Comments on: Dispatches from the War: New York, Trump, physical freaks Tue, 11 Aug 2020 03:35:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viktoria Tue, 11 Aug 2020 03:35:57 +0000 Deliberately and intentionally putting toxins (poisons) in food, drink (roofies, aspartame) etc., water (flouride), and pharmaceuticals and other poisons is really a declaration of war. Mass-poisoners, still at large….

By: Viktoria Sun, 09 Aug 2020 17:43:47 +0000 Covid Cult, prime members of the CULT leadership, Bill Gates and Fauci. If you don’t believe in this new CULT, the CULT of the brainwashed ideology will have you in quarantines, perpetual imprisonment, perpetual poverty, incremental artificial food scarcity/toilet paper, and supply line shutdowns until YOU conform to the COVID Cult of whackos with their face masks. QUIT CONFORMING TO THIS CULT!!!! or live on planet evil.

By: Arby Tue, 04 Aug 2020 05:15:37 +0000 “Mao and Stalin and Lenin”? Bill Gates et al are perfect capitalists. What is capitalism? Or better yet, what kind of system do we have? We have state capitalism, aka socialism for the rich. Just to be clear. The only free market you ever see, anywhere, is at your garage sale or local farmers’ market.

By: AK in VT Mon, 03 Aug 2020 15:19:45 +0000 Hi Rick, Excellent point about pollution and toxins. Here in Vermont where there is a strong local food movement (it’s a bit more expensive than the supermarkets, though), and where the air and water are quite clean, we have one of the lowest per capita death rates attributed to fake “covid,” as well as the third fewest deaths and fewest “infections.”

More than half of our deaths have been at nursing and long-term care homes where one knows these very sick and elderly have been poisoned with toxins while residents of these “waiting places,” as well as many of them lived for decades in polluted cities before coming to retire in our beautiful state. It is no wonder these are the people dying in Vermont and so very few otherwise.


AK in VT

By: AK in VT Mon, 03 Aug 2020 15:11:03 +0000 Hey Pisces,

Thanks for bringing up memories of my grandmother — pianist extraordinaire. Seeing the young lady, Martha Argerich, playing with her dark hair and central European looks reminded me of my Polish grandmother, Helen, who once played at Little Carnegie Theatre in the 1930’s. She got married young and her husband (my grandfather) died young of cirrhosis of the liver from hard drinking. so her career ended in her early 20’s as she had my young father to look after.

Loved to hear her play, most especially when she was in her 60s and 70s and many hard years of life and playing piano crippled her hands with arthritis and goiter. She could still roll out Chopin (her favourite) to everyone’s delight. Still miss her after 25 years of having passed away.

Thank you, again

AK in VT

By: AK in VT Mon, 03 Aug 2020 14:13:47 +0000 And the Bolsheviks loved the Jews? I believe more Jews were killed by Lenin and Stalin without a war than Hitler’s war machine killed.

By the way, though Hitler did not “love” the Jews, he kept some Jews in his government and in high business: so long as they followed the program of 3rd Reich imperialism.

Mainly, Hitler was after the Ashkenazim Jews who came out of current Kazakhstan area after the entire nation was “converted” to Judaism by their king. The following invasion across Asia by the Huns and Mongols pushed the Ashkenazim out of central Asia and into Eastern and Central Europe: these became known as the Yiddish.

Some of the Ashkenazim became money lenders (we now call them “bankers”): perhaps they learned the system of banking and paper fiat (money on demand) from Genghis Khan’s Mongol invasion. Anyway, as they had a lot of money (especially during the Great Depression), they would attract the attention of someone needing money to start a war: a la Hitler.

The Sephardim were pretty much left alone and mainly occupy the Iberian peninsula and Morocco. They are thought to be of Middle Eastern and Egyptian heritage.

And lastly, Manfred, “Love your enemy,” even if he is a “Bolshevik Jew.” There is no place for hatred.


AK in VT

By: Bob Mon, 03 Aug 2020 08:32:25 +0000 Excellent writing, but I believe predicated on nostalgia more than honest reflection.

