Comments on: CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career Fri, 14 Aug 2020 13:57:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Siouxma Fri, 07 Aug 2020 03:53:35 +0000 My husband’s barbershop is owned by two women who refuse to wear masks and if you want your haircut, sign a waiver, and you’re good to go- $15. Wear a mask if you want to, or not.

I am sorry you live somewhere that makes Michigulag look good.

By: tony bonn Fri, 07 Aug 2020 02:35:12 +0000 i have been thrown out of so many places or denied entrance because i don’t wear a mask and i have told each and every one to go fuck themselves. i have found alternative channels for groceries. i canceled my la fitness membership and told them good luck channeling howard hughes. i bought high margin food – and the stupid shits still threw me out. now i buy 0 from those assholes and will never return. i have also boycotted all spending. i used to go in every other week to my barber and pay 70 usd per visit for a basic haircut but i got so sick of looking at their face bras i am now cutting my own and i don’t care how bad it looks. i am sick of the g-d crap.

By: Alessandro Fri, 07 Aug 2020 01:37:08 +0000 Your comments imply that this was not a problem before Trump which would be false. Remember Fauci was around during Obama and the dirt of politics has been around forever but is exacerbated now because of the lies on social media.

To make a comment “One can only hope that he and his mindless followers will die of the fake corona virus” just highlights more about you than Trump and Co. Your attacks are ad homien which are as low an argument can get. Sad, really.

Do you imagine the addled Biden, or rather the nursing home minders for him, will be any better than Trump. The USA is beset with major problems that have been there for decades but contained mostly by the cold war. Western Civilisation is eating itself from within. Take some time to read up on the ruin of other civilisations and you will see its all happening again here and now.

By: Siouxma Thu, 06 Aug 2020 23:09:36 +0000 Too much Bait cutting…Buck up or we’re all doomed!

If you believe this is a Scamdemic, are you still wearing a mask everywhere you go & following all the RULES???

If you are, WHY? If you can’t handle a few Harpies, how are you going to resist when Trump, is telling everyone you have to get jabbed for the Greater Good???

Every State mask order has to have a medical exemption. Even here in Michigulag that is the case. We all have a critical need for 20% O-2, so you’re not lying to use that reason if you are ever asked. We’ve only had to defend our rights at the Post Office, and they buckled, not us.

We also both have CCWs, so we always carry and walk with confidence and friendly smiles as we do our business (we’re both in our early 70s, fyi).

So, why are you still wearing a mask? Cuz Redmond and Fauci and Birx and Girlie Gates said so???? Submission is such the new fashion statement. Don’t succumb, for all our sakes.

By: Kia Kaha Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:48:29 +0000 and here’s an antidote.

Planting Seeds

By: Kia Kaha Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:36:21 +0000 Thank you. and for the link. I enjoy meeting and listening to like-minded. The confusion, tracking, censorship out there in YTland is otherwise near intolerable.

To wear a mask is harmful. I do the opposite by practicing a breathing meditation. Oxygenating the body is ultimately most important to purify the body mind energy systems. We also come to know who we really are, which is the ultimate in taking off the mask! The wearing of the mask in both senses of the word leads to illness, confusion… mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

By: Piksil Thu, 06 Aug 2020 13:24:27 +0000 ken:

In a similar vein, what has happened to the testimony of Dr William Thompson, researcher for the CDC? He participated in the ordered destruction of MMR trial data that showed correlation between the vaccine and young African-American males.

As a whistle-blower, he was supposed to give his testimony to congress or a congressional committee. That still hasn’t happened.

But the MMR is still on the schedule of required vaccines.

Maybe they’re afraid of info about pre-natal ultrasounds coming to light as well.

By: Jon Thu, 06 Aug 2020 13:04:50 +0000 Thanks Jon so much for all you are doing to expose all of this fraud. Your information and insights are truly invaluable!

By: kadak Thu, 06 Aug 2020 11:26:36 +0000 I hope everyone here has read Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology – it’s free online now.

Within it, he stresses that the individual can perceive living in a psychopathocratic state because every agency does the opposite of what it was designed to do.

First published in 1984 (deep irony there), it was a stark warning that life behind the so-called iron curtain could happen anywhere – and it has.

By: Laura Thu, 06 Aug 2020 05:22:04 +0000 Henry Waxman (democrat, naturally) campaigned passionately against the natural health and supplement industries back in the 90s or thereabout; wanted total control over everyone’s personal health decisions. Naturally Waxman would cover for his crony Redfield…and they both look like the tyrants they are.
