Comments on: My investigation of the so-called COVID deaths Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:18:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Rodgers Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:18:12 +0000 If we are told to shelter in place because a pack of rabid wolves are on the loose….and we catch them-or find out it was just talk… it should be safe to go back outside again!

Well, this is the information to free everyone and to re-open the country. Especially to free We the Blue State people from our sociopathic Governors, Mayors,City Council members & “Health Directors” who are all in a run away train robotic / trance hell bent on using this scamdemic for their agenda.

If their basis to control us has been exposed as a just another one of their LIES, then how do we get this word out more widely?

LOOK SLIKE THIS IS THE KEY TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS. It’s Today- 5 months- after these bizarre controls over our lives started.

5 months worth of suicides, bankruptcies, suffering from a to z over this stupid situation and it still going on?

How many more suicides over this will happen today? How many people will die-not from a flu-but of loneliness in nursing homes today?

What do we do next? How do we reach Trump to make sure he knows this, or worse to find out -w/out any doubt-if he is in on it?

Hw much longer can we go on like this and what else would we be doing in America w/out this going on?

By: Kanaka 108 Mon, 20 Jul 2020 08:18:26 +0000 100% in my line.
It now about 30 years that I don’t believe in this infectious myth, this contagion myth.
No one was able to convince me of the opposite.


By: Kanaka 108 Mon, 20 Jul 2020 08:15:13 +0000 Yes all of them failed, that’s why they try to modify these 4 postulates.

By: Haniel Adhar Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:45:49 +0000 ^^^you get it!

By: Haniel Adhar Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:45:21 +0000 Yes, and they overlapped the pellagra numbers with the Spanish Flu to make it look like the flu was far worse than it was.

Pellagra at the time was the 4th leading cause of death in the US and there is considerable evidence that the entire epidemic of Flu in those two years were really cases of Pellagra.

The vaccines, aspirin, both played a role, but it was the onset of pellagra and the issues stemming from B3 deficiency that initially caused all the problems. The “authorities” just used the same bait-n-switch that is being used now to convince the world that it was a viral outbreak when really it was a deficiency disease.

By: Haniel Adhar Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:42:30 +0000 That is not isolation. Anything you sequence that is not isolated will yield results from many different organisms.

People don’t know what isolation, or sequencing is, for that matter. They are not the same.

And PCR testing did not exist until 1985, and there is no way to sequence a virus that may or may not have existed 100 years ago. There was no spanish flu virus, just like there was no poliovirus, no HIV virus, or Swine Flu…none of these viruses existed or actually caused the disease they were tied to. John Rappaport has tons of info on this. I’m not the first or only to say this.

By: Haniel Adhar Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:38:45 +0000 If 80-90% of all the “COVID” deaths are in nursing homes, then it is clear that it is a cover-up for the dank and dirty conditions that lead to mold infections being rampant in nursing homes.

There have been many lawsuits that have been ramped up in the past few years accusing nursing homes of negligence and allowing aspergillus infection that lead to residents dying from the identical type of pneumonia that is being blamed on “COVID”.

There is no virus causing this. It is invasive aspergiloma and it has been a nursing home problem for decades. Ask any HVAC guy and he will tell you that these homes’ duct systems are covered with black mold and it gets the residents sick as hell. This would also explain why the nursing home employees also get sick from colds, flu, etc…from being exposed to the same mold.

All the deaths outside of the nursing homes are pure fabrications or, are, in fact, mold based respiratory illnesses that are erroneously being counted as “COVID”. They are using a made up virus to blame for the mold caused deaths, which nursing homes are liable for. They are not liable for COVID.

So, this is even simpler than everyone is making it out to be. Any nursing home death is the end result of mold toxicity and compounded by bad medicine.

By: Madness Sun, 12 Jul 2020 17:20:51 +0000 It never was.
Proof 1.:

Proof 2.:

Proof 3.:

By the way, even the Chinese didn’t dare to
claim that they isolated the whole virus, they talked about particles (from something) and to come up with that particles they used lung fluid with everything in it. Dr. Andrew Kauffman
also proved it.

No new virus sorry but lies about it.

By: Rebecca Maxcy Sun, 12 Jul 2020 17:13:12 +0000 AMEN!!!!!!!! We need to recognize that the entire platform that medical science is built upon is Bull Shit. If you are starting with BS you are only going to get more BS!

By: Madness Sun, 12 Jul 2020 17:11:50 +0000 Thanks for your comment and please do write if you find more. We must know this part and must persuade people to take a look at to this subject. I consider it extremely dire and not only because of the ‘drop dead’ effect but because of the planned surveillance system what would act as a grid / prison and the technology is able to manipulate even your brain.
– young, previously healthy pets ‘drop dead’ or go very ill from out of nowhere, starting this year or so. Something I’ve never seen before, every sign show blood clotting / thrombosis in brain, in the lungs
– you don’t need 5g for blood clots, I saw two different kind of proves (different sources) that even your cell or smart meter can cause this if your expose yourself too close to them and two long. There are photos to prove, red blood cells under microscope.
1. 75 yrs old woman (does the age matter?) carrying cell phone all day, speaking
2. Smart meter distance 1 foot 2 minutes exposure already ruining red blood cells and around 45 minutes blood start to knot.
– We don’t know where the 5g is up and running or not yet, they won’t tell and it can work together with street lights hidden, they also implement it in manholes. To check this and the secrecy about it check Sasha Stone’s documentary: 5g Apocalypse.
Because of it we can’t know what exactly caused this or that harm.
– Guessing but I think they deliberately cause harm now using not yet 5g but rather playing with the frequencies that your WiFi and your cell is already capable of. And that’s the real cause of the social distancing – about that check Dr Rasid Buttar as telling how military uses distancing exactly for being able to target one person rather than a group. (Would be a bit suspicious if a group of people would drop
suddenly in the same time.)
– I think they are already targeting people or households but don’t know it’s random or not so.
But what I know that the ‘drop dead’ pet effect is new (this year) and we had cells before. Or my asthma attacks were new when using mine just as short time as a couple of minutes. IT’S NEW. I want to know what’s happening exactly as we must understand to be able to protect ourselves.
