Comments on: Infant mortality down; number of vaccinations down Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:30:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bonnie Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:30:51 +0000 They did that to the Amish b/c they had no allergies or intestinal problems nor autoimmune diseases. They wanted all them vaxed, so there could not be any studies comparing vaxxed kids to unvaxxed ones.

By: CynthEmm Fri, 03 Jul 2020 14:16:12 +0000 Wishing you all the best. It is a good idea to leave those high risk areas…I’m pretty sure I understand those circumstances!

By: bob klinck Wed, 01 Jul 2020 18:07:40 +0000 The relentless centralization we see, whether governmental or corporate, is dependent on money, and the financial system controls the issuance of money, over which it claims ownership. If we decentralized the power of money, preferably to all citizens in accordance with the principle of economic democracy as against the current tyrannical pyramid of power, then the bulk of the problems we face would become solvable by a financially enfranchised population with a stake finally in making things work.

By: BDev Wed, 01 Jul 2020 15:48:42 +0000 “We need to…”
Yep, sure do.
Seriously, how?
Once you really look into it, you’ll see how difficult it is.

By: Amanda Wed, 01 Jul 2020 05:31:35 +0000 @Arby- Rick put this list together of Jon’s articles. I copied and posted them here:

By: Lyn P Wed, 01 Jul 2020 01:26:41 +0000 I’m no off-the-grider but I am taking the step to leave what I consider a high risk area (NOT due to any “covid’) although it will be a break from a place I loved until very recently, plus close family here. Whom are not that many. Not to mention friends. But it is 3 hrs. away and we’ll visit. The personal feeling of entrapment, the best way to describe this devolution since March, has overwhelmed the other considerations. So just adding my personal 2 cents regarding such decision-making

By: arcadia11 Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:01:35 +0000 it’s still up – i just watched it at 1:57pm 6/30.

i am in california and the video, especially at the end, made me totally lol.

thanks much. have shared it widely.

cheers ~

By: Victor Borge Tue, 30 Jun 2020 16:42:16 +0000 I would definitely purchase individual books from Jon. Why does he bundle everything into a single expensive purchase?

By: Deuce Tue, 30 Jun 2020 15:59:53 +0000 Surprise! SIDS never existed. It was always vaccines. Take away the Vaccines and SIDS diminishes by a proportional quantity. A degree in rocket surgery is not required to see the obvious reality here. Now cue the many articles waving hands and heavily loaded with ‘anti-vaxxer’ dismissals, but little to no actual data. If necessary they’ll even drag out the specter of Dr Andrew Mangele Wakefield to use as a speed bump. But this time it’s different. Their COViD-unseen scam has paved the way for unverified data, ‘observational studies’ and data-less diagnoses to be the standard. Scientific rigor is now optional. A basic correlation like this is at least as credible as what you’ve seen recently from WHO, CDC and NIH. In the before time thier big dismissal was that ‘there is a scientific process required to make such claims’. But it has been them who have thrown this all out the window in their promotion of COViD-unseen. It has been them who have touted any shred of loose evidence that might make Trump look the fool, even when it came from ‘adult content’ models. It is them who have published-then-retracted flim flam articles in the world’s most prestigious medical journals, tanking the credibility of all involved. So how will they dismiss this one? What credibility do they have left? How can they complain about a low bar of evidence when it was their own fraud and laziness that pushed the bar so low? How can they discount the evidence when it is far more compelling than their daily case numbers that they blast to the four corners of the earth? Is it not easier to confirm that a live baby is alive than it is to confirm that a gunshot victim died from COViD-unseen? So spread this info far and wide. Make the case that whatever scientific arguments are brought against it apply equally or greater to their COViD-unseen scam. Do not take your foot off the gas. They are completely cornered by their lies and laziness with this one. Any argument against one only illuminates the fallacy of the other. Spread this article and it’s message as far and wide as you can. Repeat it as often as they repeat their fake virus figures. Repeat it as often as they reflexively cry ‘anti-vaxxer’. Every time they say ‘anti-vaxxer’ meet it with ‘pro-dead-babies’. Yes I am an ‘anti-vaxxer’. Proudly. Will they accept the moniker of ‘pro-dead-babies’ as eagerly as I accept my label? No. So ruthlessly belabor that point. Make that their Waterloo. Make that their Thermopylae. Force them to die defending the only hill they have left to occupy. The one strewn with dead babies. They had it coming. Swing your hammer indiscriminately and with intent. For the honor of 200 dead babies a week that could and should have lived.

By: CinthEmm Tue, 30 Jun 2020 12:53:09 +0000 BOOM!
