Comments on: Dispatches from the war: Mr. Trump, you’re not Tom Paine Sat, 18 Jul 2020 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Invisible Man Sat, 18 Jul 2020 22:46:25 +0000 Thanks. That’s a fair correction. Poor wording on my part.

The technology can’t legitimately be used as a diagnostic test. That’s the key takeaway. Yet it is being so used.

By: NC Fri, 17 Jul 2020 12:49:37 +0000 Kary Mullis did not invent “the test”. He invented RT PCR technology for manufacturing and stated that it should NOT be used as a test. Ever

By: Karl Pomeroy Fri, 17 Jul 2020 00:56:02 +0000 Jon Rappaport presented in a previous post the analogy of the photo of 510th St in New York at rush hour. The viewer is either “inside the photo” analyzing contradictions. Or they’re “outside the photo”, realizing there is no 510th St in New York.

Well, there is no COVID virus. We outside the picture don’t need to waste time analyzing contradictions within it.

But what is Trump up to, and how can he be so out of touch with his supporters? He holds up the “promise” (to me a threat) of a COVID vaccine as if it were the light at the end of the tunnel (see McEnany press video today) when in actuality the vaccine is an oncoming train.

What is missing in Trump’s mind? Is he under threat of assassination, or the murder of his family? What is the cause of his seeming blind obeisance, which sometimes appears as childish naivete?

By: Paul Thu, 16 Jul 2020 20:53:46 +0000 “That once great city,
New York,
your city,
lies in ruins.”

“Dollars for a smoking wreckage of an economy,…”

“…who are standing inside the empty dusty rooms and offices of their former small businesses, wondering…”

Water was running
children were running
You were running out of time
We found you hiding
we found you lying
Your former glories
& all the stories
Dragged & washed with eager hands
Oh oh……..
your city lies in dust,
my friend…
~ Cities In Dust
(Siouxsie & The Banshees)

By: krys Thu, 16 Jul 2020 14:57:00 +0000 Thank you, thank you and THANK YOU Jon!! SOMEONE had to say it to Trump and I’m glad it’s you that has done it. I have good friends, associates and family members who are SOOOO in bed with the dangerous idea that EVERYTHING the media and other ‘reliable sources’ is true, it just wants to make me scream sometimes. I guess the only people who WILL change and save this country are those who stubbornly refuse to allow others to tell them what to think and do because it’s for ‘their own protection’. Keep on doing what you’re doing and that goes for the rest of you brave, intelligent and liberty-loving people out there. You guys’n’gals ROCK!

By: Piksil Thu, 16 Jul 2020 00:40:59 +0000 Hayden:

I see what you’re saying, but we have to start somewhere. We are slaves because we consented to it.

Say “no” to vaccines, no to voting if the candidate doesn’t do as promised or doesn’t promote a reasonable platform, no to the mask, no to banks, no to MSM, no to allopathic medicine, no to crap food. There are lots more.

I’ve only been able to say no to 3 of the above, and 1 of those three not in all cases, due to circumstances beyond my control at the present time (health).

It’s a start. It’s scary sometimes. It’s empowering.

Short of a miraculous turn-around in world events, it’s maybe the only ‘choice’ we have while we still have choices.

By: Ioannis Wed, 15 Jul 2020 07:22:44 +0000 I have this to say. Of all the doom and gloom; The fear mongering on one side and, we are going to be enslaved by the top 1% on the other side, I have to quote the Scottish Bard Robbie Burns from his

“To a mouse”.
>>” The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!”<<

All our technology depends on electricity. The "Gangsters" who run the show now are relying on the last 10 to 20 years of the developed modern technology. But a blast from our friendly Star and a CME directed towards the Earth, the size and strength of Carrington super flare that caused the Solar storm of 1859 and fried all electrical equipment on the planet Earth at that time, might occur any time and the world is not prepared for it. NASA is vigilantly watching. The Sun is asleep now but when it wakes up we should run for cover, unless we enter into a Maunder minimum, in which case it is predicted by some people in NASA and by Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University that we are going to have a mini ice age. In both scenarios millions will die. In the case of super CME it will be within weeks and in the case of a mini Ice Age it will be in a few years.

If a super CME is directed towards the Earth all electrical equipment will be fried and a lot of them will take months or even years to be replaced including the huge transformers of the world's electricity grid. If that is not enough to destroy our civilisation and take us back to Stone Age, there is a chance we might have multi meltdowns of our 440 nuclear plants and make this planet uninhabitable for thousands of years

If this happens one would wish to be dead than alive.

By: Invisible Man Wed, 15 Jul 2020 00:55:31 +0000 Beautifully stated, Silverman.

You’re right, it’s a form of madness. The worst mass hysteria ever.

Fauci and company are drunk on power. They are power mad, the worst form of hubris there is.

By: Dr Forsythe Tue, 14 Jul 2020 22:30:15 +0000 I think Dr Bartlett has discovered something amazing here. There is only one conclusion I can make from your statement.

Budesonide is the Elixir of Immortality! If it could have kept all those 80 year olds alive this year, it can keep them alive next year and the year after. Why stop taking it at all? Why not live forever?

Fantastic stuff. 80 year old people are dying needlessly. There is no need to die anymore. Thank you for telling us about this amazing discovery.

Actually I’m only joking. Covid is a hoax. It’s just the flu and a chupa chup would have the same cure rate.

By: Hayden Tue, 14 Jul 2020 22:10:21 +0000 Bit hard saying no to gene programming… birth slowing wither in old age we can’t say no to gene unless you commit suacide. My point is we all slaves to the gene programming so maybe we all should of said No before coming to this world of genetic drones.
