Comments on: Dispatches from the War: the trial of John Q Citizen Wed, 09 Dec 2020 00:34:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: zdb Mon, 24 Aug 2020 01:46:42 +0000 Imagine a path theough and out of this control trap. Something not so dramatic nor improbable as armed rebellion.

By: Piksil Sat, 22 Aug 2020 16:52:17 +0000 AJ:

Whaddya think?
I suspect the only reason Communist News Network covered this is so they can gleefully report a tragic ‘2nd Wave’ in the near future in Wuhan, possibly showing again how well the draconian lockdowns work. Before the rest of the world predictably experiences a ‘second wave’.

Or, could it be that they’re pointing out the success of the lockdown in China, and let people elsewhere reflect that their country can’t have pool parties? Here in the US, it’s ALL Trump’s fault, right? Grandpa Joe and Cameltoe Harris (sp? I can’t remember how to spell her name, guess I’d better learn by Nov.) surely wouldn’t have let that happen!

Or, maybe they’re just looking to report some good news from such an unfortunate country as China? Especially in these difficult times. It’s good to see there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s a water park!! Woohoo!

I find it interestingly in that CNN ‘report’ that China, host to the outbreak of the ‘virus’, experienced only 84,000 ‘cases’ nationwide. That really shows the effectiveness of their lockdowns, considering the worst virus known in the history of the world ‘started’ there, and spread rapidly before the Chinese health experts even knew what they were dealing with (the worst virus EVER in the history of the world). Yup, they welded doors shut, closed highways, and locked down a population of 60 million, out of a total population of 1.393 billion. (Funny that they didn’t mention ‘covid death’ numbers.) As a comparison, Illinois (US) has a population of 12.67 million (2019), but 218,000 ‘cases’. (Over 2 1/2 times the ‘cases’ with just over 1/4 the population.) I guess Illinois would do best to emulate China.
I’m sure that’s coming.

By: Al Sat, 22 Aug 2020 05:46:33 +0000 Wakey, Wakey folks…….

More on the search engines… not sure about go-ogle.

Nothing about vaccines, masks dadada ; )

By: Alexander Sat, 22 Aug 2020 05:16:38 +0000 A thought occurs.

What kind of psychopath, or some kind of narcissist-sociopath, would boldly invents a fake label to covers various symptoms that they claims is caused by a virus, whatever it might be, HIV, AIDS, Coronavirus, Covid-19, or whatever, what kind of mentality would create fake virus/whatever just to cause untold misery and panic and fear in millions, billions, of people, and ruins their lives in many ways?

We know the true causes is

* malnutrition, (war-induced starvation, forced starvation, not enough high nutrient foods),
* chemical drugs, ingesting too much drugs, (antibiotics, painkillers, recreational drugs, street-drugs, etc),
* pollution from chemicals such as fertilisers, poisonious pesticides, etc…
* vaccines are both poisonous chemicals AND pollution, bits of metals, plastics, whatever, who knows what.

But these psychotic cartels are pushing their kinds of “solutions”, when the truth is, they CAUSED all these problems in millions of ways, destroying entire communities in the process.

And they claims to care for our health. What bald-faced liars! What outrageous arrogance!

These psychopaths, these narcissist-sociopaths, must be gizzy with glee every day, waking up with happiness, that they holds the POWER over the rest of us, fascistic forcing THEIR view on the rest of us, ignoring our rebuttals, shutting us down, yet the TRUTH leaks out in a million ways, a billion ways, and we ALL know the TRUTH.

Yet these scumbags are in POWER, and the rest of us try to get by as best we can and not fall into their hands, but stay free and try to do our bit to spread the TRUTH as best as we can.

These low men must be truly dire, empty, soul-less, inhuman, for what they already done and willingly doing to the world in their insane drive to profits off our misery.

Is there no end to these insane morons?

When will sanity be regarded highly, instead of deluded insane on pedestal worshiped by the mainstream media cult?

Insanity must be contagious, it surely creeps downwards every time these insane gets up top, it spreads like a virus, it spreads like their favored imaginary Covid-19 virus, infecting and poisoning and rotting putrescent throughout the world of high medical & pharma cartel ranks. LOL.

