Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: The surpassing power of imagination Wed, 12 Aug 2020 16:06:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: juggling jon Wed, 12 Aug 2020 16:06:02 +0000 Infinity is Complex: Nothing is real, everything else is Imaginary.

By: wardropper Tue, 11 Aug 2020 15:07:15 +0000 Yes, but walk in where?
That would be a lot of walking…

By: Richard Simm Tue, 11 Aug 2020 15:02:44 +0000 Just a little thank you from a grateful person who happened to come across your remarkable work and your site.
Wisdom, humour and intelligence all combined – a very uncommon thing these days. A mind that active can achieve as much as any active body, but of course active bodies certainly help too.
How unfortunate that our opponents are so ignorant and corrupt. We can’t even meet them on equal terms…

By: L Pilo Mon, 03 Aug 2020 02:50:11 +0000 “Adult” is neither here nor there, but I do not imagine there is any human at that level of power or membership who is not IN on the hoax versus of a mindset to end it.

By: kadak Mon, 03 Aug 2020 01:13:07 +0000 I had experiences that were self-generated without known referents. Started when I was about 7 years old. At the time I could not *articulate* them, precisely because there were no reference points. Had I been born in a Buddhist environment then things may have been different.

But the mere attempt at articulating the experiences leaves one with either inventing a word, or finding out that a word exists or creating some concept that *would need to rely on existing language* – else it wouldn’t be an articulation!

By: Jenifer Sun, 02 Aug 2020 19:28:07 +0000 That is one possibility, but why stop there? As Jon wrote:
“You can steer that boat anywhere you want to. You can build worlds.”

This from “Revelation, Birth of a New Age” by David Spangler, seems apropos:

“I emerge, a new earth and a new heaven emerge, through the hearts and minds
of those who can receive and express them. Those who cannot will remain part of the old. I place before you that there exist destructive forces which man himself has created. These forces do not have the power to affect any man who is of the new. Those who remain within the thought patterns of destruction and separation and who create these in their relationships with others will attract these forces to them…This is the change and the choice presented before you. It cannot be decided through the mind nor through intellectual acceptance alone, but only through the acceptance of one’s spiritual maturity, however small the degree a person can manifest…How the worlds will separate is not of your concern. From my standpoint they are already separate and the old does not exist. You cannot be in conflict with the old, for you cannot be in conflict with what does not exist. If you are in conflict with anything through resistance, hatred or fear of it, you are automatically of the old to that degree. This is why I have stated that all who would be of me must build the new consistently and manifest the energies I represent. This is not being blind to the world. It is being open to the real world.”

Yes…what we resist does persist…

By: blah Sun, 02 Aug 2020 16:18:58 +0000 Imagine that Soros was short the market in February.

By: Karl Pomeroy Sun, 02 Aug 2020 00:37:46 +0000 Yes, imagination opens the door to new realities. So folks, try imagining this: The COVID hoax is really too silly to be a hoax. It has to be a prank. Some secret club, like Skull & Bones or The Masons, has finally figured out how to take over the world. They are laughing their heads off at their success, rolling on the floor at the sight of everyone wearing masks. Imagine it this way.

Now imagine that any world-class adult, like say one of the Rothschilds, could just walk in and tell these pranksters to cut it out. The whole COVID hoax would suddenly end. And we’d be free.

It might be just that simple. Imagine it.

By: Hayden Sun, 02 Aug 2020 00:21:44 +0000 interesting what pops up when doing research.. like i was saying environment…

Darkness and the Imagination: The Role of Environment in the Development of Spiritual Beliefs

We argue that shared human reactions to darkness, including embodied responses, stimulate the imagination in similar ways, leading to what we refer to as transcendental or imaginary thinking that lies at the heart of supernatural beliefs.

Our work suggests that the natural environment is not a passive player but a causative agent in this process.

By: Hayden Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:30:58 +0000 from my understanding of imagination it seems it is effected by the type of environment you live in. Writers who make up imagine fake people or things are already based within what they see around them people animals trees mountains etc.
Science is effected by the laws of nature.
so where is the true real imagination when all imagination seems to be already based on what one observes.

What im saying is i have not experienced or seen others with a imagination that is totally out of this universe and not bounded by any laws of this universe. but when people imagine its always environment affecting there imagination.
planes trains cars tech bounded by laws of nature. when people try and make new creatures for cartoons etc they still using things they have observed or learnedd legs arms heads teeth gas ether alternate universes etc etc.

So is there really any true imagination in this world i dont think there is.
