Comments on: The China lockdown, Sun Tzu, and the Art of War Fri, 28 May 2021 19:47:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lyn P Sun, 05 Jul 2020 23:36:19 +0000 Thank you! Just earlier today I saw a screen shot of part of this article as was hoping to encounter the link to it. I feel that I can take on anyone, including my friends in healthcare, on the basic premise of “there is NO Covid 19 there is NO sars-cov-2 no one has died from this, as it is fully concocted.”

By: Walking Dead Sun, 05 Jul 2020 08:57:38 +0000 We do get to pick which slave job we want. What doctor we want. what housing we want. what education we want. Yet it is still all controlled by the Masters. The illusion of freedom.

By: Walking Dead Sun, 05 Jul 2020 08:46:13 +0000 I agree. The shipping of our jobs to China was their plan. All the big countries are in on the play. One big theatre show. Billions of slaves, too dumbed down and selfish to be united, and divided we fall. It is funny how people deny their slavery. In the old days they had to house, feed, and provide medical for the slaves. Of course they controlled the housing, the food, the education, the work, and the time for oneself. How is today any different? Oh yeah, the sheeple believe they are free and celebrate it every year.

By: Mac Sun, 05 Jul 2020 03:45:45 +0000 Well I wrote this before seeing others, so another on the masks, so I’m driving yesterday, going to turn into parking lot, guy waiting to pull into street, then as I’m turning he pulls into road and nearly hits my car. I swerve to avoid, and realize he’s, wearing a mask. Keywords wearing mask -in car, strapped up to his eyeballs or maybe impeding them or in any case impeding brain function. It seems there is no limit to blindness, figuratively or now literally.
Other little note today more state govt saying wear masks everywhere as another comment mentioned, yet same time for their fourth or trump speeches etc, hundred thousand people -no masks required, convenient eh. Probably for media tv visuals etc, otherwise a sea of masked people wouldn’t really go with the independence theme? How people aren’t feeling like hamsters on a flip flop wheel I don’t know. In any case didn’t mean to distract from other’s posts above, good to re-read, and good thoughts to use greg c.

By: Jim S Smith Sun, 05 Jul 2020 02:10:53 +0000 That, and the USA having a mere fraction of the population of China! Gee. Funny how some “statistics” map out? ? ?

By: Jim S Smith Sun, 05 Jul 2020 02:09:41 +0000 A “pussycat of a virus” that somehow left a long trail of bodies.

Also interesting how all of the deaths occurred in the hands of “healthcare workers”? ? ?

We NEVER really heard of actual, proven COVID-19 deaths being actually found on scene? ? ?

“Food for thought”.

By: Jim S Smith Sun, 05 Jul 2020 02:07:39 +0000 Because they have a huge spiritual and emotional deficit, much like the idea of “parasites”.

Their supposed “joy” is in controlling others out of a megalomaniacal “god-complex”, where THEY feel they are the GODS, and the rest serve them. Plus, most of these control-freaks inherently have NOTHING of skill nor value to actually add to the experience of humanity. They want everything done FOR them, by the rest of humanity.

By: JB Sat, 04 Jul 2020 18:58:31 +0000 Having worked professionally with Chinese manufacturers for several years, Jon is spot on with the STYLE of Chinese strategy and deception. The only successful way to manage their deceit was to hire their own people to monitor their quality and process. It was glorious to watch them get at each others throats over petty disputes, some of which I had to intervene upon in order to get product moving.

But WRT Trump, I don’t take him as that inept at strategy. An example of his spy-vs-spy approach we can look at the pages of MAD magazine back when they published the spy cartoons, and how the adversaries were caught in feint and counter-feint deceptions. I’ve not been a Trump advocate my whole life, having observed his business tactics. But one thing that has always stood out in his business affairs,he is very intelligent and an excellent strategist. He knows how to maneuver competing forces against each other in order to achieve his objectives. Being the POTUS has just been a step up for him in this regard, and I suspect that he has finally bitten off a bit more than he can masticate. So yeah, he appears to be boxed in for now. But we can expect to hear a lot more of his Rushmore stumping as part of his own route of strategy.

By: From Elsewhere Sat, 04 Jul 2020 18:58:29 +0000 Officially, China by WHO report about 86,000 infections, while the US is close to 2,8 million. Must be true, just because they say so!

Meanwhile, officially, the side effects of remdesivir (other anti-virals similar) are catastrophic, but sure, why not push it?

We need to take care of ourselves, until some medics with conscience speak up about all this criminal plot.

By: Greg C. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:46:53 +0000 So far, no one has hassled me for not having a mask. At one store the greeter offered me a mask (very politely), and I just said, “No thank you, I don’t wear a mask.” Yeah, I’m breaking the law, and it’s no big deal. No one tries to shame me, and I have yet to see any kind of intent to enforce. I avoid the big-box stores.

Most people remember reefer madness laws and have seen how that was all bluff. Casual law-breaking will work since everyone is sick of being so uptight. Cops have just been dumped on big time by BLM, so they aren’t gung-ho to cite or arrest people for the way they breathe.

If eventually I do get cited or kicked out of a store, I intend to just shrug it off like the rain and continue living naturally. Stay loose, stay cool. It’s not just a political battle – it’s an emotional game.

In that spirit, Happy Independence Day!
