Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: My interviews on space-time manipulation Sun, 28 Jun 2020 16:07:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 28 Jun 2020 16:07:40 +0000 INTERVIEW ELLIS MEDAVOY
“We had to discredit Peter Duesberg”
By Jon Rappoport

On reading that article about Medavoy and AIDS/HIV by Jon again, it struck me that they used the term AIDS more ubiquitously in the 1980’s than they use SARS right now. Back then, they took some time to “discover” the HIV virus in the GREEN MONKEY that, in their cockamaney story, caused AIDS. THIS time, they came out the virus [from BAT SOUP… or a LAB EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG] FIRST and UNDERPLAYED the SYNDROME or SARS aspect of it.

I think their “trick” worked BETTER this time. Back then, they may have understood that playing up the SYNDROME FIRST and THEN introducing the virus, led the public to watch for symptoms first & somehow the hoax failed to “take off”. It was always thought to be confined to one minority group. THIS TIME, they simply reversed the operation by pushing the virus first and then stacking it AFTERWARDS with “symptoms”, again underplaying SYNDROME. Jon wrote in the article…

Medavoy continued, “There were things that the public had to be shielded from, too. Under no circumstances could they get the notion that AIDS was really many different conditions. That was a supreme no-no. The medical journals, as well, had to refrain from picking up that tune. AIDS had to be thought of as ONE disease condition—the destruction of the immune system—which was happening solely because a germ, HIV, was attacking cells of the immune system.”

Conclusion: Well, the public DID pick up that tune. AIDS did indeed come to be thought of as HIV created but only transmitted in a small minority population and there was never mass-testing for “HIV” like there is for “COVID-19” today.

Another idea crossed my mind. Who would be today’s Duesburg? Rappaport? Just a thought. Who else even qualifies?

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 28 Jun 2020 14:03:27 +0000 BIG HOLE or MORE SUPPORT?
I just read the article you’re right, it does blow a hole in a FEW of the official versions. The “lab-designed-Wuhan” version and the “bat-food-origin” version. However upon close reading, it appears your linked article explains how “coronavirus genome” was already in Spain’s waste water before the appearance in Wuhan, to be sure– but the author appears to NOT be shocked by this. Rather the author uses this as yet another version that then SUPPORTS the idea that looking at wastewater IN GENERAL can be used for EARLY DETECTION in a region, and then somehow detect its presence in ASYMPTOMATIC populations! I know that is TWISTED like a PRETZEL… but that’s my read on it. Great find, though, Loreto. Regardless, THEIR NARRATIVE is stupid in so many ways that its impossible for it to “make sense”. Still I’ll peg your reference as important to OUR SIDE to demonstrate how their TWISTED NARRATIVE is just silly.

By: Hayden Redwood Sun, 28 Jun 2020 03:23:43 +0000 Looks like Jon got no Afterpay of some sort bugger can’t afford to fork out that much on books at moment. Anyway maybe in near future

By: The Watchman Sun, 28 Jun 2020 02:27:36 +0000 Jon, just linked an extremely interesting article about Covid that I think you and all your readers would be interested in.
Please go to

By: Loreto Sun, 28 Jun 2020 00:24:28 +0000 I have published it because it opens a big hole in the official version.

Read the date well: March 2019

By: JungianINTP Sat, 27 Jun 2020 23:22:15 +0000 Can’t disagree, Rick.

The gateway to the reptilian brain is, generally, the emotion-dependant right hemisphere.

INTPs are rare in the population, about 1% among us.

Jungian psychologists say this about them, re their intuitiveness and analytical skills:

“Listen when they speak!”


By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sat, 27 Jun 2020 20:21:50 +0000 features an article by Jon on MEDAVOY

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sat, 27 Jun 2020 20:20:23 +0000 INTP?
I had to look up INTP…What does it mean to be an INTP personality type?

quote from BING:
INTP is an acronym used to describe one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. INTP indicates a person who is energized by time alone (Introverted), who focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details.

I’m not sure that you can say that the matrix is a projection of left/right hemispheres or angel/demon frontal lobes / reptile brain. The brain operates as a whole. When the brainwaves are even between the hemispheres and there is a good synchronization between them, the feeling is calm, decisive and imaginative at the same time. I think its’ when the higher/lower/left/right elements are operating to the exclusion of the other elements that leads to trouble. But integrated brains are rational, powerful, good & joyous all at the same time.

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sat, 27 Jun 2020 20:05:37 +0000 IMPOSSIBLE
There is no such thing as a virus. And SARS means Severe Acute Respiratory SYNDROME… a syndrome is a set of conditions NOT found in waste water. AIDS too was a SYNDROME and HIV did not exist.

By: Pisces Sat, 27 Jun 2020 19:42:47 +0000 I’ll give you a little example of why you should consider purchasing “The Matrix Revealed”.

I always thought that the destruction of the Berlin Wall happened because the German citizens fought back their tyrannical government, but I would’ve never found out that it was an engineered event if I hadn’t purchased “The Matrix Revealed”. To give you just a tiny little glimpse of Jon’s highly informative collection, here’s a little example:

“…The 1989 destruction of the Berlin Wall was seen by the West as a great step forward for freedom. The German people saw it as a means for the reunification of their nation, which had been split in two after World War 2. But in truth, the falling of the Wall was an engineered event to bring the whole of Germany into its cartel-designated role as a major player on the world map of countries…”

**That is not the full quote about that subject.**

What I think as a best part about the interviews is, Jon made sure that the information he’s getting is CREDIBLE before he chose who he’s going to interview, and he asks very interesting questions intelligently, to “extract” good information from insiders’ knowledge about how they rule “The Matrix”. And it’s not just about the interviews. The information you’ll get is much, much deeper than getting insiders’ knowledge.

“The Matrix Revealed” is highly informative and exciting to read, and I can confidently say that you will not regret it, if you purchase Jon’s collection.
