Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Thu, 09 Jul 2020 15:14:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theta Thu, 09 Jul 2020 15:14:51 +0000 Jim, who is the author of that fantastic quote?

By: bleak Mon, 06 Jul 2020 17:32:33 +0000 Well done. Thanks.

By: Walking Dead Mon, 06 Jul 2020 08:03:32 +0000 The animals in the woods live a life of freedom. They pay no taxes, they work for nobody but themselves. They don’t use doctors, dentists, or participate in a corrupt political system. They live in freedom. Money means nothing to them. Humans on the other hand, live the opposite.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 05 Jul 2020 21:22:57 +0000 That is my pen name. And most of my poems that have been ‘published’ are here on Jon’s blog which I am ever grateful for his having posted them. Jon’s way of thinking and expressing himself have been one very important source of inspiration for me. He has long been encouraging the power of human imagination and creativity which I believe we all have a capacity for if we but knew how to engage it.Imagination is like a brush fire that can burst into full flame when one takes the love of the universe into one’s heart. One is compelled to give something of it back to the rest of the world. Writing poetry is a great joy for me and is a humble gift from my heart to yours.

By: bleak Sun, 05 Jul 2020 18:20:15 +0000 Who is Harper Eliot?

I can’t find a thing either on amazon or searches.

All glory to the Father, to the Mother Sophia who is Wisdom, and to the Son Jesus Christ.

By: Jim S Smith Sun, 05 Jul 2020 01:36:07 +0000 A defining comment is in order here:

“Of the world’s greatest innovations,
Of the greatest extent of advanced learning,
Of the most profound of gifts to mankind,
NONE were innovated by ‘collectives’!”

“All of our greatest innovations,
Started within the Minds of,
Those who challenged orthodoxy!”

By: Donald Sun, 05 Jul 2020 00:37:27 +0000 Picese I wonder what you believe to be freedom?

By accepting responsibility for your sovereignty as a human being – only then can you be a collective

By: Rick in Phoenix AZ Sun, 05 Jul 2020 00:03:16 +0000 BEER
Pisces wrote “But of course you can tell yourself that you’re a free individual when you’re off work.”
That’s exactly what I do, after I’ve absorbed my first beer.

By: Larry C Sat, 04 Jul 2020 23:12:33 +0000 ~Slug Management~

By: Pisces Sat, 04 Jul 2020 17:06:54 +0000 And yet, even after the individual has “freed” himself from the matrix by convincing himself saying “I’m not part of any collective consciousness, I’m an individual person who does not depend on others, I’m free..”, he will go back to the matrix and work for money because he depend on money to live. The matrix is the world run by money.
You can’t say that you don’t depend on others if you are working for money. Money is only an illusion that’s backed by delusion of people. They’re just fictional numbers that we invented. We made them up. They don’t have value outside our heads. They’re made out of earth’s materials and elements, which are trees, plants, nickel and copper and electricity (digital money). Just because these pieces of earth are shaped in rectangles (paper) and rounds (coins) etc. do we have to be enslaved by the ones who make them and work for their system just to get rewarded with their toys (money)? That’s how they control us. We collectively believe in the value of money and we are a group of workers who serve people who own the monetary system and they’ve created a place for us to be in to control us (our workplaces), so the notion that you can set your self free from the matrix while working for money is nothing but a wishful thinking. A delusion. There’s no such thing as a free slave, you are where they want you to be and what they want you to be (a worker), a slave to their monetary system. But of course you can tell yourself that you’re a free individual when you’re off work.
People who control the money supply are united and work together to keep us divided and fight with each other, and that’s what keeps the matrix going. Have fun experiencing your individual “freedom”.
