Comments on: Dispatches from the War: Mr. Trump, the enemy is deep inside the gate Thu, 13 Aug 2020 13:27:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Thu, 13 Aug 2020 13:27:27 +0000 I’m left wondering just who do we expect is going to read this “Mr President” and what unearthly influence is going to grant him the required attention span to process such a relatively complex set of thoughts?

In the end “Mr President” is not inclined to act in any such way. What we call the “common good” is not a concept he’s familiar with. So this entire appeal is much like a weak stream of piss into a gale

By: Danny Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:43:03 +0000 Natural News used to be one of my favorite sites to go to when I started my natural health journey. The site went to shit when it became so political. He made an article saying he was going to leave politics off that site and that they were going to focus on health stuff but I don’t think that lasted a week… I was just on there today and read his civil war article and it was really just a depressing article to read. I emailed naturalnews a couple months ago to start doing research on germ theory of disease and viruses and of course it was ignored. And most of my comments are deleted whenever I call covid a fraud. Their fear mongering is almost as bad as the msm. How anyone can believe in this virus hoax is beyond me but I don’t follow the msm so maybe that’s why I don’t… And in my opinion David Icke and Andrew Kaufman are on point with everything they talk about in regards to this virus psyop and the takedown of America and the world for that matter.

By: Harry Tue, 21 Jul 2020 09:15:04 +0000 Yes it was an awakening for sure. He stated the Musk launches are all faked.

I liked his intelligent though a bit insane commentary. At least he was thinking. Yet the Virus had him hook, line and sinker.

Exactly as I wrote I was perplexed and while I read Jon’s stuff there were a few times in the early days I had those tickling thoughts of this is a pandemic.

Thankfully just breathing a bit brought back reality yet the insanity was mind boggling.

Allan was sure it was a virus and he posted evidence in the way of cell phone videos of patients being rushed to the hospital in China.

It’s so easy to stray off the path a bit when even those that are the supposed truth exposers are under the brainwashing.

I came back hear in the very early days, before any Solari Report videos with C A Fitts who is wonderful as well.

Yet Jons blog here was like an Uncle in the record business. Crazy Eddy comes to mind. Hahahaha. Sorry Jon but you know I love you.

Imagination! I must get back and do my Exit from the Matrix stuff. Thank You Jon. Your strength is supporting so many.

By: Harry Tue, 21 Jul 2020 08:58:50 +0000 Oh Arby you are so right. Yes Arby I would back you 100%. It’s always those that talk about what they would do that count the most.

Those that actually take action each day are of no value.

Arby, it’s people like you, the super smart quiet ones that woulda shoulda coulda that are the key to success.

Let’s blame Trump. There is no question he has been getting the support of the media exactly the same way Obama did yet look at how little he has done compared to his two most recent 16 years worth.

Yes yes I will vote for you Arby. Just because you have no photo and a fake name shows the strength of your character is brimming with wonderful beauty and charm.

Thank you Arby for speaking for all the unconscious who are incapable of taking it up to the next level like you have done.

Please tell me where in my state I can join your coalition for saving our great country from Tyranny.

My God why doesn’t everyone see it like us.

By: Kimmy Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:40:22 +0000 Good sites to bookmark

By: AK in VT Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:35:38 +0000 July 20, 2020

An open letter to the people of America:

“Come out of her my people (the Christ to the Jews of the first century before the apocalyptic fall of Bablyon the Great, Jerusalem, where they crucified Him). We now face a new crisis. Is this the end of America and freedom or a rising to a new and better freedom?

Come out of the system, people of Freedom and true Liberty. Do NOT look to government to “bring you out” of this morass. Ayn Rand (of Atlas Shrugged fame) stated often that the reason the Soviet Union was going to collapse was because many people (a minority, though) withdrew from the system and refused to participate. When your property became property of the Soviet Union, you gave it to them and walked away.

An old Biblical principle is to not fret over your possessions. If someone wishes to take them, let them: eventually, someone will take it from those who thieved you.

Get off of Facebook. Turn off the TV. Listen to radio talk shows infrequently (at least they do give you a chance to think, somewhat). Stop earning money (which will be taxed to keep the government in power) for things you can do for yourself: grow some food, drive less. Make your own meals more often. Learn how to fix and repair equipment. Look at all you spend money on and realize that with social security payments, income taxes, etc… you are probably spending 20-30 percent more because you are being taxed on the income you need to pay for these things.

Do as the pioneers and immigrants of old did: move away to somewhere you can afford. Do you like your Freedom more or your money and lifestyle?

Example: Property tax: If your property tax is $3000 a year, you probably have to earn an additional $900 to pay the income and FICA tax on the $3000 you’ve earned to pay your property tax.

Stop feeding the “COW.” Government thrives on it, on you.

By your EXAMPLE, not your words, others may see and will change.

There is a free book on the internet. It was written in the late 60’s by an ex-preacher named H.L. Roush: Henry and the Great Society. Read it. See the real freedom you could have. Find your way.

Stop looking for the next President to save you. They only have a maximum of 8 years and then a new one comes along.

And, by all means: Think local. Who cares how many “cases” are in another state, another country. Has more knowledge of mayhem, carnage, poverty, suicide, illness, added an inch to your stature. How much more does it build you up if you know about one more “covid case?”


I’ve said enough.


AK in VT

By: CynthEmm Mon, 20 Jul 2020 13:05:37 +0000 Brilliant.

By: CynthEmm Mon, 20 Jul 2020 13:01:31 +0000 Thanks so much for the links and info!

By: RAW Sun, 19 Jul 2020 22:51:43 +0000 The globe was a new A.I. tracking system called Palantir. And the founders were involved with Bilderberg conference at that time.

Trumps devotion to Israel has always been a red flag, however, I remain neutral about him at the moment. There may be a much bigger event arising in next few months.

Agree with your points as a whole… I enter all buildings and markets with a dare. Dare me to mask up.

By: Kat Sun, 19 Jul 2020 22:14:19 +0000 Yes!

Mike published an article “Debunking” the corona critiques using strawman arguments from these very sources you listed

it’s so pathetic and despicable

maybe there is a silver lining to all this; the villains in sheep’s clothing have been truly revealed

the same I believe goes for Trump’s election, which also revealed a lot of things to me, having once been shamefully enamored of the left
