Comments on: Highly dangerous drug being used to sedate COVID patients Tue, 14 Jul 2020 12:51:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol Joy Sat, 11 Jul 2020 03:33:24 +0000 I have noticed so many characteristics of Chairman Mao’s Red China inside the USA’s liberal/progressive game of cards. For one thing, both groups utilize this subtle, insidious, sinister style of cancelling a person. You do not even know what you did wrong, until you find out it is the new original mortal sin of the day.

In Red China, a man was dragged from his house, fitted with a dunce cap, and made to sit all day in a precariously wobbly high chair while his neighbors threw rotten vegetables at him. His crime against the State? He had gone to the barber and gotten his hair cut so his hairstyle emulated that of Chairman Mao! But he did it without permission so he was humiliated all day long.

Yesterday I read of someone who has been banned from either being in the progressive political party or maybe from being a reporter, for using the term “black listed.” He did not know that this week it is considered a racial slur. So he himself ended up being “black listed.” You cannot make this stuff up!

By: Barbara Wed, 08 Jul 2020 18:05:32 +0000 So WHY is this happening? I feel it is leading up to the Rapture and second coming of Jesus.

By: RICKY Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:59:48 +0000 THANK YOU

By: Erika Mon, 06 Jul 2020 18:17:25 +0000 is murder
Yes it is deliberate.
From whatr i understand it is mainly five democratic governors responsible and the republican senate is actually investigating this.

This criminal behavior by the Globalist/collectivists is par for the course.
It is very scary..we may lose everything we held dear.
This is not a joke or a drill.

It is not a “conspiracy theory”.
They hate Trump because he literally said that the future does not belong to the globalists.

If you understand how philosophy has been WEAPONIZED through postmodernism to identity and Intersectional politics- it’s aim is to destroy the West.This IS Chairman Mao’s revolution revisited.
I had a friend who lived through the Mao’s revolution as a child and the stories she told me were horrific beyond reckoning…the first thing they destroyed was the ability to reason, installing illiterates to run the government offices. using extreme fear and snitching to consolidate power, as well as outright slaughter.)

It is not a “culture war”, it is a fight for our lives.

By: Eluard Mon, 06 Jul 2020 16:23:28 +0000 UNBELIEVABLE.

No, not that this is going on, that they’re doping people into clinical death. No, not that.

IT IS UNBELIEVABLE THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS REPORTED ON THIS, as far as I have seen. Look at Jon’s sources at the end of the article–they’re ALL, except for one, from his own writings. The other is the FDA which ANY JOURNALIST worth their salt could find and report on.

We know Jon is great. But it’s utterly dismaying that journalism is basically dead in the U.S.A. Appreciate you Rappoport — more than ever.

By: Kevinmm Mon, 06 Jul 2020 14:41:50 +0000 In the USA I recommend getting and staying as far away as can from the hospitals……the ENTIRE AMA.

By: NC Mon, 06 Jul 2020 13:59:26 +0000 They could use IV Ozone, which is NOT invasive and has been successfully used in other countries, but Big Pharma cannot patent Ozone, and worst of all…it works!!!

By: butch Mon, 06 Jul 2020 09:25:16 +0000 But, but, our government loves us!!!

By: Carol Joy Mon, 06 Jul 2020 08:47:42 +0000 Thank you so much, Jon. These Satanic Magicians are so wily, and so many people believe the lies. But of course, a huge number of people are seeing thru this.

By: Liv 4ever Mon, 06 Jul 2020 08:17:13 +0000 So what ? So they are murdering people… why all the outrage? I don’t get it… ( note: sarcasm meter full deflection