Remember this? It sure fits them, doesn’t it?

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJB

This is what they do, twstign things around, to suit their own agendas, and it’s all about the MONEY, that’s why they do this, even though what they do is causing untold HARM to billions of people around the world.

Incredible. Astonishing. Power corrupts absolutely.

No wonder the LEFT wingers are all insane. They craved power, utter power, and money, and they don’t care that their actions caused billions of misery, sickness, and deaths, all over the world.

They have to be inhuman, or nonhuman. Alien? Reptilian? Who and WHAT these people are who orchestrates all these problems in our lives that we don’t need at all? WHO ARE THEY?

Sick men, that’s who they are. SICK. Sick in their empty souls, sick in their minds, sick in their spirits. Sick because they craves death and destruction of everyone? WHo knows what goes on in their evil hearts.

When will we rise up and beat these bullies down, no matter the cost? To win our freedom back? To be rid of these pestilence preying on us and sucking out our money?


By: Alexander Sat, 22 Aug 2020 03:59:58 +0000 Remember Jon’s AIDS Inc book? Substitute “AIDS” “HIV” with “Coronavirus”, “Covid-19”, and you get the same bullshit the powers-that-be medical cartel is pushing. smh

Slim disease? Wasting away disease? Malnutrition, hunger. Solution: Eat clean foods, health restored. Goes against the medical cartel’s plans of making money with drugs through their pharma cartel’s arm.

Drugs causing wasting away, causing induced-suppressed appetite, causing starvation, malnutrition, etc? Too bad, it’s good for you. Drug all the drugs and you’ll get better. Let’s try this drug… it’s new, but expensive… yes, medical cartels make billions from drugs through their pharma cartels, even if it’s all a con job, they don’t care. Money is their god, and lies is their game.

Pollution making you sick? Too bad, here’s the drug to help you FEEL better. Makes you feels worse? Too bad, here’s another drug, go on, I care about your well-being, (out of fake face, behind is glee for lots of money, ooh la la), here, take this to suppress effects of that drug I gave you before, go on, it’ll makie you feels goooood.

Etc etc etc…

It’s all bullshit con games by the medical and pharma cartels.

Try Colloidal Silver, proven to kill over 650 PLUS germs, etc including viruses, fungus, etc. Stops recording more than 650+ germs after 1948 by the FDA. Why? To stop trying to prove Colloidal Silver actually works. FDA is tied to medical and pharma cartel, just like CDC and WHO, etc. Nothing more than con men trying to justify their existence by shilling shit and claiming it is good FOR YOU. Notice, they don’t take the stuff, do they? Go look. Spy on them, see what they actually do for themselves and THEIR FAMILIES. Do they give the same shit to themselves or they lives on high nutrients, raw foods, healthy regimen WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY recommending their standard shit for the rest of us? Hypocrite, much?

Proofreading AIDS Inc, fixing typos, etc.

Wish I could make money faster, but I refuse to do anything unethical. (sighs)

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Sat, 22 Aug 2020 03:40:43 +0000 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT VIOLATORS

By: lamberth Sat, 22 Aug 2020 03:07:10 +0000 A “vaccine” being developed in the inner bowels of the insidious Medical Swamp called BigPharma.

What could possibly go wrong?

By: JB Sat, 22 Aug 2020 02:00:02 +0000 What’s sad is that, in a town a few miles away (the county seat), they are trying to make wearing masks mandatory. There was a protest there, though, and I think they delayed the vote. Hopefully, it won’t go through. They want to fine people for not wearing them in the borough, even outside.

By: Piksil Sat, 22 Aug 2020 01:42:12 +0000 Great idea!!

Especially now that they are just beginning to reopen movie theaters!

By: Larry C Sat, 22 Aug 2020 01:11:52 +0000 Excellent site, AK in VT…There are an ever-growing number of very intelligent people that – like Jon – are using logic, and hence THE FACTS, to deflate the Fear Porn Balloons that are being released to keep us permanently paralyzed with fear, panic and indecision. (Round-The-Clock anxiety, actually impairs our immune systems – never mind a putative virus, or the Totally Crushed Economy that awaits us when our “saviors” finally sound the All Clear.)

