Comments on: Does HIV exist? An explosive interview Fri, 28 May 2021 00:00:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Fri, 28 May 2021 00:00:41 +0000 The HIV drugs could do it.

By: James Thu, 27 May 2021 23:55:07 +0000 I think you will find that AZT killed off many of them, not HIV.

By: James Thu, 27 May 2021 23:51:39 +0000 They get them so invested, invested in ten years of education, a high paying job and who is going to go against the narrative and risk losing everything they have work so hard for and are so invested in maintaining for their windfall of funds and job to continue?

By: Steve Lipohar Mon, 17 Aug 2020 05:21:19 +0000 Hey…just got through the links and watched and read everything…great info…thank you

By: Steve Lipohar Mon, 17 Aug 2020 04:50:33 +0000 Just checked out the last link in your list…great stuff…I’ll pass it on for sure…thank you Amanda!

By: Steve Lipohar Mon, 17 Aug 2020 03:45:21 +0000 I work with applying a technology to cutting tools. A ground sharp edge has micro fractures and applying a brush, composed of various diamond grits can and will smooth the the edge and has been proven to enhance the life of the tool. I sell the machines which have a program designed to allow an end user to manipulate the software and achieve a predictive result. The company down the street with the same machine can manipulate their unit to produce a different outcome which perhaps may result in a superior producing tool. For me, the art and nuance of this particular niche and science is obvious because it’s my livelihood. Reading this post….Does HIV exist? points me to the conclusion of listening to people who have an obvious inside track of knowledge I myself don’t have.

When I read the reports Jon publishes and he quotes experts in their field, I digest the information. If anyone contested my comment or views on the area of my expertise and there was a conflict, I would stand behind what I know to be a proven fact with predictable results. My skill is concentrated on selling machines that will without a doubt enhance a cutting tools performance. It’s not even a debatable argument. When I read the opinions of skilled professionals in the area of viruses I listen because I want to learn and become informed.

Thank you Jon R for your continued effort to inform those of us wanting to learn and be informed.

By: Wayne Anthony Sun, 16 Aug 2020 17:06:04 +0000 Wasn’t the AIDS epidemic more about the use of amyl nitrates which, beginning with the gay movement in 1969, were dispensed freely in the discos, etc. Not saying I know but from what I’ve been able to gather, this might have played a big part. During the seventies and eighties I was employed in county government. A co-worker – a gay man – told me that he had taken “poppers” once and it made him very ill. Can someone please comment on this?

By: CynthiEmm Sat, 15 Aug 2020 02:54:07 +0000 I can’t recall now where I read that heavy antibiotic use (certain ones) can cause symptoms of Ebola.

By: CynthiEmm Sat, 15 Aug 2020 02:51:22 +0000 I listened to his podcast only recently, and he literally did 4 podcasts after his diagnosis in May. His death happened so rapidly. Such a loss.

By: CynthiEmm Sat, 15 Aug 2020 02:47:20 +0000 Oh my, I had just started listening to his podcast last month…he had 3 podcasts where the talked about his diagnosis. His last podcast was the end of June or so and he sounded so unwell. Terrible, it literally happened so fast. What a loss.