Alternatively, the War of the Worlds broadcast in ’38 immunized a generation or two to mob-hysteria (doubtful).

By: deep Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:38:00 +0000 Lol, ah we have actual Nazis posting on this blog now, and John approves their messages. Delightful place you’re running here.

Yea, it’s ‘The Jews’ (TM) that are all out to get you. The mental gymnastics one must do to reach this conclusion is truly remarkable. It requires one to ignore 98% of the other ‘bad actors’, and laser focus on a tiny minority, and using half-baked references from a century ago, at that. Please tell the class just how many of the ‘Jews’ are in on it? All of them, I’m guessing? All the while one must misrepresent both historical facts, instead apply logical fallacies, and attribute a single mindset to an entire group (which is called the fallacy biased generalization), all in some lame attempt to obviate any personal responsibility from yourselves or any of your own ‘leaders’. Next you’ll be plucking quotes out of the ‘protocols’, cause everyone knows THAT was the real one, right?

Yea, Hitler was a great guy. He just wanted to hand out lollies and teddy bears. The holocaust never happened either, he was tricked into invading Poland. Hell even those Catholics he murdered were just collatorsl damage, that was an accident, he only wanted unlimited Sauerkraut for them.

Invading Russia? Pffft, that was a brilliant piece of war-time strategy, historians are liars, he wasn’t a categorical schizophrenic; after-all, he was just setting up table massages and tennis games for the over-privileged inmates wherever his army went. He wanted to pamper them and their countries, amiright?

Or, maybe he was just getting revenge on all those vile authoritarians that wanted to remove the individual, his freedom, his sense of self, those who would make the State God in its own right and remove their own authority…oh wait, or was that him…

Lemme guess, you watched “The greatest story never told”, yet never bothered to read the actual historical documentation that unequivocally proves that idiotic conjecture piece is twisted nonsense.

Alas, you’ve never read the actual documents, instead you’ll parrot bologna from conspiracy or nazi propaganda books. There are documents, you realize, actual historians have them, right? There are unsealed records everywhere. You actually believe their was some grand conspiracy to make Hitler look bad by everyone else, including every historian ever, and he dindo nuffins and was misunderstood?

Ah, it must be that only Eustace Mullins (lol seriously?! That guy was a moron that wrote for gullible fools and withheld verifiable references and used selective cherry-pickling of information) that knows the truth. Nevermind those questionable, unverifiable-references and cum hoc, ergo propter hoc reasoning, cause we all know it’s the Jews, and Hitler’s legit, amiright?

It’s really incredible that every few decades this nonsense makes its rounds. It’s a myth for the simply minded, the feeble willed, for those without the fortitude to look beyond ‘conspiracy’ literature to take the time to study actual, in-depth State records. Nah, it’s easer to go with historical half-truths, selective observations, and deliberate withholding of contrary exculpatory evidence.

I’m ashamed to have once been a fan of this site, Rappaport. People like this use ‘free speech’ as a cover to spread lies, fallacies, blatantly biased and unproven accusatory nonsense, and you’re approving of it.

Maybe the virus is real after-all (its not, but let’s play). And if it’s not, I don’t care, I wouldn’t want to be associated with people like these if only ‘they’ have the answers, nor would the other 99% of the country. Thus, the ‘based’ will be forever relegated to the freak show car on the train to the otherworld.

By: Piksil Sun, 02 Aug 2020 22:06:15 +0000 BS D:

Live long and prosper. (Don’t get a vaccine)

By: BoogeymanSlayer Sun, 02 Aug 2020 21:06:12 +0000 Agree. I worked in the medical field in the USAF in the 70s. I worked in their largest hospital and I worked with dozens of doctors and countless patients. Not once was a virus text ever utilized to diagnosis an illness. Let me repeat that. Not once was a virus test ever utilized to diagnose an illness. We used patient interviews, physical exams, lab tests, lab cultures, x-rays, etc, but never any test to detect ANY virus.

This entire hoax gave me the opportunity to reflect back to scan my memory on that. I never even heard of a lab test or results that proved any virus whatsoever.

Something to ponder.
