Comments on: Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID? Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:37:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Waltraud Pepper Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:37:15 +0000 Rick, I like your style.

By: Waltraud Pepper Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:23:28 +0000 I quit because I did not want to be part of the mandatory masks and mandatory fraud. Medical Taliban is the new militant corporate priesthood. Only they can see the virus and know what it will do next, how to “be safe” “stay well”, give orders to their medical sheepdogs to frighten the public. They mock the public, and they mock those who stay in it for the money. All the so-called health care professionals who remain for a paycheck have to have a split personality or be deep in debt or be blind not to see what is happening.

By: Madness Wed, 29 Jul 2020 14:00:39 +0000 Sorry, this guy looks fake. No such AI they want us to believe as not possible. The purpose to make you believe that there’s a God like super robot is that to make you give up.
Same strategy what the US army used when spread oversized condoms to the enemy’s field. Besides interestingly this is a subject YouTube doesn’t delete. While they delete every info what would uncover the truth about this fake pandemic.
The guy’s work is full with CGI but zero proof. Smoke and mirrors.

NEVER start to mystify them, that’s what they want. They might die at a very old age but die eventually just like us. Just a bunch of mad eugenics with enormous wealth and power, a danger to humanity and their present game will be their very end.

By: Piksil Mon, 27 Jul 2020 20:50:56 +0000 “…shield ourselves from emf radiation sickness at the same time– something that IS real.”

I agree. EMR/F pollution seems to me to be a big factor in the ‘otherwise healthy’ people becoming ill. Most doctors are dismissing it as a causative factor (in my opinion and experience). And I wonder why….lack of education, or is there a push or directive to dismiss EMR/F as a possible cause?

By: Piksil Mon, 27 Jul 2020 20:33:42 +0000 Rick:

Thanks. So it seems we are all in a sort of agreement here.
Heck, if people are washing their own masks, who knows what could be in the detergent or dryer sheets (pretty nasty stuff in those) that people are breathing and re-breathing = toxins. Wouldn’t need much more than a slight elevation in temperature and some moisture to loosen up those toxins, then they’re captured inside the mask by the nose and mouth and inhaled. More concentrated than just catching a whiff of your freshly laundered shirt!
And yes to the other factors. Being in artificial light being the big one, especially blue light (screws with melatonin and melanin, circadian rhythms, Vit D production etc etc).
And the people who take this seriously are probably more likely to experience adrenal fatigue due to cortisol overload.

Open question: Has anyone been to a funeral of a reported covid casualty? If so, was it ‘open casket’?
(Not trying to be morbid, just wondering if the deceased is still considered contaminated or not.)

By: Jeff Emory Mon, 27 Jul 2020 16:48:21 +0000 […] The states are receiving $ from the Fed based on their Medicare/Medicaid spend. Alabama received 5 billion dollars in aid. It comes to $158,000 per case, NOT THAT THEY GET $158,000 PER CASE. It’s just an average based on “confirmed” cases.

By: JB Mon, 27 Jul 2020 02:14:56 +0000 “Anything government does for the economy is positive feedback.” –Robert Heinlein

We all know the effect of positive feedback–squealing PA systems.

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Sun, 26 Jul 2020 17:21:51 +0000 CHAOS THEORY and COVID CHAOS
You’re right! I forgot about chaos theory– but this is relevent…
quote [[the branch of mathematics that deals with complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences.]] unquote. So how can CoronaVirus Chaos be analyzed in light of Chaos theory do you think? What was the slight change that led to the huge shutdown consequence? Belief in a “novel” “killer-virus”?

By: Duke Walters Sat, 25 Jul 2020 20:28:14 +0000 It has been established not once but many times that wearing masks does not protect anybody against viruses, and that is assuming of course if there is a virus at all. That is based on their own science. There are numerous studies that have been published that show this result. So obviously these folks are inventing a science that does not exist to push their agenda. Enforcing the use of masks is unconstitutional and we should defend ourselves and take this matter to the supreme court if necessary. It is sad to see the politicians that represent us take part in all this nonsense.

By: Lewis Papier Sat, 25 Jul 2020 16:54:40 +0000 Blame Trump for destroying his own presidency. He he has acquiesced to Fauci and his gang. That is the bottom line. Like Jon said: “send in the army!”
