right, that was a key line, and very funny,
about blogging some more about ‘science’, which
Jon repeated a couple of times. Another line
which gave me the laughing giggles was at the end, to wit:
“Well, then, Mr. Fauci, I’m afraid we’re not going to follow your advice.” “What, sir? How
can we not?” “It’s pretty easy, actually…
first of all, we dump your ass…in the grass
and we leave you behind.”
Thanks again, Jon, for your inestimable wit and wisdom, and thank you, Pierre for highlighting a worthy portion of a great video. Merci, beaucoup and j’nai sais qua.
au revoir,

By: Low Voltage Sun, 28 Jun 2020 19:01:41 +0000 Nursing Homes Shocked at ‘Insanely Wrong’ CMS Data on COVID-19
