Comments on: Dispatches from the War: Black Lives Matter; Trouble in covid vaccine paradise Wed, 05 Aug 2020 12:50:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: BS Detector Sat, 01 Aug 2020 12:15:49 +0000 Exacatically

By: Neo-Paradigm Fri, 31 Jul 2020 18:47:36 +0000 They are testing how best to shame and brainwash the masses into taking the vaccine. They realize people won’t want to take it unless they can shame and/or scare them into it.

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Thu, 30 Jul 2020 03:05:45 +0000 INTERNAL CONTRADICTIONS INHERENT IN EVIL
You’re hitting on something with merit… Evil is inherently internally self-contradictory… it must be, otherwise it would not qualify as evil. The definition of the corollary, good, would be the absense of internal contradictions. The job of determining good from evil, then, becomes one of pointing out systems that are internally contradictory from those that are free from contradiction. Where we find internal contradiction, therein lies evil. I’m just guessing and making it up now but maybe there’s a school of thought that’s been developed on this from ancient Greece.

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Thu, 30 Jul 2020 02:39:41 +0000 FLIP PHONE
Captain Kirk and the crew used flipphones, not smartphones. The origin of the flip phone was indeed inspired by a guy who saw Kirk flip his phone…

Electro Magnetic Frequency shielding material… EMF shields. You can wear it, install it, build with it, and paint with it. Anything that blocks EMF including Faraday cages which are built of minimalist chicken wire fence. Anything that interferes with or blocks radiowave transmissions… and that MIGHT even be the famous tin foil hat which has a basis in fact.

Smart to not engage and smart to claim asthma. I wear a lanyard with a card that says I’m exempt due to health reasons on ADA. Fry’s grocery and Walmart are respecting that and even announce it as an excuse on their latest PA over the past week. We ARE making headway. Don’t be disheartened. It’s psychological trench warfare.

Good one. The new abnormal. How about MANA… Make American Normal Again?

By: DL Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:21:14 +0000 I got another comment, wandering twin, that will make folks think:
“Imagine having a disease sooooooo deadly that the ONLY way to know if you have it is to get tested.”

By: Piksil Wed, 29 Jul 2020 15:28:40 +0000 Glenn:

Exactly. ‘Virus’ people scream louder, scare more people, get more press.
I’ve noticed on local news the past few days they’ve been talking about “virus deniers”, like they’re conspiracy theorists. But they’ve not once asked a “virus denier” why they deny the ‘virus’. Instead, they show them holding signs saying “The Virus is a Hoax”, etc etc.
Then go to ‘the latest case numbers’ or some other propaganda. Very thought out and crafted.

By: glenn Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:55:08 +0000 How does a virus hijack anything to begin with? It is a lifeless piece of genetic material covered in protein. It has no mechanism to allow it to move or penetrate the cell wall. The living organism does everything for viruses from helping them replicate to spreading them around the body. Maybe the research should be focused on the living cells themselves that is allowing this. Of course there is plenty of research on why that it goes against everything we were told about viruses and disease.

By: Kenan Meyer Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:10:36 +0000 Jon, how can you know that this is not a hybrid(cultural and biological) warfare of the chinese communists against the west, which has been ongoing since at least 25 years? Remember, the CCP is by far the worst mass murderer in the history of mankind. Mao’s so called great leap forward alone cost about 35 mio lives. What if the communists have been staging the Corona outbreak to gain sufficient credibility in the western world in order not to be seen as an agressor but just a “victim” like anybody else? All while causing maximum chaos via its western cultural war agents. Why would they care about some 10.000 deaths among their own people?What if Covid19 is the last stage of a long war after which the chinese plan to completely take over the western world?

What if Covid19 is not the real culprit we have to deal with, but the stone age like marxist mindset? The ultimate cancer of humanity.

By: LIS Wed, 29 Jul 2020 11:32:17 +0000 thank you

By: John Wisnom Wed, 29 Jul 2020 10:36:41 +0000 Concerning Black Lives Matters, the group’s critique of society and politics is based on identity (the equal or unequal position of Black people in contemporary society), not class (Black people as a part of the exploited working class), to the relief of the Democratic Party leadership. For example, given that Black people comprise 12% of American society, 12% of all billionaires in the United States should be Black. The formula is “given 12% Black, then 12% of _____ (fill in the blank); e.g., police inflicted deaths) should be Black. Therefore, the disproportionate amount of Black business closures vis-a-vis White businesses should be right up BLM’s liberal elitist alley. Please refer to the commentary that Adolph Reed, Jr., PoliSci professor at Penn, has published about BLM.
