Comments on: COVID case numbers far lower than claimed Fri, 07 Aug 2020 07:15:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: BDBinc Fri, 07 Aug 2020 07:15:05 +0000 All cases labelled covid are 100% fake as there is no new disease called covid.

Its a mental virus.

The only virus is a virtual computer generated and media reported one.

By: Piksil Thu, 06 Aug 2020 16:44:06 +0000 BoogeymanSlayer:

I am really partial to “It’s Faux Ewe”.

(You know what they say…stick with your first answer/choice/instinct)

Working on giant hamsters as we speak. (Don’t tell anyone, but I have a theory that we could just grow the hamster balls using stem cell technology. Shhhhh! Trade secret!
I’ve been in contact with the same lab that’s making Bill Gates ‘lab meat’–you know, the stuff he’s investing in to combat global hunger, and climate change.)

I will be in touch…..

By: TM Wed, 05 Aug 2020 18:15:22 +0000 Perfect- Only Major Point on our transparent escapades of our “little Leprechaun Dr. F” Missed – Was that They Banned results for gain studies at level 4 labs worldwide in 2017. F-man, rolled up shop in Canada, took $3.7M of fed tax money, and sent Vir + $ to Wu han. All documented. And then w/in 9 mo.’s- we have a new Plan uh, Pan demic?…

The Ugandan President- Positive test results for ‘Fruit’ papaya, bananas??

Even from the beginning, remember the nih Chairman stating on tv live, ‘we are in a Live Exercise, a Live Exercise guys’… and several on stage looked in horror, shut him up, and ushered him off the stage… I could go on—. Thx for the link!

By: BoogeymanSlayer Wed, 05 Aug 2020 03:56:07 +0000 Thanks!

By: CynthEmm Wed, 05 Aug 2020 02:01:08 +0000 Brilliant! I’m in. And Faux Ewe gets my vote.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Wed, 05 Aug 2020 00:41:34 +0000 Ha ha!

Piksil, you are the new president of the corporation. Your idea about the logo shows you are thinking of the company for the good of all. Using the corona virus as the pupil shows we have our eye on the problem.

Your next assignment is to find some giant hamsters.

Time to select the most appropriate name.

By: Lyn P Wed, 05 Aug 2020 00:04:35 +0000 It has definitely been discussed that the CARES Act was ready in 2019. With Trump’s latest ridiculous communique recommending masks, my interpretation that he is severely brainwashed, drugged, or “in on it” has solidified. The 4D Chess notion seems beyond laughable.

By: Lyn P Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:58:12 +0000 I will believe this means anything when it is repeated credibly by the next levels down in the global cabal. Thank you.

By: Lyn P Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:46:56 +0000 Sterilization/infertility is a purported intent. Very sly, hard to pin on the vax event and thus a well-paved path to depopulation.

By: Lyn P Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:26:54 +0000 Such are the disgusting travel tyrannies to be proliferated increasingly around the world as the Covid Rulers intend to end those freedoms along with most others.
