Comments on: “No need to isolate the new virus, we have its genetic sequence”: Really? Mon, 11 Jan 2021 00:00:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: davep Mon, 11 Jan 2021 00:00:14 +0000

By: za ka lu Fri, 28 Aug 2020 20:26:27 +0000 *PCR test

By: Anon Fri, 28 Aug 2020 17:08:34 +0000 “The headline of this article is a typical defense offered to “prove” researchers actually discovered a new pandemic virus, SARS-CoV-2”

What “article”?

By: Paula Garten Fri, 28 Aug 2020 16:33:38 +0000 I have read but can’t verify that the PCR test “finds” a specific gene sequence that is every human being. That means there can’t be a negative result from PCR tests. Am I going in the right direction or is my deduction false? Thanks.

By: za ka lu Fri, 28 Aug 2020 15:49:15 +0000 stories–fiction

covid cannot be isolated because it does not exist? answers why this essential step was glossed over–

yet they claim genetic sequence is known while never isolating??!! impossible–

to get a result, the PRR test cannot test for covid and must test for basic flesh and blood material like chromosome 8 because there is no covid–

we are lied to about everything, all of their game is wretched fiction–

stop playing their game

By: Aethelfrith Thu, 27 Aug 2020 18:18:26 +0000 Jon,

The fact that COVID is an RNA virus makes the fairy tale of it persisting on surfaces for weeks and weeks utterly, utterly laughable.

I’ve worked in RNA-handling labs for years and one of the things they all have in common is paranoia regarding ungloved hands. You see, human skin naturally secretes RNA-digesting enzymes so we all have to wear gloves in such labs–not to protect ourselves, but to protect our samples.

Do you remember the last politically-motivated epidemic, AIDS? It too is mediated by an RNA virus, one that is so fragile that it can only be spread by direct contact with the bloodstream or the genitalia.

By: Jubal Thu, 27 Aug 2020 18:16:36 +0000 Never mind. The comment you are replying to is a correction to a first comment I made that for some reason is not shown. My second comment (shown) is meaningless without the first one (not shown). I’m inclined to side with Dr Kaufman and I like his way of explaining the ideas he puts forth. I just was trying to make a point about the need for unblemished reasoning, concerning another video (not the one you posted).

The main point of my first comment was to ask for help to clarify a supposed rebuttal of the human chromosome 8 genetic sequence story that I found elsewhere.

Also, in my first comment I included a link to the same interview you link, but in David Icke’s Bitchute channel, just in case YouTube takes down the one you posted. We should use links from other platforms, like Bitchute, and Brighteon when possible, to fight censorship by the technocrats.

By: Piksil Thu, 27 Aug 2020 16:43:31 +0000 Opine Polk:

Just think how collectible the plushies of the virus they handed out at Event201 will be.

By: za ka lu Thu, 27 Aug 2020 15:38:43 +0000 100% error rate with pcr test

thx madness

By: Madness Thu, 27 Aug 2020 07:10:44 +0000 Does it matter? Sorry, I mean I saw the presentation of Dr Kaufman, the video showing eletronmicroscope’ photos about exosomes and viruses and comparing to them. They are the same.
To my best understanding no virus ever was properly isolated and proven to cause a thing.
When it comes to professionals – who to believe – for it is Stefan Lanka, he got Nobel to discover a giant sea-virus, he surely knows what he is talking about. Besides he was the first (many years ago) who made the public aware how BP and MSM and the rest related to them are lying about photos of viruses, faking images of them.
I also found interesting that one of the most feared virus – small pox – disappeared. Or that in past the big epidemics were caused by bacteria but virus. The only exception is small pox… but we can’t examine it as disappeared.
I’ve been following Jon’s work for years now. I followed how the big epidemics failed one by one and were proven being a scam.

Just follow the money.
